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Cecelia Poems - Poems about Cecelia

Cecelia Poems - Examples of all types of poems about cecelia to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for cecelia.
Premium Member I Feel So Little Send Me what you heard around the worlds said It is Good It feels Like Good Energy
...United States (US): United Kingdom (UK): Australia (AU): Germany (DE): France (FR Spain (ES): Italy (IT): Netherlands (NL) Poland (PL): Sweden (SE): Japan (JP): Canada (CA): T......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, adventure, america, analogy, beauty,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member It's Your Faith That Keeps You Going
...Every drop that falls from the sky Can transform into a pearl; Every leaf that falls from a tree Can turn out to be a greeting card; If you have faith in God and yourself. The more you live in......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, faith,
Form: Verse

Premium Member Enjoy Life
...ENJOY LIFE I keep going on being strong and optimistic. I meet morals melting mind in modesty I admit that Life is reflection of a game Rare......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, life,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member I Keep On Going
...When the opaque nights are starless, and the gloomy days cloudy, the journey through the vale of life is not easy as it is meant to be. When the wilted flowers turn pallid, and the defoliated......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, analogy, blessing, god, hope,
Form: Verse
Premium Member What Keeps Me Going
...I’m a doer ~ creativity is what feeds my inner fire I’m a doer ~ I get my satisfaction from juggling ideas and thinking outside the box I’m a doer ~ I thrive on dreaming up solutions the......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, confidence, future, hope, time,
Form: Verse

Premium Member The Five F's: My Motivations
...What will I pack for lunch at work? I gather healthful foods in the morning: Nuts? Dark chocolate? A salad with croutons? Perhaps organic crackers with cheese or maybe a nice sandwich - tuna, eg......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, life,
Form: Verse
Premium Member What Keeps Me Going
...What keeps me going in these cruel days? Feeling my dogs' warm bodies next to mine. Reading a poem that makes my heart sing, or one so beautiful, it will bring tears. Talking with friends as hour......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, anxiety, bird, books, dog,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member On the Inside - 2
...The hope that comes alive On the inside When I allow God to smile Through my life Forever alive, a light Shining bright, glimmering On the inside… The faith that sings of thanks On the insi......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, blessing, faith, god, hope,
Form: Verse
Premium Member What Keeps Me Going
...Life, like a practiced comedian on the stage Keeps smiling and frowning in turn. Under the embers of joy that spark from our hearts, Lies the pulverized heap of charcoaled dreams! Some......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, anxiety, blessing, cheer up,
Form: Verse
Premium Member What Keeps Me Going
...When didn't exist, in this globe, Ill-health, Hunger and poverty? When didn't pandemic and rife, Make beings shattered and empty? When weren't wars and battles, For power and pride, fought?......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, endurance, life, love, poems,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Turn To Bright
... If last year really sucked for you, my guess: likely this year will too. For happiness in circumstance can prove a vicious little dance, A trap that you cannot improve, because a rut......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, jesus, joy,
Form: Verse
Premium Member God Made Rainbows
...Similar to Noah's, and in an analogous way, That was the catalyst for the rise of the rainbow. After the flood, Noah has warranted the decay, This pledge will be obvious on the display......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, analogy, appreciation, bereavement, courage,
Form: Verse
Premium Member I Love What Keeps Me Going
...I ask the Lord, as I look high up above What keeps me going....Is it just love? I love- The sun, smiling...and the floating snow I love- To watch the swirling winds...........Blow I love- T......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, love,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Pizzazz and Flair
...My mind bubbles over with happy thoughts When all is down, I think all systems are go, I refuse to let myself get tied up in knots There are two sides to every coin, you know, You can......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, fun, joy, life, perspective,
Form: Verse
Premium Member P S It's Poetry Write On Write On Congrats To My Fellow Poetry Soupers Part 6
...P.S. IT’S POETRY WRITE ON WRITE ON CONGRATS TO MY FELLOW POETRY SOUPERS PART 6 Many thanks to you selected poets; Of sharing your whispers from God, tho you didn’t know it; Each letters and each wor......Read the rest...
Categories: cecelia, analogy, engagement, poets,
Form: Free verse

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry