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Wash Car Poems

These Wash Car poems are examples of Car poems about Wash. These are the best examples of Car Wash poems written by international poets.

Premium Member My Life As A Car
Why Is it I take you anywhere you want to go, but you refuse to wash me
You leave me out in the cold all night...

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Categories: car, fantasy,

Premium Member I Cried Listening to Frank Sinatra's Christmas Album in the Car
Noel set me off.
Memories, permutations, 
Eating paper.
My mother in her apron.
Dad with the black bin bag
Ready to bin the now useless wrapping 
I thought.

As I...

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Categories: car, appreciation,

Premium Member The Can'T Keep Still Kid
The sun is up, and I'm up. Both the sun and I are up, we're up, we're up
Off with my sleeping clothes, off it goes,...

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© Hilo Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: boat, boy, car, childhood,

Car Wash
car wash
rain dance...

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Categories: car, blessing, humor, money,

Premium Member Lies - All Lies
[Got stuck in traffic today. The car in front of me was…
I kid you not… everyone’s favourite flying car!]

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Categories: car, truth,

The heavens open up and 
the earth drinks desperately
Waterfalls of cleansing rain wash
this world of ours anew
Drinking tea, 
I put a line through “wash car”...

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© C.W. Bryan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: car, joy, rain, weather,

Premium Member Lee's Magic Tunnel Car Wash
There is a place in our town
where magic still occurs.
You put your junk in,
you wait a while…

It’s fun to watch:
you can’t really see well, 

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© Jeff Kyser  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: car, magic,

Premium Member Kingsbridge Nine O Five
Pulled on the parka, and turned my face to the cold street.
Half running, half slipping, piece of toast hangin' from my mouth..
man oh man am...

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Categories: beautiful, car, girl, love,

Ode To My Car
The Wonder Mobile broke today
Of course it would happen
Why wouldn’t it
4 cylinders running on 3
Getting out to push probably much faster
Poor little Corolla

It had a...

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© Byron Kaya  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: car,

Morning Drive
That same yellow light blinks, day after day.
A caution, a check up, or turn to be?
Days it stays, but many times fades away.
Morning dew stained...

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Categories: anxiety, car, color, dream,

Premium Member Total Kibosh
Oh my gosh!
Utter bosh...
Waves swash,
Watery slosh,
Simply awash,
Auto wash...
Oughta quash?
Lost me galosh!
That's not posh.
Put the kibosh-
Don't josh!...

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© Greg Gaul  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: car, crazy, cute, fun,

Fragile are crisp clean lines that edge an invisible thread
Carelessly crushed beneath the unknown forceful dead

Efforts of gripping the reality through truthful grief pained wash

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Categories: america, car, community, culture,

Premium Member I'M the Car That's New Again
Lathered wet I stand in the gutter,
And quietly move in line,
To the rub that’s a dreamy decadence,
The rub that’s deeply divine.

Then those monster legs begin,...

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Categories: car, care, humorous,

Premium Member Why I Hate Pigeons
They are perched everywhere just waiting. 
If you feed them, they will start defecating. 
Some people consider them rats with wings. 
Pigeons can do some...

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Categories: bird, car,

Premium Member The Hi-Ways and the By-Ways
The Hi-ways and the By-ways
By Franklin Price

The hi-ways and the bi-ways long before the Super-way,
Driving 'round the country different, here are memories of the day


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Categories: car, history, travel,

Book: Shattered Sighs