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Brutality Poems - Poems about Brutality

Brutality Poems - Examples of all types of poems about brutality to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for brutality.
I haven't even processed And There came another . once again buried Innocent's story of brutality. My worries doesn't stand a chance For what they went through Places full of joyous chants Their voices ignored as deafening...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, abuse, anti bullying, courage,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ivory
My heart aches at thought of elephants' plight Those splendid ivory tusks ignite Killing spree that's totally senseless Brutality against absolute defenceless. Elephants roamed with freedom graced Then intruders arrived with deadly face Felled by ignorance and arrogant gun I ask you,...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, animal, corruption, dark, feelings,
Form: Couplet

Rampant and Endemic Police Brutality
Rampant and endemic police brutality... flourishes against United States citizens of color going on three years post George Floyd short lived heightened awareness when #blacklivesmatter in conjunction with 1619 project wrought upwelling of progressive surge hinting at positive...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, absence, abuse, africa, anger,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Mirza Ghalib
Mirza ghalib ko habeeb jalib Sunny Leone ko sunny deol Kya likhna kya likhna Asif zardari ko asif laghari Peer zafar shah ko madari Kya likhna kya likhna Najeeb sultan ko habeeb sultan Jahil jhotay logon ko musalman Kya likhna kya likhna Karaya Daar...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, abuse, anti bullying, character,
Form: Rhyme
Police Brutality
Police Brutality We’ll shoot. Don’t move. Don’t talk or We’ll disapprove. Don’t reach. We’ll kill. Comply, Listen, Be quiet, Be still. Four in the morning wake up. Forget the horrors, don’t sip the death cup. Get ready for work, put down the...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme

Police Brutality
We’ll shoot. Don’t move. Don’t talk or We’ll disapprove. Don’t reach. We’ll kill. Comply, Listen, Be quiet, Be still. Four in the morning wake up. Forget the horrors, don’t sip the death cup. Get ready for work, put down the sharpened...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
The Faces of Brutality
The face of brutality They never worry about us So we dont care about them Cos our bloods are hotter It our time yes it our generation if I remain cold in this time Push me...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, abuse, africa, deep, humanity,
Form: Epic
Elementel Forces Cry
A morbid chill in the wind, The sea not always quiet, She's mercenary like her brutality, The sky a canvas of colours somber and sultry, A morbid sound within the wind sends shivers inside, Rain heavy and fast, vast amounts...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, color, nature, rain, sea,
Form: Free verse
Cold Reaper
I scorn the scowls of winter’s reaper steel slicing scythe his corded calamity! Who grabs the life from my chest a killing clutch his murderous glee! Cold stagnant breath rots my cheek putrid frigid blight his icy stagnancy! Loud howling voice a solemn knell the endless tolling his ringing revelry! Oh...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, nature,
Form: Rhyme
World War Ii Poems and Holocaust Poems - I
World War II Poems and Holocaust Poems (I) These are poems about World War II and the Holocaust, which is also called the Shoah in Hebrew. Epitaph for a Child of the Holocaust by Michael R. Burch I...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, evil, holocaust, racism, truth,
Form: Rhyme
Epidemic Brutality
J-ust A-void I-nvisible M-ystery's E-pidemic B-rutality A-s R-abid C-oronavirus E-mploys L-ethal L-ink A-nd N-asty O-utbreak Topic: Birthday of Jaime Barcellano (May 20) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Police Brutality
when i saw it i was sad angry hurt shocked, and sought my sanctuary 082420PSCtest, When Plans Don't Go To Plan, Silent One Per rules: No caps, little to no punctuations...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, america, death, evil, pain,
Form: Monoku
Failure makes me stronger, That doesn't mean it didn't hurt. I'm just tired and pale, And I will live more underground. I pay the price for someone else's labels, What the stupid people of society hang. The label wounds are very...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, poems, poetry, society, sometimes,
Form: Verse
Lethal Brutality
M-ysterious E-pidemic's L-ethal B-rutality O-nerously U-ses R-aunchy N-astiness E-mploying G-rime U-ntil A-trocious D-isease A-ttacks N-ose A-nnoyingly Topic: Birthday of Melbourne V. Guadaña (April 15) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Crime of Colour
Guilty by birth, A citizen by a vote A right that took centuries for women to exercise A narrative that still paints societies In two opposing colors With tension simmering underground And the quack so profound. Divisions, discord, and decadence Trust thinning frivolously With...Read the rest...
Categories: brutality, black african american, color,
Form: Free verse

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