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Best Natural Disasters Poems

Below are the all-time best Natural Disasters poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of natural disasters poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

Running through my mind,
Running through my veins,

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Categories: natural disasters, abuse, analogy, art, corruption,
Form: Epic

Premium Member Just a Tree - a Requiem
Someone who knows
Said You were an old ancient Tree,
But at the time, it didn’t really matter, 
Or seem important to me.
I knew You only for...

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Categories: natural disasters, conflict, earth, heartbroken, humanity,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member FANTASTIC BEASTS - Collab with Tom Woody, spoken by Sam Scott and Sara A

A big shoutout and thank you to Tom Woody for being an amazing collaborator on this epic project. Also, a huge thank you to Sam...

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Categories: natural disasters, adventure, fantasy, fate, natural
Form: Epic
Premium Member Erosion (Haiku)
Gullies scar brown earth
     Hurricanes bring erosion
          Of both soil and lives...

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Categories: natural disasters, nature
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic
In nineteen eighteen there was an outbreak of flu
Caused little concern, only affected a few
But it returned with a vengeance later that year
And the world...

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Categories: natural disasters,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Oops - It's a Bit of a Cock Up
Ted enjoys a quick roll in the hay...
He’s sleeping with his buxom P A
She confirmed she’s with child
Ted baulked, then got quite riled
I wonder what...

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Categories: humorous, lust, natural disasters,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Prayer For the Bahamas
With broken hearts we turn to You
Our tears cannot help those in need
To countless souls we bid adieu
And hope You listen as we plead

Bahamians need...

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Categories: faith, natural disasters,
Form: Rhyme
Clown At the Abyss
Italian restaurant; pasta and wine - red, like the eyes of a bat,
Screeching from a cave, dark as the eyes of a snowman,
Coal plucked from...

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Categories: natural disasters, allegory, conflict, confusion, corruption,
Form: Free verse
What the Eyes Cannot See
Kyoko walks alone in the morning tide, 
comforted for a fleeting moment by salty air.
She feels the same sand between her toes 
as when she...

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Categories: environment, loss, natural disasters,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Blind Panic
Blind panic

There was a warning came one day
It said disaster’s on its way
An old volcano in the distance
It could erupt in any instance

The molten ash...

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Categories: natural disasters, earth, fear, horror, natural
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member For Shame
The inky black water sucks her in further
As she descends into the black depths of the abyss
Cloying dark swirls cover her head as soundlessly it...

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Categories: betrayal, environment, natural disasters,
Form: Free verse
Knee Deep In N'Awlins
tempest stomps her feet
as she shakes her liquid skirt
knee deep in N'awlins...

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Categories: natural disasters,
Form: Haiku
Himalayan Trip-Trap-2
Himalayan  Trip-Trap

They poured in,  before the deluge
To surpass the natives in numbers
folks in their  cribs -through-hearse  stages, 
trusting like kids, ...

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Categories: natural disasters, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Land of Misery
On the eastern shore, she knocked on our door
Then drifted away to the west
She then turned north, and steadily forth
With rage upon her crest

As she...

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© Joe Inka  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: natural disasters,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member One Wild Lady
St Helens, volatile lady,
Is letting off some steam.
She is seething now with anger.
We know not to what extreme.

I remember the eruption in
The year of ninety-eighty.

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Categories: natural disasters,
Form: Narrative

Book: Shattered Sighs