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Best Hurt Poems

Below are the all-time best Hurt poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of hurt poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Cup of Empty
She pours him a cup of empty
From a teapot of childhood dreams
He loves the sound of her giggles
Hers is the light of a thousand moonbeams


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Categories: hurt, addiction, adventure, beautiful, dream,
Form: Quatrain

Premium Member I Wore Your Skin
~I wore your skin~

Brother, I wore your skin last night
Nothing but friction, blood -dry ink
Announcing a crush "Silence by the Sky!"
Integrity denied, endangered enemy

Brother, I...

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Categories: hurt, anger, bullying, dark, deep,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member I Can'T Breathe
In memory of----

Solely in my room, I can't stomach the sound of my pulse
I sit here alone to forget the taste of air.
Overwhelm by the...

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Categories: hurt, abuse, bullying, color, discrimination,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member - Haiku X 62 - Deep Wounded -
deep wounds that leave scars
    one moment much more must flow -
    shadows from the soul


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Categories: cry, hurt,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Yesterday's Fragile Truth
Betrayal devastates your naive heart,
severing all ties before love can start.
And slowly, depression entraps your soul
as disparaging lies exact their toll.

Chameleon clouds change to match...

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Categories: angst, betrayal, depression, hurt,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Trust Me - I'M a Liar
Like a spider you drew me into your web
Cocooning me within your silver threads
Words, pretty words
I was totally taken in
Wrapping me up in silk ribbons,...

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Categories: betrayal, hurt, life, trust,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Dance of Jealousy
Her piercing eyes burn through paper-thin lies
igniting fear as flames erupt inside.
And accusingly, she breaks down and cries,
trying to salvage what's left of her pride.


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Categories: hurt, angst, anxiety, betrayal, emotions,
Form: Sonnet
Screaming At the Sky
Screaming at the Sky
Mothers screaming mournfully at a deaf sky
holding their heads helplessly as they cry
pitiful tears for innocent, defenseless children slaughtered
in fatal cross...

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Categories: children, drug, grief, hurt,
Form: Verse
Dormant Decession

I'm an ashen dove, 
fading in zephyr 
of wine valleys, 
saturating in fog 
upon enchanting hills, 
draped in 
grape-green silk, 
where fantasies of forest, 

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Categories: black love, hurt, life,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Lilac Feathered Goodbye
I hope you would still remember me as we were,

every time you see pristine 

passing pomegranate hues of the horizon.

When clouds smear our unspoken love...

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Categories: hurt, break up, deep, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member My Song
~Not Like Me~ 

When you were first put into my arms, 
I begged God, to make you nothing like me 
For my sins, ask for...

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Categories: hurt, betrayal, conflict, depression, emotions,
Form: Free verse
Tell It To the Rain
Like the cloud, I am collecting the moisture in memory,
Soaking up the solitude, I have been alone in misery.
Feeling full on failure, droplet wall builds...

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Categories: hurt, rain, sad,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Stand By Me
Stand by me when your dreams might fail,
And the burning light of your plans grows pale.
Stand by me when the world is cruel,
When they shake...

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Categories: devotion, forgiveness, friend, hurt,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member She Arose
She arose…
A phoenix out of a pile of ashes…
Out of abandonment
Out of hardships and constraints
Out of depression and sadness

She arose…
Out of cutbacks and setbacks 

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Categories: confidence, courage, endurance, hurt,
Form: Free verse
Sarah's Story - Mental Illness
Sarah’s Story - Mental Illness

Sarah, the “Crazy Lady,” was a familiar sight,
roaming the streets any time of day or night.
Her foul body odor announced her...

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Categories: crazy, depression, hurt, mental
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs