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Best Home Poems

Below are the all-time best Home poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of home poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member A Home Sweet Home
At long day’s end, our thoughts may stray
to where we long to wend our way- 
a peaceful place where we dismiss 
all things in life...

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Categories: home,
Form: Rhyme

Home Collaberation With Silent One
Standing in the heart of this city
in awe of spectacular lights illuminating tall buildings.
Millions of strangers rush to and fro.
Who would've thought I would be...

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Categories: absence, desire, home, longing,
Form: Prose
Premium Member Coming Back Home
C ountry roots beckon regrets of past transgression
O ne-way ticket meant to soothe my innermost obsession
M emories of you not fading with passing of the...

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Categories: forgiveness, home, love, nostalgia,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Will You Tie My Shoes When I Grow Old
You were beautiful, 
my tiny child, 
wrapped tightly in my arms, 
close to my heart.
I listened to you breathing.
I counted your fingers
and your toes.

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Categories: home, caregiving, childhood, daughter, growing
Form: Narrative
Premium Member That Potent Urge -Gotta Go, Gotta Go Right Now
I think no stimulus could be
as potent as the one to pee.
A feeling frequent and innate
is this - the urge to urinate.
It comes each day...

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Categories: home,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Homecoming
It was in late October in the year nineteen seventy three
That the war in South Vietnam was finally over for me
I boarded the seven o...

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Categories: america, father, home, mother,
Form: Narrative
Your Love I'Ll Ever Bear
I want to word my very Love for you
though as a shy child, I start to stammer
a beloved Mother, my sole bijou
as I am of...

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Categories: africa, beauty, happiness, home,
Form: Sonnet
Under the Willow Trees
A path strewn thick with ruddy-faced leaves
led to nowhere and everywhere in fantasies, 
our near-death rescue from boredom 

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Categories: home, childhood, death of a
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Devils Riddle
The Devils Riddle

Dark is the night
Dark is the soul
Dark is the heart that used to glow

Empty are the rainbows falling from the skies
Empty of the...

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Categories: grave, home, journey,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member A Child's Good Night
At night the sun has gone to sleep
And crickets sing a tune.
The bullfrogs croak and creatures creep
Beneath the watching moon.

The masked raccoons and possums prowl

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Categories: children, dream, home, night,
Form: Quatrain
Moving On
I'm not selling a house, i'm leaving my home.
Happy times together, months spent alone.
Morning sickness, baby loss, labour and birth
Planting my seeds in good strong...

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Categories: home, child, emotions, family, garden,
Form: I do not know?
The Humble Abode
Mama says this is where 
  I was born on a stormy night
    the benignant horn was where

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Categories: home,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Of All I Have Lost
Of all the things that I have lost
Perhaps what hurts the most
Is that I can no longer go
to where I once called home...

I cannot roam...

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Categories: home,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member One Life
There have been those who said,                   ...

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Categories: food, green, home, jobs,
Form: Narrative
Have a Blessed 4th of July-
As today.. tis 4th of July
May Blessings come 
before Your eyes
All Praise and Glory
be to God Almighty

As You watch and see 
Beyond and within Fireworks

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© Star Light  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: inspirational, lovegod, beautiful, home,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things