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Best Elegiac Lyric Poems

Below are the all-time best Elegiac Lyric poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of elegiac lyric poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member My Broken Heart
  "Loved you then.  Love you still. 
Always have, and always will."


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Categories: grief, heart, love,
Form: Elegiac Lyric

My Father, My Dad

My voice is weak, my hand falters
As I attempt to speak of my...

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Categories: appreciation, dad, father, love,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
An Elegy For a New Born
In the world  of all comforts,
In the world of absolute care and affection,
In the world of motherhood.
Ten months I was basking, in my mother's...

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Categories: absence, anxiety, grief, loss,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Premium Member Requiem For a Seahorse
On a sultry, sizzling July day
I swear it happened just this way
In a tidal pool, a lifeless seahorse lay

He’d not galloped to meet his fate

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Categories: animal, inspiration,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Vietnam Victim

Leaving for a year
to nightmare and fear
he came to say goodbye
or at least...

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Categories: daughter, father, war,
Form: Elegiac Lyric

Death - Not My Child
A kaleidoscope’s blossoms are not as awesome
as my child at every turn; watching his silences – 
I burn, watching his movements – I yearn. ...

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Categories: death, grief,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Pygmy Forest Song
I lost you out there.
You never came on home.
I called for you and I called to you,
but you never came on home.

I lost you out...

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Categories: death, farewell, goodbye, grief,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Crocked Ribs
They have command on me
my posture has been so
since birth and even now
a grown up, no change
The back has followed
the legs are going there
why can’t...

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Categories: fate, humanity, metaphor,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
These Little Ones
These little children seen around
Have something in them mysterious
That thing adult cannot understand
‘Cause they are too child-like to impress

These little children play and conflict
They cry,...

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Categories: children, satire, song,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
You would not know, but
You would never know me,
But a theme you were of my dream,
Filled by love to the brim,
Unfulfilled that withered like cream.

You would never know me,

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Categories: love, remember,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Didn'T Mean To
It was a heartfelt indulge of an act
The night like knights we lighted
Like a king yah served my want
Like a deal we moved on and...

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Categories: art, heartbroken, lost love,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
(Every year in the lunar month of Muharram we Shia Muslims commemorate the brutal martyrdom of the grandson of our Holy prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) and...

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Categories: history, islamic, remembrance day,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Premium Member Translation of the Windmills of Your Mind By T Wignesan
Translation of Les Moulins de mon Cœur-THE WINDMILLS OF YOUR MIND by T. Wignesan

(For the orignal text in French by Eddy MARNAY : see here...

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© T Wignesan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: autumn, destiny, heartbroken, lost
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Requim For Un
United Nations, United Nations
What an oxymoron!
What an oxymoron!!

The platitude goes-
‘United we stand’
In the UN,
How erect we stand!
How erect we stand!!
We are *****erectus
Aren’t we?

This genocide-friendly...

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Categories: sorrow,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
African Dream
Which is the real African dream?
building an independent  continent?
decolonization of neocolonialism?
I think it is a no!

Which is the virgin African dream?
is it life of...

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Categories: africa, inspirational, song,
Form: Elegiac Lyric

Book: Reflection on the Important Things