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Best Boat Poems

Below are the all-time best Boat poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of boat poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member I Wandered Lonely As a Boat
"I wandered lonely as a cloud."  William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a boat   
a shallow dingy left behind,  
alone in marsh...

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Categories: age, boat, fate, lonely,
Form: Lyric

Premium Member Life Spent All Alone
Life Spent All Alone 

I felt such joy when first my hull met sea.
'Twas years ago before my shattered shell
Was tossed and ravaged, fisherman and...

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Categories: boat, death, deep, devotion,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member The Land of the Midnight Sun
I went cruising to Norway with my wife across the North Sea
We travelled the route the Vikings took but with added luxury
Our first port of...

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Categories: boat, friend, holiday, sea,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Pirate Bay
```Pirate Bay the Haiku``` 

pirates fierce and mean 
drowning fish, sea to sea 
parrots on their butt 

```Polly Wants A Cracker``` 

bloodthirst & brutal 

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Categories: adventure, anti bullying, boat,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member The Loss of the Lifeboat, the 'Solomon Browne'
In the year ninteen eighty one on the nineteenth day of December
A day the town of Mousehole in Cornwall, will always remember
An R.N.L.I. Watson class...

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Categories: boat, death, people, rain,
Form: Narrative

Splash of Black
Jesus Savior...Pilot Me from

Across the blackest waters 
ripples of pain,
swell into an anguish splashing 
against the blackest shore, 
and in the rustling of brittle...

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Categories: boat, faith, metaphor, pain,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member we're sinking
and I'm cold so cold  icebergs loom through dark  lethal as fins of sharks  fins or frost flowers or firework flares ...

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Categories: boat, death, sea,
Form: Prose Poetry
Premium Member In Sandalwood Dreams
Turned and tossed like toys
Riding the mighty waves
Their master does what he wilt
To them his humble slaves

Rudely he flings their boats asunder
But calm can be...

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Categories: boat, fishing, ocean, scary,
Form: Rhyme
Two Lost Souls
As we walk along the beach on a moonlit night
I reach for your hand and grasp it 
feeling our pulse pounding together 
I stop and...

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© Bobby May  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: boat,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Breeze and I Plus a Thank You
This poem is dedicated to that kind person who donated me with a Premium Membership.  I did not expect it but my grateful thanks...

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Categories: boat, sea, wind,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Harmony of Dusk
The mellow western sky darkened, 
The sea was calm that night,
Yachts tacking across the bay
Towards their appointed piers.
Luminous moon rays shimmer 
Over wavelets that bathed

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Categories: boat, kiss, love, sea,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member One Tune
Looking divine a picture goddess 
jewels crowning gems sparkling magic 
shining beautiful moon princess dazzling light

At a regal glance priceless cut, shines out diamond
silver ivory...

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Categories: angel, beautiful, beauty, boat,
Form: Free verse
You, Me and the Open Sea
Just you, me and the open sea,
in a boat with a big white sail.
We’ll ride the surf and laugh with glee,
said the centipede to the...

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Categories: children, boat, , Lullaby,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Fishermans Brush With Death - Sea Shanty
One fine day I was fishing at sea
Two big blue whales swam up by me
They flicked their tails sent up a spray
All I could do...

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Categories: boat, fishing, water,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member Disaster On Flight Fd4465e
I arrived at the airport, along with my wife
For two whole weeks we'll live the good life
We're flying out today for a break in Italy

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Categories: boat, fear, flying, holiday,
Form: Narrative

Book: Reflection on the Important Things