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Assistant Poems - Poems about Assistant

Assistant Poems - Examples of all types of poems about assistant to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for assistant.

Premium Member Naomi the Invisible Cna
Naomi has seen this sight many times before She knows Mrs. Bee will be gone in two days If not before She makes her as comfortable as she can The doctor comes in; he takes the lady’s hand Attempts...Read the rest...
Categories: assistant, death,
Form: Prose Poetry
Exams the Dental Assistant Stress Test
It was the exam of all exams to test the mind....The Soul....Phyiscal agility...Years of Coordination, and Comprehension Skills.... I went for a walk and the pool had a leak I happen to go ito...Read the rest...
Categories: assistant, anxiety, work,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member My Day As a Photo Assistant
She was the most beautiful model in grayscale I’d ever seen. With a haughty smile, arrogant, a nineteen sixty-four queen. She had Jackie’s air about her, and it was majestic and fine. I wondered if her well-coiffured hair...Read the rest...
Categories: assistant, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Lee and Her Assistant
Lee marginalized her assistant’s help. Just a beginner, a bit of a whelp. The assistant is queen. Admired and seen. And Lee’s at the fish market, selling kelp....Read the rest...
Categories: assistant, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Miss Hornet and the Bee Hive Fling
Virginia was looking for an adventure at sea Her life was turned upside down due to being a worker bee Stress took its toll in her honey loving hive When one morning her romantic fantasy...Read the rest...
Categories: assistant, beach, beauty, break up,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Master's Peachy Call
Once there was a Master that was put on hold The one keeping the green safe felt this was very cold “We are trying to contact you!” “About an issue that said the Master was...Read the rest...
Categories: assistant, care, cheer up, engagement,
Form: Rhyme
Good Assistant
K-ind A-nd G-ood A-ssistant W-ith A-ll D-edication N-icely G-uides P-arent's N-ice K-ids Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: assistant, faith,
Form: Acrostic
Personal Assistant
Computer personal assistants are the rage As computers look to come of age With female voices that are a hit for everyone But the Germans want a male to say what is done These have already raised sales for...Read the rest...
Categories: assistant, computer,
Form: Ballad
Alternate and Assistant
D-ay I-s N-ight's A-lternate A-s R-ay I-s L-ight's L-ovely A-ssista nt Topic: Birthday of Dina Jean Arilla (May 4) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: assistant, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
The Assistant
The assistant At the doctor`s surgery, he had a young girl training to be a diabetist; she had Chalcedony eyes that shone brightly as onyx, her skin alabaster without any blemish, a shy smile played upon...Read the rest...
Categories: assistant, baby,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member The Assistant
Reasoning is the divine force in Man able to transform him into an assistant of the cosmic order! © Demetrios Trifiatis 25 February 2017...Read the rest...
Categories: assistant, men, truth, world,
Form: Monoku
The Curse's Assistant
CERTIFIED CURSE’S ASSISTANT Did you know there are places our old folk are kept? And if sadly they have no one else a guardian must decline or accept If they choose to eat they’re served the cheapest...Read the rest...
Categories: assistant, black african american, old,
Form: Canzone

Book: Reflection on the Important Things