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Admired Poems - Poems about Admired

Admired Poems - Examples of all types of poems about admired to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for admired.

Miracles' What He's Got
I have seen what He can do Admired all that He has done It was for all the people That His race was actually won Behold my child now listen To the things I have to say Important things that you...Read the rest...
Categories: admired, christian, encouraging, fate, hero,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member I Have Always Admired You
I have always admired you But you seem so put together And above my station I stay away There is a part of me that really wants to know you But I am intimidated by your style Your voice, your laughter...Read the rest...
Categories: admired, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Poeticism Admired
Claims bestilled north river long shores of yore, inscribed quill while floored, dry well mirror cracked, breathes clement time preclude stray minds the score, crept halls, wings, flights of stares, hearts apart prepped, Cobbled stones of years earned the...Read the rest...
Categories: admired, appreciation, imagery, in memoriam,
Form: Sonnet

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Admired By Ladame
La dame de fer looks on furry tabby cat is enthralled woman plays mystery sonata is that a stratavarius? It is! we are all intrigued and excited including iron lady...Read the rest...
Categories: admired, cat, travel,
Form: Free verse
Woman As Art
she is close to perfection, so elegantly staged with charm, confusing to most like a mystery wrapped in beauty, my eyes have held the grace of an angel and the fury of a passing storm, she is not to be judged but respected, admired and loved....Read the rest...
Categories: admired, beauty,
Form: Free verse

Be Admired By Everyone
Be Admired By Everyone There are many things we desired; By everyone want to be admired; Where we went, Receive compliment, And by others have been inspired. Jim Horn...Read the rest...
Categories: admired, allegory, analogy,
Form: Limerick
Art Admired
Roaming around in the Gallery today Eyes growing wide with colourful sway Splashes so vibrant burying layers Flashes and hues, images and prayers Oil on canvas, surrealist and Glasgow Boys Catching my attention, full of the joys Some were dark, sad,...Read the rest...
Categories: admired, art,
Form: Free verse
Geniuses are admired the wealthy envied the strong glorified the powerful feared the tricky avoided the weak laughed at the holy hallowed But it is the one with good character who is trusted, honored, adored...Read the rest...
Categories: admired, allegory, philosophy, wisdom,
Form: Free verse
Things Admired
Diamonds Rubies Sapphires and pearls. These jewels are greatly admired by girls. Race cars Sports and anything that flies. These are the things admired by guys!...Read the rest...
Categories: admired, children,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things