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Administration Poems - Poems about Administration

Administration Poems - Examples of all types of poems about administration to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for administration.

American taxpayers are supporting the Biden's administration illegal aliens
According to a very close and informed personal friend of mine: "The taxpayers of the United States are currently support 25 million illegal immigrants, (that the Biden/Harris's administration has let into the United States.) Meaning that...Read the rest...
Categories: administration, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Project 2025
There will be catastrophic damages to our great nation, if we elect the Project 2025 conservative administration.. They plan to holt all carbon emission goals and return to drilling oil and gas and coals.. Begin the largest mass deportation. Eliminate the...Read the rest...
Categories: administration, america, angst,
Form: Rhyme

Biden Continuing The Tradition of US Interventionism
It makes me wonder if we have learned anything from our War on Terror in the Middle East. Biden gave the impression he understood that. I didn't think that Biden would be a War President,...Read the rest...
Categories: administration, america, children, war,
Form: Prose

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Incrimination of Administration
incrimination of each administration discriminations...Read the rest...
Categories: administration, allegory, analogy,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Weed Administration
Gardeners and farmers know better than to feed and water the weeds. Psychologists and sociologists agree, best way to manage an unrepentant narcissist is to ignore him and his ego-privileged run-away lose/lose habits, addictions, ranting...Read the rest...
Categories: administration, garden, health, integrity, mental
Form: Political Verse

Unite To Peacefully Overthrow Trump Administration Part I
Though no advocate of radical mass stick tummy, there must needs be some nonviolent modus operandi and/or modus vivendi spelling abandonment, whereby two party bicameral political system in United States buzzfeed ding, sans avarice,...Read the rest...
Categories: administration, allusion, anger, corruption, fate,
Form: Political Verse
Unite To Peacefully Overthrow Trump Administration Part Ii
oft times brutal not so short, but nasty acknowledgement, (this anonymous, conscientious, efficacious... frivolous gent writhes at bloody history), yet mindful premeditated how to be worthy, and now feels forced to be acquiescent (as well other citizens...Read the rest...
Categories: administration, abuse, anger, animal, bullying,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Apple Farmers On Trump's Administration
I was interviewing farmers about how they see Presidential performance in Trump's first year as CEO of this USA, incorporated for a yet more perfect Union: Well, I believe he only has one national leader who has publicly announced that he will do...Read the rest...
Categories: administration, betrayal, health, holocaust, humor,
Form: Political Verse
Premium Member Masters of Public Administration
A few decades ago I learned a Master of Public Health v Pathology Administration recognizes best opportunities emerge by co-evolving cooperative mastery of private-public nonduality, lovely political truths shyly hiding within nature's polycultural economic self-as-other co-facilitation of evolution. When I lapse into...Read the rest...
Categories: administration, culture, health, humanity, humor,
Form: Prose Poetry
Administration of Pineapples
Kindly stick to digging pineapples in the future as magic dust particles can really only spring up in defense patterns. And is it really wise to deal cards in a high tide. Deliver not an...Read the rest...
Categories: administration, earth,
Form: I do not know?
Premium Member Veterans Administration
emotionless i sat very still craving life creating fountains of hidden tears the sheer malice of it was beneath me i'd fondled with madness on an even cue i'd noted sighs of relief i'd mastered...Read the rest...
Categories: administration, dedication, me, self,
Form: Dramatic Verse
The Alias Administration
Yes we can beg for tomorrow since banks steal cash then won't borrow to stimulate jobs while Obama robs one job for Barry Soetoro....Read the rest...
Categories: administration, funny, political
Form: Limerick
Administration Frustration
I have no idea how I can convey to you, How surreal my life has become. Everything that could ever go wrong, Manages to before I've even begun. How can my voicemail disconnect?! Just during that week, too?! What's the chance...Read the rest...
Categories: administration, computer-internet, confusion, educationme, me,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry