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Abrim Poems - Poems about Abrim

Abrim Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abrim to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abrim.

Premium Member Harvest of Osyter Pearls
... her ethereal gaze tucked me into nirvanic waves tore me asunder amid quixotic abyss and seraphic throe  I harvest pearls from mollusks in swimming oysters  strip it in kaleidoscopic......Read the rest...
Categories: abrim, appreciation,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Raining in Summer
...there upon my bedroom pane is weaved a weary course of rain so indescript are they that chase and pause then run again from clouds they come to drip upon parched tongues and the thirsty ......Read the rest...
Categories: abrim, rain,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Who Shall I Be Today
... A beautiful little princess wishes she were someone else Perhaps a blue bird that sings or a black crow with a shrill Or something soft with white whiskers, a long-tailed mo......Read the rest...
Categories: abrim, childhood, imagination, innocence, nursery
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Avian Alibi
...I know it's highly unconvincing, Mrs Blackwell; an unimaginable storyline no doubt. In all your years of teaching science at St Hilda's you must have thought our wild excuses would run out. I kno......Read the rest...
Categories: abrim, fantasy,
Form: Rhyme
Abrims Life In a Cave In the Lore Hills
...Abrim lived in a dark cave somewhere in the Lore Hills. It was quite warm mostly but sometimes he got the chills. So he dug a fire pit in the centre of the cave, Somehow the warm glowing fire mad......Read the rest...
Categories: abrim, 10th grade,
Form: ABC

But a Love Now Long Gone
...One summer’s eve in Spain, I fled through an open window, Butterflies aflight In the very pit of me, And I tramped the streets, My heart abrim With such a love, But a love now long gone. Wi......Read the rest...
Categories: abrim, dream, eve, heart, lost
Form: Lyric
...Terrified moments are frozen in time another Black Friday inks history as fear gripped innocence wrenching it ripped it from their astonished eyes Then lights turned off on a Tower normally......Read the rest...
Categories: abrim, evil, hope, international, love,
Form: Free verse
The Hangman
...The pay is good. The world's abrim With men in need of dying. Though being shunned confounds him Some, he's past the point of trying. Unwelcome in their church, he prays Alone for his deliverance, B......Read the rest...
Categories: abrim, allegory, angst, death, dream,
Form: Rhyme
Wolf- Man, the Middle
...Day crackles clean and warm like burning coal A new passion swam his veins, they bonded him For that pheromone was strong in him, and abrim The pack bayed towards the sunlight burning gold And welco......Read the rest...
Categories: abrim, adventure, animals, imagination, child,
Form: Narrative
The Last Masterpiece
...She flowed out of his sable brush As if form became fluid Indigo blue the first of hues Each stroke a caress … A teardrop sliding down his face His memories piercing his heart Sighs and a ......Read the rest...
Categories: abrim, lost love, lovetime, blue,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry