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Poems by Lachlen Smith

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Below are poems written by United States poet Lachlen Smith. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Lachlen Smith.

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
12/03/2019 Emily Goes For a Walk 357 ABC
12/03/2019 Ugly Sue 393 Free verse
12/03/2019 Fallujah Iraq April 2007 501 ABC
12/01/2019 Tarred and Feathered 301 ABC
12/01/2019 Mrs Karminskis Ornaments 318 ABC
12/01/2019 We Are Nearly Home My Angel, We Are Nearly Home 285 ABC
12/01/2019 God Pty Ltd 376 ABC
12/01/2019 The Narrowing 326 Free verse
11/27/2019 Emily Goes For a Walk 368 Free verse
11/25/2019 A Nice Couple the Tale of Jean and William Part 1 2 and 3 358 ABC
11/25/2019 Real Love Fake Love 438 ABC
11/25/2019 The Jjj 310 ABC
11/25/2019 Mrs Karminskis Ornaments 285 ABC
11/16/2019 The Black Cat That Crossed My Path 597 ABC
11/16/2019 Baby Nathalis and the Rats of Caracas 317 ABC
11/16/2019 Miriam Aged 12 and Her Grandmothers Voyage On the Titanic 266 ABC
10/29/2019 Mrs Karminskis Ornaments 342 ABC
10/26/2019 Abrims Life In a Cave In the Lore Hills 262 ABC
10/26/2019 The Tempest Wake 207 ABC
10/26/2019 Fire Earth Water Air 263 ABC
10/26/2019 I Have Seen, I Have Heard and I Believe 274 ABC
10/26/2019 The Lady With No Breasts 280 ABC
10/26/2019 Let the Souls of Arlington Be At Peace 303 ABC
10/26/2019 The Glorious Joy of Death 280 ABC
10/26/2019 The Black Cat That Crossed My Path 239 ABC
10/24/2019 Baby Jon 242 ABC
10/24/2019 Let the Souls of Arlington Be At Peace 296 ABC
10/24/2019 The Glorious Joy of Death 224 ABC
10/24/2019 Real Love Fake Love 402 ABC
10/24/2019 Dear Baby Caterina 272 ABC
10/23/2019 The Rats of Caracas 365 ABC
07/12/2019 The Sin of Dread 235 ABC
06/16/2019 Oh Baby Sarah What Will You Be 181 ABC
05/27/2019 The Tree 210 ABC
04/20/2019 The Money Girls 165 ABC
04/17/2019 The Narrowing 312 ABC
03/28/2019 The Lady Who Liked Mangos 467 Free verse
03/26/2019 The Miracle 297 ABC
03/21/2019 Battered Shattered and Scattered 662 Free verse
02/23/2019 Katherine Remembers 436 ABC
02/16/2019 The Seagulls Over Rose Bay Dont Like Wine 467 ABC
02/01/2019 The Price of Being a Woman 959 ABC
01/27/2019 Dubravka Danced In the Kitchen All Alone 540 ABC
01/27/2019 Margairetta 331 ABC
01/26/2019 Yasmine Just Didnt Like Dancing 361 ABC

Book: Reflection on the Important Things