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Abetted Poems - Poems about Abetted

Abetted Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abetted to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abetted.
When No Means Nothing
...… Throughout my life, the same phrase has been repeated to me- “no means no.” The concept of refusing an action you’re uncomfortable abetted me towards hope; growing up, distraught was brought upon......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, abuse, child abuse, depression,
Form: Elegiac Lyric
Gunter Grass 'What Must Be Said' translation
...“Was gesagt werden muss” (“What must be said”) by Gunter Grass translation by Michael R. Burch Why have I remained silent, so long, failing to mention something openly practiced in war games w......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, international, islamic, jewish, silence,
Form: Free verse

...Recollect when you decided for a choice was most surely made To dismiss me from your heart and mind To destroy the plans Once layed My own dependability as sure as a well oiled clock ......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, august, butterfly, care,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Setting the Record Straight
... Every single Arab death in Gaza is attributable to HAMAS Aided and abetted by Iran Russia, and Mahmoud Abbas First Hamas butchers, rapes, and kidnaps tho......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, abuse, jewish, murder, truth,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member To Which Image Should we Cling
... Written: April 18, 2024 For Unseeking Seeker Contest Line of inquiry: “We have been here a thousand times before Memory erased, each time we begin anew Of hands held tenderly......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, analogy, emotions, life,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Dew Diaries
...I was a world famous fashion designer, and quite enraptured with the new, Like first caress of pink, peach dawn light, smiling at the full moon's taboo. I adored laboring with colors I loved, in ......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, appreciation, beauty, fantasy, morning,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Those Bells
...Those bells, those jubilant, jaunty clangers Vibrating chimes dancing across meadows Cavorting through town Are gone. Stolen by a rogue poet Abetted by a teacher Who played a recording Of Poe’......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, high school, humor, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Reap Heaven
...Written: October 25, 2023 ________________________________________ Autumn saplings fall comely to the ground. Crimson love decays, its vibrant hue around. Cycle o......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, analogy, appreciation, autumn, beauty,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Path To Citizenship
... The Path To Citizenship Miracle Man October 4, 2023 With our country’s future he plays a political game, Conforming to this pattern exhibits no pride or shame. We’re quickly beco......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, fear, life, political,
Form: Quatrain
The Lady Called Desire
...Modest to start with, bloating to be beast, A spurring cat coaxing for ever more, Ere long to rule your life, you knowing least, What with wants and wishes known not before, Her ki......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, cat, desire,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Aided and Abetted
...If they stopped giving aid to the unworthy, there would be more available to give to the worthy.......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, 10th grade,
Form: Monoku
Across Figurative and Literal Blackened White Board
...Across figurative and literal blackened white board... Where death of democracy writ large, nevertheless psychological strength predominates unlike earlier chapters of mein kampf. Mine hardsc......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse
Tale of Two Cracks
...Tale of two Cracks __________________ Farmers Heel crack S C R E A Ms Bountiful harvest is no time to rest From Farm to Market Middlemen exploit Money lenders squeeze Scheme benefit ......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, farm, pollution,
Form: Free verse
Across Figurative and Literal Board
...Across figurative and literal board... mine hardscrabble existential debacle spelled losing game of trouble Oft times, I experience wretchedness being alive spurring wonderment whereby thoughts......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, 11th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Mchenry's Horse
...Ballaraat’s known for its bounty of gold, and the days of Eureka Stockade, plus winning horses, on racing courses, where flanks of the horses are flayed. And the offer of prize is a bountiful o......Read the rest...
Categories: abetted, horse, humor, race,
Form: Rhyme

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry