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Across Figurative and Literal Board

Across figurative and literal board... mine hardscrabble existential debacle spelled losing game of trouble Oft times, I experience wretchedness being alive spurring wonderment whereby thoughts of my demise doth drive analogous to buzzfeeding bumbling bees combing into their hive. Giddiness prevailed when coronavirus (COVID-19) warranted quarantine to diminish transmitting pandemic virus thru the air lifestyle change no major imposition, cuz yours truly already familiarized with self isolation courtesy his social anxiety despair schizoid personality disorder the diagnosis nsync with loathsome body morphology toward self viz mental health impasse a legitimate malady impossible mission possibly since in utero didst impair minimally abetted courtesy Buffalo wing and a prayer wishful thinking only death can relieve some recently approaching year. Indifference toward self sums up story viz mindset to whit resignation to cash in chips at a tender age, I did submit evidenced courtesy abysmal grades during stint as student kindergarten and first grade the exception earning appellation dummkopf or nitwit showcased apathy to access ability and excel overshadowed courtesy powerfully pointed outlook within his bedroom at 324 Level Road sequestered long haired pencil neck geeky hermit four familiar walls constituted ambit. Refuge sought vis a vis withdrawal from world wide web refusing sustenance (think anorexia nervosa), thus these lovely bones withered away thankfully mother (a licensed practical nurse) of course intervened without delay belated acknowledgement regarding maternal love hip hip hooray enrolling expertise of Doctor Ted Goldberg at Collegeville Community counseling to ameliorate psychological internal melee running rampant and roughshod within me psyche pushing self destruction down into stairway entering portals of hell analogous to Earthen bowels deep within Zimbabwe. Whether the above sentence incidental to feeble attempt at reasonable rhyme so please geography buffs pardon moi add dull less cent delinquent puns he did cashier plus any unintended faux paus as aspiring poet artfully crafts elaborated gimcrackery, albeit impious kooky mishmashed outlandish quirky s*it.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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