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Abatement Poems - Poems about Abatement

Abatement Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abatement to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abatement.
...Due to days of desperate dreams Base of the Bay of Bengal borne Hazardous heirship in the directing diplomacy Nowadays, need the native nationalist To save the sacrosanct dispensations of dem......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, corruption,
Form: Alliteration
...If a time and place is different for them to fire off their weaponry, to lie and win against a significant. What keeps a similarity in liability, to lie and win in a predicament where skill is a......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, community, conflict, feelings, how
Form: Lyric

Premium Member The Hypocrite
... The Hypocrite The Doubter hides behind religious guise, Mistakes the raven for the pigeon in darkened skies. His words beguile, twisting my skeletal fancy into a deceitful smile, E......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, anti bullying, bullying, christian,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

...The voice reaches me It is the sound of water dripping The rain was heavy The land was flooded by rain It rang in my ears But no matter how much it rains It never abatement my love for you If ......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, baptism, first love, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wonder and Astonishment
...Looking at objects in astonishment Knowing they are but manifestation We flow through life, in childlike wonderment Bliss ensconced, our heart purrs in contentment Knowing what eyes see as b......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, joy, muse,
Form: Villanelle

Premium Member Divine Caress
...pulsations that arise, in mind body combine cognised by single eye in wonderment as lamp of love within heart shines as with divine sublime we gently align in silence we gradually b......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, joy, spiritual,
Form: Villanelle
Party of 1
...Mental vibration Ricochet off my patience. Teasing weaknesses, minimizing my statements. Confined to the meekness, Isn’t weakness. Just Falls under the lines of abatement. Blatant......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, abuse, addiction, allegory, courage,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Why Do We Suffer
...We all seek joy, yet man for most part weeps Cause of our suffering, misalignment Fallen from grace, the rot has sunk in deep Hearts love beckons but we take not the leap Fearing to dissolve i......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, muse, spiritual,
Form: Villanelle
Premium Member Meditation Tools - Celebration
...the music plays our feet tap dance to the rhythm we sway ego fades in playful dalliance lovers with hearts melded holding hands pheromones innocently intermingling joy throb mind......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, joy, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member The Shift Within
...The shift within, begins with discernment Find now cause of consciousness contraction Negating that which dilutes contentment Choosing vibrancy of bliss elation Root cause of suffering is st......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, muse, spiritual,
Form: Rondeau Redouble
Premium Member It Only Seems That Way
...Upon earth facing adversity as we are shaped upon the anvil oblivious to our innate pulse of divinity we strive and struggle surrendering not will causing disequilibrium of our sereni......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, muse,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Our Autobiography
...finding ourselves here awareness self-aware ensouling form feeble sensory touch external our lower mind stirring found ego urges rising oft against conscience throttling our innocence ......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, life, muse, spiritual,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member For the Moment
...For the moment, we pause needless striving That dear friends, includes habit of thinking Shedding fears and guilt needing atonement Rekindling instead, innate bliss quotient Shifting into joy st......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, joy, spiritual,
Form: Rondeau
Premium Member Continuum of Vibrancy
...We burn! Feel, magnetism within rising! Where lies fulcrum of rapture delighting? Moment to moment, each moment complete Our vaporised self, throbs with bliss replete! Thoughts are passé! Bliss......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, joy, spiritual,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member My Foolish Heart
...My foolish heart, added love to its cart Feels all beings are one, with none apart Forgiving faults, with breezy merriment Ensconced in throb of blissful contentment Thoughts which once cautioned......Read the rest...
Categories: abatement, heart, love, spiritual,
Form: Rondeau

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry