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Listening Is Loving

In this fast~crazy and busy world,
there are many words that are said.
Words of joy and words of pain,
echoing from the walls of life.
Many have said they heard me,
did they really?
A call came in,
my dad had been hurt.
I needed to get there now,
I lived far away.
So I threw things in a bag,
I needed to get to the airport.
I prayed all the way,
God if you must take him that will be OK.
I just wanted to see him one more time,
I had arrived~he was alive.
A miracle had taken place,
prayers were answered.
I can always count on You hearing me,
for you always listen to my every word.
In my prayers,
Your Listening Is Loving that comes through.
Date Written:7/22/2022
Note: A True Story.
Trophy Winner
Listening Is Loving Contest Judged: 7/31/2022
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose Rose

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 8/16/2022 3:11:00 PM
Back with Congratulations on your true story that, yes, indeed, was a miracle! I've seen so many miracles too. God is amazing - God bless you - Love, Gina
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Goldsmith Avatar
Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/17/2022 10:05:00 AM
Thank You, for reading/writing and for your congratulations. It is a huge honor to have this Trophy win. I am beyond happy/grateful. I am so happy you found this write. There has been a problem with posting the winners for this contest. Yes, this true story was a miracle. I have been blessed to see many miracles. God Is So Very Amazing. Have a very blessed day as you write away..............
Date: 8/9/2022 5:03:00 PM
Belated many congratulations for the prestigious win. Its difficult to compose dramatic monologue and your blessed composition is an honourable addition to the genre.... blessings and hugs
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2022 6:33:00 PM
Thank You, for reading/writing and for your congratulations. It is a huge honor to have this Trophy win. I am beyond happy/grateful. I am so happy you found this write. There has been a problem with posting the winners for this contest. You are Not late just on time. It is great to see you. "Thank You" for your very kind words. This made my heart/soul sing. Have a very blessed day as you write away..............
Date: 8/5/2022 12:02:00 AM
This is a marvelous story poem in testimony of your deep faith to our dear Lord my dearest friend Paula. So glad i found this precious gem and masterpiece of yours. I love it a lot. Big congrats on your well-deserved trophy win! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful poetry. Thank you so much also for your visit on my poems and your loving encouragement. God bless you always. Hugs
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/5/2022 10:59:00 AM
Thank You, for reading/writing and for your congratulations. It is a huge honor to have this Trophy win. I am beyond happy and grateful. I am so happy you found this write. There has been a problem with posting the winners for this contest. Your very kind words make my heart/soul sing. (Thank You) Have a very blessed day as you write away..............
Date: 8/1/2022 9:18:00 PM
If one has faith, he/she can even move mountains. You had such deep faith that God heard your prayer. Once more back to this great testimony of faith to congratulate you on your trophy win, dear Paula !
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/4/2022 2:35:00 PM
Thank You, for reading/writing and for your congratulations. It is a huge honor to have this Trophy win. I sit here with tears in my eyes over this win. I am beyond happy and grateful. Have a very blessed day as you write away..............
Date: 7/30/2022 2:32:00 AM
- A lovely and touching poem, Paula ... love it, my friend :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/30/2022 8:59:00 AM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like this true story. It was a miracle. He should have pasted. Hope you are blessed and doing OK. Have a very blessed weekend with hugs..............
Date: 7/27/2022 11:59:00 PM
Yes, I truly believe that God listens to each and every prayer of ours and answers... inspiring graceful write dear Paula... Best wishes in the contest... Hugs... ~ Ani
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/29/2022 9:34:00 AM
Thank You, for reading/writing and for your best wishes. Glad you like this write. A true story. God always listens to us. They said, it was a miracle he lived as long as he did. He was Not suppose to make it through the surgery but he did. Have a very blessed day/weekend..............
Date: 7/27/2022 5:20:00 AM
Dear Paula, this is such an amazing example of faith. I had a similar experience too. My Dad passed away two days after I was able to come from another country. My Mom said - He was waiting for you. I was fortunate to spend last two days with him. Love and blessings, My Dear Friend. Thank you so much for reading my poems.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/27/2022 12:57:00 PM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like my write. A true story. God always listens. Glad you had the time with your dad. Many times they do wait for a love one to get there. I think that was what my dad was doing with God's grace. They said, it was a miracle he lived as long as he did. He was Not supposed to make it through surgery. Have a very blessed day..............
Date: 7/27/2022 4:02:00 AM
The need to say goodbye is profound, wonderful your prayers were answered...Delice
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/27/2022 12:47:00 PM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like my write. A true story. Have a very blessed day..............
Date: 7/26/2022 7:07:00 PM
Oh amazing example of faith, love it Paula.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/27/2022 12:45:00 PM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you love this write. A true story. I have seen God work many times in my life. Have a very blessed day..............
Date: 7/26/2022 12:25:00 PM
This is such a wonderful, stirring poem, Paula. How nice that God always listens to us. Have a great day, Evelyn
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/26/2022 12:44:00 PM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like my write. A true story. God always listens to us but many times we do not like His answers. This time He did a miracle so I could see my dad one more time. Have a very blessed day..............
Date: 7/25/2022 1:36:00 PM
This is wonderful, Paula. Hope you get a win with it.
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Goldsmith Avatar
Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/25/2022 2:14:00 PM
Happy Monday to you. Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like this write. A true story. Have a very blessed day..............
Date: 7/25/2022 10:01:00 AM
Prayers are powerful in any form, I happy for you!! Happy Monday xxoo
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/25/2022 12:14:00 PM
Happy Monday to you. Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like my prayers/powerful write. A true story. What a miracle before my eyes. Have a very blessed day..............
Date: 7/25/2022 2:35:00 AM
Wonderful write, dear friend. God bless you. Love, Gina
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/25/2022 12:13:00 PM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like my write. A true story. It was a miracle. Have a very blessed day..............
Date: 7/25/2022 12:00:00 AM
Oh Paula…what a great poem with a great ending…I’m so glad you got to see your dad. Debx
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/25/2022 12:11:00 PM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like this write. I see great poem and great ending??? WOW!!! Thanks, you made my day. A true story. I thank God for letting me see him one more time. It was a miracle. He should have pasted. Have a very blessed day..............
Date: 7/24/2022 9:33:00 PM
This is a touching tale.... ! Yes, God is the one who truly listens, every time we talk to him! He listens even to our sighs! Stay blessed....
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/25/2022 12:06:00 PM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like this write. All of it is true. (Thank You God for listening to us.) Have a very blessed day..............
Date: 7/23/2022 3:08:00 PM
Wow Paula what a story. Prayer is everything. I love this write, it has a wonderful ending and a great theme. God bless you this one is a favorite...
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/24/2022 1:08:00 PM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like this one. It happened many years ago. All of it is true. God was good then/He is good now. It was a miracle he was alive by the time I got here. Guess God knew how much I needed to see him once. Guess that is why I love your "Goodbye" so much. Have a very blessed day/weekend...............
Date: 7/23/2022 1:59:00 PM
how i dealy love to read gratitude in this day and age and what a wonderful line by line you drew me to such joy....thank you, thank you
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/24/2022 1:02:00 PM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like this one. I have one named "Joy" you may also enjoy reading. Have a very blessed day/weekend...............
Date: 7/23/2022 8:46:00 AM
Absolutely perfect Paula. What a insightful look, with praise for His presence. Linda
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/23/2022 11:10:00 AM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like this write. God hears/answers. Have a very blessed day/weekend...............
Date: 7/23/2022 7:12:00 AM
I love this beautiful, faithful poem Paula. I hope all is ok. Take care :)
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/23/2022 11:09:00 AM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you love my write. I am OK and blessed. Hope all is OK with you. Have a very blessed day/weekend...............
Date: 7/22/2022 4:33:00 PM
Dear Paula, yes, God does answer our prayers. In our most difficult times when anxiety is all we feel, God comes to our rescue. I know too, from my own experience, almost losing my unborn baby, God always comes to the rescue. Blessings, Paulette
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/23/2022 11:06:00 AM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like this write. Yes, God comes to our rescue. Have a very blessed day/weekend...............
Date: 7/22/2022 4:13:00 PM
True my friend, Paula, God hears our prayers. Glad you got to see him again. Smiles ~ Blessings, Bill
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/23/2022 11:05:00 AM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like this write. It was a blessing to see him again. God hears/answers. Have a very blessed day/weekend...............
Date: 7/22/2022 4:02:00 PM
Hello Paula, yesGod does answer prayers.He does listen to our prayers. Hugs.
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 7/23/2022 3:25:00 PM
Hello Paula, yes God does answers prayers.He also listens to our prayers. Hugs. You are welcome
Goldsmith Avatar
Paula Goldsmith
Date: 7/23/2022 10:57:00 AM
Thank You, for reading/writing. Glad you like my write. Yes, God hears/answers. Have a very blessed day/weekend...............

Book: Reflection on the Important Things