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Edlynn Nau - all messages by user

8/16/2015 4:32:45 AM
A piece I've been working on YES, agreed on first person! Also title is too obvious. Think about a title that helps us anticipate what your wanting...the kiss, but doesn't say so in the title. Something like, "IGNITE"
8/16/2015 5:20:31 AM
Poll Question: Featured Poetic Forms... Gosh it is nice Team Poetry ASKS OUR OPINION! I can think of other sites where one is NEVER given a choice. They just do it. I'm too new to judge this well but I wanted to stop by and say thank you!
8/16/2015 5:41:38 AM
Have fun and keep PoetrySoup a haven. I have only seen one small negative comment as I strum through the forum comments. It was nice that another member called him on it as WELL AS AGREED with the constructive part of his criticism. Sometimes we get stuck and need someone to tell us where we went off the track. I've been told to rewrite a poem but keep the best lines or that a poem is really three different one's. This is constructive and helpful.

Name calling or acting like some one is stupid in the way a poem was written IS NOT HELPFUL nor the way to teach or learn. I think we have to remember that someone here could be 22 or 85. You don't know! Their picture may be when they were very young or may be their parent's. An old voice can come from a very young person and vice versa! I hope folks are teachers and friends to each other b/c Forum is "under the skin" where we can grow and work. When we publish a finished product, it IS finished and the person is putting on their Sunday Best and sharing it! All we can do is comment on what we love! However, Forum is a place for unfinished worked. It is a place for process. I am hoping it is a creative environment where we can all teach, learn, and share!
8/16/2015 8:11:30 PM
I'm not really sure if their is a boken link or a computer glitch! I CANNOT OPEN, READ,OR REPLY to my Soup Email. I could the first day but now it is nonfunctional! It doyes allow me to check letters, they turn green...from there, it just blinks quickly and goes back to unchecked. This is if I check them all or one at a time, push subject or received. It doesn't matter...nothing opens to my Soup Mail Link. I feel sad b/c I'm new to PS. The messages are stacking up. We are not to be too personal under our comments but I have no were to answer them but under their poems. This needs fixing or looking into. I've already checked my Server, signal et al. Cannot find anything. I just don't get my mail!
Edlynn Nau
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