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lisakstoffer - all messages by user

11/10/2012 3:03:42 PM
Oh no, not another skunk! It sounds like something my cat used to try to do. He never came home smelling, but could tell he had had a run in with some other animal he should not have. Did catch him trying to corner a raccoon in our window well quite satisfactorally.
11/10/2012 3:18:49 PM
I JUST NEED ADVICE:( I FEEL LIKE A LOST SOUL I think we all went through something like that in high school. The few who say they did not experience that are lucky. I can honestly say it doesn't last. It didn't for me once I got into a school sponsored club. I remember getting involved was the best thing that could have happened. Those who didn't stay friends with me I found out were not real friends and were not worth my time anyway. Hope things get better for you.
11/15/2012 2:53:38 PM
Trying to Publish, but can't find a Publisher :( I too had been looking for a publisher, but only found ones who were too expensive for me. Even with a discount that one of them had offered me I would have had to take out a loan. And for what? My book of poetry selling for around $5 or 6 dollars a copy. It was not worth it to me. I was told that publishing it myself was the best way. The publisher can't change anything that way unless he or she chooses to. I also tried to get a magazine to publish my work, but kept getting letters back saying my poem was not what they were looking for at this time. Good luck to anyone who is trying. Kudos on the successful ones, and what other advice can you folks give me? Thanks in advance.
12/6/2012 11:03:31 AM
HELLO FELLOW POETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello and welcome, Yvette! I am a fairly new arrival to Poetry Soup and am enjoying it and hearing the positive comments from fellow poets. I hope your experience is as good.
12/6/2012 11:24:22 AM
recent poet self introduction: Victoria Welcome Victoria to Poetry Soup. Like you I am learning to use the website. I've been a member for about a month and have had a great experience thus far. There is a lot of positive and supportive feedback. I am trying to find out how to enter one of their contests and hope to enter soon. I've always wanted to travel to Alaska. I am from Indiana and teach school. I took to writing poetry about six years ago when I wanted to write in a different genre from ordinary journaling. I have tried unsuccessfully to have my poems published. Poetry Soup is the closest I've come to succeeding. It's amazing the countries you've seen. Are you ever back home in Alaska? Good motto for the world traveller.... I hope your experience here at PoetrySoup is as positive as mine has been.
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