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Niynache - all messages by user

6/23/2019 11:36:54 PM
Introduction Well now... Greetings and salutations to all you wonderful people!!!!. I am, Niyna, new to poetry soup, I joined a few weeks ago and the experiences have been remarkable. I am a member of other poetry sites but this site has been the most inspirational. I say this because it is due to this site that I was finally able to convince my daughter,(TaijiVega) to join a poetry site. She decided to join "PoetrySoup". How's that for entertainment!??!!
6/26/2019 7:56:51 PM
High Critique _The Coming Of Time High Critique: The Coming of Time
~~~from the "Dig My Own Grave Series"~~ ["Dig My Own Grave" is a series of writings in reflection of mental preparation... ~~~Each scoop of dirt rids the mess where I'm to be finally laid to rest~~~]

When my time comes __ I'll be of the ones who'd be ready when their time is done._

I've forgiven myself, my friends, my foes; emptied my soul of all worries and woes._

I no longer seek mountains to climb. I've finally left those wants behind._

I've ceased the endless restlessness. All I want now is eternal bliss._

When I'm taken, if I'm awakened, I pray to be brave and not misbehave._

By screaming and crying; or, of my sins... start denying._

In these latter days of life I'm trying to understand what my dreams are implying._

They show me scenes of past regret__ must be reasons dreams don't forget._

Tis Hidden lessons I'm quite sure to start my inner soul's new core._

About the decisions made in ones life__ try not to whine,complain or gripe._

Make the best of the time at hand; for you will surely revisit them time again._

And When (to you), they have returned. Replace the regret with what you've learned._

If my spirit passes yet my name's unknown, it won't be due to me being alone._

We come in groups and never as one; so a part of The All we each become._

As of now I grow weak and slow; wondering of the days I have left to go._

I hope it won't be for a good long while. So don't read this without a smile._

I'm happy to receive this last chance, to give my life a second glance.

edited by Niynache on 6/26/2019
edited by Niynache on 6/27/2019
edited by Niynache on 7/4/2019
6/27/2019 5:18:53 PM
High Critique _Return to Excellence _Revised High Critique _ Return to Excellence -Revised

~names allured ere call of wind _conferred again to Alls’ begin~
~meandering souls ebb tides of sea _ so shall marrows forever be~

We hark unto ye trumpets, O elephants_ tis proclaimed magnificence_
As Ye Bellow of Life’s passing in “Heavenly Eloquence”~

Here lies a tribute of essential remembrance_
A wading monument of Life on earth brief residence.
Here silences the war of self_ O ye grateful benevolence_
Desisted “malum in se” per ye astute calm resonance~

Though humble our earthly abode, our ethereal statue is that of supreme prominence_
It is in this light we ask that thy soul be judge not harshly but with care and tenderness_
We extend our forgiveness to all thy follies so their weight is of minor consequence_
We Pray that of all the works of thine hands _ only the best be that of the highest significance;
in determining the final resting place of thy eternal unending existence.
For as a well loved and devoted friend, and family, we pray thy deeds built thee a worthy heavenly edifice.

As we lay in mourn with thee _ let our outstretched hands hold as clear unwavering evidence_
Our bond to rise above the shadows of darkness and fear _ to shine brightly in unified elegance_
So Ye may live on amongst those before you in humble respect and love _ with dignified endurance_

Thy life is forever ours _ In memory of thy happiness, thy sorrows, thy absence and in thy ever presence_
There shall be no other like unto thee_ For Thy virtue is beheld by Thine own instinctive essence.
So blame us not for our reluctance to give way to thy fate _ we beg pardon of our momentary hesitance.

Standing together here today _ we stand not in question of our sad unwillful grievances.
For the bitter sweet memory of thy “Life and Loves” flashes before our eyes in momentary instances.
We know not how the movement of each passing moment will shake us _ so take not those who sit in silence as malevolent indifference_
Forgive us_ at a time of such great lost _ there are those held silently _ as souls suspended in quite innocence_

We give unto Thee of our devotion sealed with and by Love’s influence
To take with Thee _ to journey onward _ in everlasting Perseverance.
Let not our weeps and wails turn thee back a glance for proud is our stance.
As We share in this moment of Honor_ in your return to Excellence.

~Thy names been called_ Thy breath’s the wind _~Thy flesh tarries not of mice and men,
Thy meandering soul ebb tides of sea_ on river's edge we now search for thee~
edited by Niynache on 6/27/2019
edited by Niynache on 7/4/2019
edited by Niynache on 7/4/2019
7/4/2019 7:10:51 AM
The Most Beautiful Sonnet ---Please Critique! The Most Beautiful Sonnet

For every day the dawning sun does rise.
Births jubilation there before Thine eyes.
Brightly colored rays nobly to shed light.
Accents wondrous flawlessness in plain sight.

Sparked myriads of seeds on which life's drawn.
Brash rivers bear oath heirs ‘tis tryst of dawn.
Sways and swirls a choreographic dance.
Ambient twirls perpetually by chance.

Flail on shores hence spawns of man and beast form.
Yea verily 'tis now yields earths new norm.
Winding winds elope Ye fair leaves of trees.
Rolling thunder cede fealty unto thee.

Esteemed Vox barrage of resounding ardor.
Grasp our lore of adoring loves of yore.

edited by Niynache on 7/4/2019
edited by Niynache on 7/4/2019
7/5/2019 3:04:58 PM
From Greek to Greatness _High Critique From Greek to Greatness
Who would have known you were my destiny. For now, you are the means of me under Heaven, Earth and sea. The sages of Rome and the Gods of the Greeks; Aphrodite, Heroine of Venus pay homage to the love shared between us. All shall add our names to songs of their history.

I yearn to become a part of you down to the very core of your being. My place is with you and to be always in your grace. I whisper your name in the secret crypt of my covenant; that no other man alive can witness your worth to me. For you are for me… and me alone.

Whenever I hold you in my arms, I control all time and space. Whenever I look into your eyes, I stand face to face with the immortals… all those in Heaven. Your eyes, your lips, your touch on my flesh, the smell of your skin Ahhhh…The taste of you, the breath of you, I …

Exhaling to release the passion of my love for you, I yield momentary rest. Gathering my thoughts, I silence the ego of my vanity of knowing it is I who wash my soul in the waters of your natural spring and is revived; I who eat the fruit of your garden and bear the strength of 10.

I chuckle at the mere mortals that walk the earth as men. With you by my side I am the royalty on which Nobles stand. I am the might of Hercules, and the power of Zeus. By the roar of the greatness of the lion “The King” ... I hold immense pride in bringing you to heights of mountains, to the falls of its waters, and the pleasures of its wonders. You’ve captured me with the force of tornado winds, and on you wings I am carried still.
edited by Niynache on 7/5/2019
pages: 1

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