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Contest Judged:  8/2/2017 3:32:00 PM
Sponsored by: Cecelia Hopkins-Drewer | Send Soup Mail
See Contest Description

Contest Description

What to Submit?

1 original, poem on the theme of ..... not just another haiku (tending towards the philosophical)

I have noticed people love to write Haiku and these are also great for submission to magazines and anthologies. However, sometimes, don't you want to say just a little more? The Haibun form allows you to preface the Haiku with your thoughts. 

Form Haibun

Definition (from Poetry Soup)

Japanese form, pioneered by the poet Basho, and comprising a section of prose followed by haiku. They are frequently travelogues - as in Basho's The Records of a Travel-Worn Satchel (1688). In the best examples, the prose and haiku should work together to create an organic whole.


The Importance of Goldfish
Michael McClintock

In our eyes and our sleep and our answers to everything and the way we ate our food and left our personal odors and debris around the house, like strands or clippings of hair, or a fingernail, or wadded tissue with spit, and seldom coordinated our clothes or speech or opinions when we went out or had people over, preferring different books by different authors about different things, and the feelings we kept to ourselves, harboring them like warts or bleeding punctures, until now, we grew apart and we knew it, had known it for over four years---since the day you lost the gold fish down the toilet and never said you were sorry. You even laughed about it.

"only temporary" ---
about our separation
we agree to lie


First Prize, Glory
Second Prize, Glory
Third Prize, Glory
Blog listing if I get more than 10 winners.

Preparing Your Entry

Submit one copy of your poem online. Format your poem. Please make your entry easy to read — no illustrations or fancy fonts. 

English Language

Poems should be in English. Poems translated from other languages are not eligible, unless you wrote both the original poem and the translation.

A Note to Poetry Contestants

You are welcome to enter this contest, whether or not you won a prize in one of my previous contests.

Book: Shattered Sighs