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Dawkins' Memes Revolving EcoPolitical Health History - Gerald Dillenbeck's Blog

About Gerald Dillenbeck
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Most significant mentors (other than Mom, of course): Buckminster Fuller and Laotse, but not necessarily in that order.

Permacultural designer, with special interest in the regenerative development of economic relationships within natural settings, like a human life, for example, or a family, or a community, nation, species. 

Retired from grant and contract writing and non-profit strategic consulting, more or less.

Sort of a Taoist Permacultural Universalist, if we need a label. Which reminds me of the time I was applying for entry to an interfaith hermitage. They wanted to know my primary faith tradition and I wrote "polypath," not realizing this word has already been taken to indicate genius within more than one paradigm. So, perhaps this was a great deal too much hubris and ignorance for them to tolerate, but all I intended to say was that I identify most resonantly with the relationships between our diverse wisdom traditions, although I claim no genius mastery status within any one of them.

I live in my hermitage with four adopted children, now teenagers, with special needs, ranging from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome across cerebral palsy, blindness, and a wicked case of ADD.

If I were ever to grow up I would like to do stand-up comedy routines during Sunday liturgies. 

My blogsite, with lots more poetry and some humor essays, is Please say hi if you visit.



Dawkins' Memes Revolving EcoPolitical Health History

Blog Posted:10/11/2016 10:41:00 AM

I recently revisited a fruitful redundancy conversation between Richard Dawkins’ on ‘memes,’ conjoined with Spiral Dynamics, by Don Edward Beck and Christopher Cowan. During this reread, I noticed connections between Clare Graves’ evolving spirals, Julian Jaynes ethological theory of bicameral mindbody development, perhaps the more nutritional behavioral-neural roots of Positive Psychology.  Mapping all these together as one interdependent ecopolitical evolutionary empowerment of ecoconscious Right with ecologically language and deductive Left, Spiral Dynamics looks both newly refined, but also disturbingly redundant of Buckminster Fuller’s Synergy, informed by William Thurston’s and Gregori Perelman’s (et. al., Group Theorists) 4 prime bilateral dimensions of spacetime and  (0) soul dipolar co-arising theorems, respectively.

However, the esoteric octave and fractal rhythms of nature and math beg for more immediate Climate Health and Earth Rights economic, ecological, and political empowerment. In Spiral Dynamics speak: How do we fast-forward into Turquoise, the land of Milk and Honey Enlightenment of (0) Zen Interdependence, balancing holonic empty-null universally diastatic sets of memes, or nomials, binomials, polynomials, health regenerative trends, refining less economic-ecologic-political-social-cultural-psychological-biological pathology, as we progress, develop, more maturely optimize our regenerative-integrative polypathic DNA/RNA  folding/unfolding climate structures.

Memes, like genes, are regenerative, self/other nondual replicating nutritional patterns. In Buckminster Fuller’s terminology, genes are about convex-physical universe, while memes are their concave-metaphysical ecopolitical-ecological co-arising nonduality. Genes produce physical things that can be nouned, labeled, nomialed. Memes produce metaphysical relationships of  health-regenerate power-with cooperation and/or power-over competitive monoculturing pathologies of nutritional imbalance, climate imbalance, landscape and paradigmatic relational imbalance, cognitive-affective dissonance. These operate at the individual, species, and meta-cultural interdependent exterior ecopolitical climate levels of endo/ecto-symbiotic evolution, within as without, concave metaphysical as convex physical ecologies of mindbodies.

Memes have integrative viral reproductive potential for health and for appositionally bilateral pathologies, not enough, too much, too soon, too late for resonantly redundant mapping onto global ecoconsciousness, co-empathic trust/distrust—confluence of exegetically etched abundant light between dualdark extremes of either-or LeftBrain dominance. Both interdependent developmental stages of LeftBrain development, and language-empty Elder Right hemispheres together dipolar co-arise Turquoising/UltraViolet climate health balance.

In previous selective readings from Beck and Cowan’s Spiral Dynamics, I had skipped (pp. 30-33) “Genes and Memes: Circuit Riders on the DNA.” No such bad luck this time. What follows is direct quote, with all my handwritten notes inserted in brackets, drawing in the larger ecopolitical-ecological climate health map drawn with Jaynes, and Fuller, and Bateson, and Thomas Kuhn evolutionary influences.

“[W]hat biochemical genes are to the DNA [thermodynamic balance prime relational fractal-function], memes are to our psycho-[eco]cultural ‘DNA.’ Genes are the information [and exforming] units of our physical nature derived from genetic contributions of mom and dad and properties inherited from our species [borrowing phylogenic properties from even older species, borrowing functional digestive/nutritional health v pathology ecopolitical properties from even older plant species, spaces and places in time both regenerative and decomposing into bilateral past/future cause/effect encoding meme-ories]. Memes are born, Csikszentimihalyi notes, ‘when the human nervous system reacts to [learns from] an experience.’ (Evolving Self, p. 120) They are the information [exformation storage and labels, icons and ionic-bionic function] units in our collective consciousness and transport their [health/pathology sensory climate/chemistry] views across our [ecoconscious co-identified co-empathic] minds [with still-learning bodies].”

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My Past Blog Posts

WinWin Game Theory and Climate Health EcoPolitical Stategies
Date Posted: 10/28/2016 12:13:00 PM
Dawkins' Memes Revolving EcoPolitical Health History
Date Posted: 10/11/2016 10:41:00 AM
Revolutionary Evolutionary Acclimations of Deep Learning
Date Posted: 10/1/2016 11:12:00 AM
Bateson's Sacred Unity: ReConsilience of Healthy MindBody Systems
Date Posted: 9/26/2016 11:49:00 AM
History's Teachable Moments
Date Posted: 6/9/2016 11:09:00 AM
Synergetic Symposia excerpts
Date Posted: 6/7/2016 10:20:00 AM
Excerpts from "Synergetic Symposia"
Date Posted: 5/28/2016 9:03:00 AM
Positive Psychology as Basic Permacultural Attendance
Date Posted: 5/11/2016 10:32:00 AM
PostMillennial EcoTherapy
Date Posted: 5/10/2016 11:45:00 AM

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