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Best Poems Pages: Update! - Team Poetrysoup's Blog

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Kindness is the quality or state of taking an active interest in the welfare of others; friendly and helpful acts or favors.

Best Poems Pages: Update!

Blog Posted:7/23/2016 7:52:00 PM

We've updated the pages below. See if you notice the difference...

Top 100 Poems of All Time

Best New Poems



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Date: 7/25/2016 5:28:00 PM
Wow. More intrigue than Game of Thrones. During my short time here on PS, I've met only friendly, helpful and polite fellow poets -- S.O. (whatever gender) being one of them. Just needed to say that. Seeker, are you a Tom, too? I love everybody -- and, everybody loves me (or I send them off to the cornfield).... ;-)
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Date: 7/25/2016 4:40:00 PM all my friends here ..I do wish to find time and read each of the 99,all time best poems.I am sorry if you scroll on mine and find nothing..But I deleted the particular poem called 'Who Is The Poet 'since it was published in the journal Poetry Quarterly. I still thank those soupers who read it or favoured it in the past. Cheers to all those great p poets who have written great poems yet didn't make it to the list just because it was less favoured, yet poems which were written much better than my own throughout their time on ps. Hugs to all below Silent or Loud : ).and pls stop fighting : )
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Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 7/26/2016 2:27:00 PM
Oh thanks for letting me know Tim...: )
Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 7/26/2016 2:26:00 PM
The journal can be bought ..I dont know if you find it online as well too...But I have only one poem in that particular journal,so no need for anyone to buy it. : ).Thanks Ruben.
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/26/2016 6:23:00 AM
A new poem is there now : ))
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/25/2016 5:39:00 PM
Charma...I saw that when it was around number 17 now your name is at number 100 with just a blank space where the poem link would be
Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 7/25/2016 5:31:00 PM
Yes because its been published in poetry quarterly journal Tim.
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/25/2016 5:28:00 PM
I saw your name and it didn't have a poem. I'll have to check again later.
Mark Avatar
Anthony Mark
Date: 7/25/2016 5:18:00 PM
Well said Charmaine, ..not many know that I assist in the background, helping here and there, a poetic Santa
Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 7/25/2016 5:11:00 PM
Hi Seeker : )
Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 7/25/2016 5:11:00 PM
Hi Ian... You can critique my poetry anytime even if not featured..I know your aim is to help..and I welcome your help.::)
Mark Avatar
Anthony Mark
Date: 7/25/2016 5:06:00 PM
All time best poems is certainly debatable....perhaps they should be featured on the blog daily, to be critiqued....just saying.....
Date: 7/25/2016 2:53:00 PM
Dallas Cowboys all the way...
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/26/2016 6:12:00 PM
Ruben, you are asking the wrong question. ;) it's more like, What day are the Cowboys going to bear the bears? LoL
Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 7/26/2016 2:28:00 PM
I remember the one that survived Ruben..Few years back : )
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/25/2016 11:02:00 PM
Bears over Cowboys Ruben
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 7:16:00 PM
LOL, Tim, you know Cowboys have more chance of making it than the bears...
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/25/2016 5:27:00 PM
He has until 9/25 to come up with an idea...Skat if the bears make it I'll come down.
Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 7/25/2016 4:58:00 PM
Oh Tim what a nice offer you made...Maybe that will help Ruben get his old muse back and starts writing new poems again. : )
A  Avatar
Skat A
Date: 7/25/2016 4:40:00 PM
LOL, TIM, Linda is right here beside me, we are working on Audio and writing a collaboration about clay. She said Bring it on and she needs not to worry about asking RO' to write, Linda is for sure Cowboys gonna whoop the Bears. Also, may I add, The Super Bowl will be held In Houston reliant stadium 2017. ps. I'm A Hater when it comes to DC lolol. SKAT (not Linda)
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/25/2016 4:00:00 PM
Ok...let's bet...if i win you do a collaboration with Ruben....if you win I do one with the poet of your choice
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 3:53:00 PM
LOL, Tim, Cowboys all the way down the cellar to beat the bears while they are hibernating. LOL
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/25/2016 3:44:00 PM
To the cellar
Date: 7/25/2016 2:45:00 PM
PD (Linda ) and Jan are two of my most favorite poets. PD is THE BEST. My all-time favorite. Not just mine but a favorite of ALL.
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 3:06:00 PM
Thank you tom, tommy boy, seeker diet water and so on. Same here
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 2:55:00 PM
Awe ..seeker you too...I listened to your audio last night.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/25/2016 2:51:00 PM
group hug Linda :-):-) hugs jan xx
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/25/2016 2:51:00 PM
aww thanks Nandita that is so kind of you to say that:-) hugs jan xx
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 2:50:00 PM
Awe...thanks... most... hugs...
Date: 7/25/2016 2:37:00 PM
cont'd... `I quite agree with you,' said the Duchess; `and the moral of that is--Be what you would seem to be--or if you'd like it put more simply--Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.'
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 2:37:00 PM
Hi, Nandita, one of my own personal favorite poets. Linda
Date: 7/25/2016 2:36:00 PM
Hahaha...This is so much like Alice In Wonderland... 'Curiouser and curiouser!' cried Alice. `Who are YOU?' said the Caterpillar. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.' `Keep your temper,' said the Caterpillar. `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked. `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.' `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice. `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.' Alice soon came to the conclusion that it was a very difficult game indeed.
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Date: 7/25/2016 2:20:00 PM
I am happy to see Lin here. She's a blessing. I hope we can convince her to stay..skat
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 7/25/2016 4:40:00 PM
Awesome you are back, Lin!!
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 2:26:00 PM
Yes, she is the real Lin, Ruben.. now behave yourself ;-) and thank you both, Skat and Linda
A   Avatar
Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 2:20:00 PM
I always agree with you
Date: 7/25/2016 2:19:00 PM
Chris D. Aechtner Date: 7/25/2016 2:00:00 PM Silent One, I don't care if you are a male or female, if your are 20 years old or 65 years old, if your are black/white/blue with pink polka dots. You are obviously part of the PS community, and want to be a part of it, so wotever, continue to write and post. You are popular, and with the spotlights of popularity, comes sacrifice and persecution. It's part of human nature. That is why whenever there are "most popular" lists, "points" tabulated when leaving comments etc, the artistry becomes diluted by insincerity and jealousy.
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Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 7/26/2016 2:29:00 PM
Oh imagine how your eyes pop out when you read my poems then : )Chris.
Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 7/25/2016 4:56:00 PM
Then if He is one of Tps team..that would drive me mad : )
Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 7/25/2016 4:55:00 PM
I really like Silent One's poetry, and He was always good to me.Did we clash? Yes, when I pushed it too much to know who lies behind the avatar..I did realize afterwards, it was my ill.. So today I just read his poetry like I read other friends here.I just hope He is not one of Tps team : p
Teagan Avatar
Becca Teagan
Date: 7/25/2016 2:19:00 PM
Chris, I hope you don't mind if I pull your comment to the top. Needs to be read. People respect you, so maybe they'll listen to you... this is what I've been trying to say but no one will listen to me
Date: 7/25/2016 2:15:00 PM
Has anyone heard of "lynch mob mentality" on social media? just wondering. I'm trying to find a good article so we can all be more educated :)
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Teagan Avatar
Becca Teagan
Date: 7/25/2016 4:21:00 PM
there have been other decent people run out of here in the past years... they always have to have someone to pick on.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/25/2016 2:24:00 PM
I'm just commenting on contest wins lol lol:-) hugs Jan xx
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/25/2016 2:18:00 PM
I just read about buttercups in the lawn...An amazing ABC first post
Date: 7/25/2016 2:11:00 PM
Wow. Why aren't poets reading the new poems.
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Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/25/2016 2:30:00 PM
Skat I have a new poem up called 'contests and lists ... my favourite things ... not' lol I posted it this morning but think people been too busy elsewhere to comment lol
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/25/2016 2:18:00 PM
I jumped
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Skat A
Date: 7/25/2016 2:17:00 PM
Cat fishing
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 2:15:00 PM
Ruben, stop... lololol
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 2:14:00 PM
Hi, sis... not me... lol...
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Skat A
Date: 7/25/2016 2:13:00 PM
Lololol... We need poetry action
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 2:12:00 PM
I just read Lins, I highly recommend it to everyone...:) Linda
Date: 7/25/2016 1:32:00 PM
This is why we need a chat room. .
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Date: 7/25/2016 1:28:00 PM
Apparently I'm stuck in 1998 senior year in high school...
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Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 7/26/2016 2:32:00 PM
Hi Lin Lane..Welcome back
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 5:02:00 PM
I'm absolutetootly fine, Laura. Thanks for the soup's appreciated.
Loo Avatar
Lu Loo
Date: 7/25/2016 2:33:00 PM
Are you ok Lin? You seem different than before.
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 1:44:00 PM
that's funny, Laura. not such a bad place to be ;-)
Date: 7/25/2016 1:25:00 PM
TPS, How about a Poetry Soup convention. Let's see how we'd do face to face, I bet most of us would get along afterwards. I'd like to meet poets and share live ideas. A workshop, awards, and poetry reading. Meet the Wizards of TPS... it would be awesome
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Proehl Avatar
Jeremy Proehl
Date: 7/28/2016 8:43:00 PM
Hi Linda / Poetry Soupers, I think meeting everyone would be great. I posted a blog seeing if anyone is attending the Dodge Poetry Festival in October. It would be neat. I thought Poetry Soup should have a table at the festival to promote the website. Best wishes to everyone! JP
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Skat A
Date: 7/25/2016 2:16:00 PM
Everyone is cute
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 1:30:00 PM
Hi, my name is Linda aka PD... I don't do hypocrisy but, I love Gossip 2015 and 16... lol.. I learned last year it is the only way to fit in here.
Loo Avatar
Lu Loo
Date: 7/25/2016 1:29:00 PM
actually Pd if you are serious that is a great idea I think.
Date: 7/25/2016 1:17:00 PM
TPS ..I promise I will behave.. Come on poets, we should be hugging now and faving, each other, not arguing about silly lists and such like, I wanna feel some love, I wanna see them hands raised, we are a family sized meal for thousands, our aim here is to learn, and cultivate our talents...not bicker and point fingers! Hi my names Ian....and I'm an hypocrite ??
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Mark Avatar
Anthony Mark
Date: 7/25/2016 5:23:00 PM
I like that religious line rocks, all religions have lines like that? ...I'm seriously gonna get myself familiar.....if hats the case....did you just " top trump Tom" ?
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 5:08:00 PM
Thanks, Ian. If he wishes to discuss this matter further I suggest he bring it to me privately.
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 5:05:00 PM
Ok I take back giving you the last word.. Here's mine. Jehovah is watching you take the word of a worldly person over that of your sister. Meditate on that Tommy.
Mark Avatar
Anthony Mark
Date: 7/25/2016 5:04:00 PM
Well said Lin, ...( I'm taking sides, ) Tom likes his little power surges, ...but he needs to remove said head from ass, n look around at the accusations, and see things with a balanced view...or
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 4:55:00 PM
Tommy, If anyone hurt his reputation, he did it to himself. Calling me a hypocrite and a liar: putting Jan down, I could go on, but since you don't know the facts I suggest you should stay out of it... and by suggesting I deliberately tried to hurt him, aren't you taking sides? And since you brought this up, I've been disappointed in many things I've seen you write to incite others. Now let it rest unless you insist on having the last word, then have it.
A   Avatar
Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 1:41:00 PM
Lol...funny Ruben
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 1:41:00 PM
The game you play is over. I'm not lying. I don't hate anyone, but it's long past time that people know what you're really like. The time was now...the place was here, and I'm done with you and you humble façade. Reply if you wish, but you'll get no more words from me.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/25/2016 1:35:00 PM
I guess the proof of the pudding is if Lin posts the soup mail that she says was sent - I am sure then the REAL truth would finally come out
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 1:33:00 PM
No soup mail from Silent One...just email. The soup mail was from a REAL friend
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 1:30:00 PM
My comment jump ian
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 1:22:00 PM
Becca, you should point a finger at S1 because he admitted to you that he called me a hypocrite.
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 1:21:00 PM
I have lots of hugs for you, Ian, and Tim and Ruben...PD... BIG ONE for Jan!
Teagan Avatar
Becca Teagan
Date: 7/25/2016 1:20:00 PM
I wish this is what everyone would say, and MEAN it! THIS is what I'm trying to say, everyone needs to stop pointing fingers!
Date: 7/25/2016 12:53:00 PM
TPS needs to add A Collaboration Section or add it as a FORM.
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Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 1:20:00 PM
I am indeed, Ruben. Thanks for being around.. It's me or how else would I know he sent me soup mail and email, neither of which I'll open.
Mark Avatar
Anthony Mark
Date: 7/25/2016 1:11:00 PM
Silent one or whatever your name are a not half bad writer, you actually knock out a really good poem now and then...however, the tide is slowly turning has to your motives,..and have attempted to discredit both Tim and Lin ,...who a lot of people like as genuine honest writers....perhaps you need to take a little break, and collect your thoughts, Laura can keep you company and Becca will no doubt bring buns go write a classic son
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 1:01:00 PM
HA you fool. I am in charge of my own account. Deny it all you want. I'm not the liar and don't bring my religion into it.
A   Avatar
Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/25/2016 1:01:00 PM
Wow, so everyone is a liar but him... Sorry for the rest of us.
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 12:57:00 PM
I guess it's time for Lin to step up to the plate. Yes, Silent One whined about not winning more contests. Yes, he told me his goal was to be on the top of all lists... I could go on, but he's the hypocrite who called me one. Now HE needs to look up the meaning of that word. I don't wear a mask and everyone knows my real name.
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/25/2016 12:53:00 PM
You did to Lin....And I cant mention the hateful things you said
Date: 7/25/2016 12:48:00 PM
Silent One you are one to talk about hypocrisy you tell your disciples not to comment on certain poets...I have been told by more than one send hateful messages when your "poems" don't don't comment on those who challenge you and here you go spouting off about lists when we all know that is your sole purpose....Hey Luloo when was the last time you visited one of my poems with out it being in a contest I can count on one hand even though I try to leave a constructive comment on yours. Did SomeOne put you up to it? You say that you never go on blogs but here you are time and time again...Too many pathetic people here for me....Adios
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Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 8/4/2016 9:09:00 AM
Seek an Yee shall find Tommy
Mark Avatar
Anthony Mark
Date: 7/25/2016 1:21:00 PM
Put them on here, and we will judge , I'm sure they are just sincere requests , in fact send them to me know you want
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 1:09:00 PM
Silent One has sent me email and soup mail... neither of which I will open. I don't want to read anything he has to say to me privately.
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 1:07:00 PM
Thank you, Ian.
Mark Avatar
Anthony Mark
Date: 7/25/2016 1:05:00 PM
Oops Silent mi old lad, ...that's gotta hurt,..Lin is a very credible person, who NEVER says a bad word,...yet here she is , having " had enough" and is telling it straight...well done Lin...( cue Becca, Laura, and other less knowns) ...just saying...
Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 7/25/2016 12:58:00 PM
I guess it's time for Lin to step up to the plate. Yes, Silent One whined about not winning more contests. Yes, he told me his goal was to be on the top of all lists... I could go on, but he's the hypocrite who called me one. Now HE needs to look up the meaning of that word. I don't wear a mask and everyone knows my real name.
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/25/2016 12:53:00 PM
Silent one there you go trying to belittle someone...your best attribute
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/25/2016 12:51:00 PM
And the only reason these changes were made is to stop all the Fake accounts matter...I wonder why they have stopped.
Date: 7/25/2016 12:45:00 PM
TPS, Sorry my comment Jump (lol), we have no life so here we are all over again. Well, I have a life, I got pulled back in after receiving e-mail from a wonderful friend.
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Loo Avatar
Lu Loo
Date: 7/25/2016 12:56:00 PM
Apparently I am stuck in 1998 all over again! He said this, she said that! lies spread and people ganged up against each other over who is this and who is that. Getting really old, huh?
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/25/2016 12:46:00 PM
That is a good idea Linda - of course my original poem was never intended as a collaboration and was posted under the limerick form but 'like topsy it just grew with about 17 people adding to it 'hence the reason it has been favourited many times and is top of the list - btw it doesn't have 17 favourites lol. :-) hugs jan xx
Date: 7/25/2016 12:30:00 PM
What I can't believe is that TPS allows this nonsense to continue lol Especially on their own blog.. there is no way they can claim they missed all this lol "on vacation" maybe ? The LOVE this bickering, it helps their ratings I guess :) Can they really be so proud of a site that is built on .. this?
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Loo Avatar
Lu Loo
Date: 7/25/2016 12:41:00 PM
its so dumb Becca. It scares away newcomers I'm sure. Sad world we live in.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/25/2016 12:33:00 PM
sorry Becca the comment jumped.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/25/2016 12:32:00 PM
Thanks Ruben - I know I am not the only one to contact soup about the lists and yes I am affected by the changes too - the limerick collaboration poem is at the top of the list NOT because it is the best poem but because it has been favourited by many people also I would much rather see my original 'poor peter pumpkin' which was written with Andrea in the 'best all time poems' list but that has been superceded by the collaboration after soup modified out member's favourites lists:-) Hugs Jan xx
Date: 7/25/2016 11:39:00 AM
I have been reading this dang blog for two days now.Some of you need to grow up and remember why we are truly here. This is NOT a popularity contest. And who cares about stupid lists, it shouldn't matter!!! We are here to write and read and learn and grow from a fellowship that we have decided to join. I'm tired of the gossip.I'm tired of the accusations. I'm tired of the cruelty towards people who don't deserve it. Blogs should be positive.This is so unreal and aren't we all adults here??? I have very few friends here and for GOOD reason.A few of you need to remember why you are here. We are all good people with gifts.Let's show it. Stop this madness, it's getting blessed! luloo
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Teagan Avatar
Becca Teagan
Date: 7/25/2016 11:54:00 PM
I admire you, Laura. You've made some good points here, and I admire that you are not afraid to go against the tide. I will always stand up for what's right, even if I have to stand alone. In the end, we only answer for our own actions. I don't think you are naive. I think Tom misunderstood what you're saying.
Teagan Avatar
Becca Teagan
Date: 7/25/2016 11:49:00 PM
Tom, I think she is saying , this bickering is not why we're here.
Loo Avatar
Lu Loo
Date: 7/25/2016 11:58:00 AM
my point has nothing to do with who is reading what. My point is that this is not why we are here. We are here to grow. Just because I don't comment doesn't mean I don't visit. If I got upset about how many comments I get then I would be out of here by now. My point is we need to start to become whole. A unit. Based on enjoying this site not fighting. I am not biased at all. I never have been. I try to stay neutral and this is why I don't appreciate blogs. They should be positive. Encouraging, helpful, silly, educational. Popularity has become a problem. The list does not reflect who is better than who. No one is more popular than anyone else. We are all equals and should act that way.
Loo Avatar
Lu Loo
Date: 7/25/2016 11:48:00 AM
who cares about comments or numbers or who is better than who. Forget all that and let's get back to our roots at good people and good poets. Regarding all this sincerity madness, let's move on and get over it. Life is too short to be upset about little stuff. Because it really is little stuff. Feelings are being hurt yes, but fighting is not the answer. Especially on a public blog. Certain things should be resolved privately. It's embarrassing for newcomers to read a blog like this. Some of you say you love welcoming new poets, yet you scare them away with your cruel words and madness. It's hypocritical and wrong. I know one person who is genuine and resilient and I will keep it that way. I know in my heart he is a true friend who has never let me down. I have known him for almost a year now and not once has he hurt me or upset me or done anything to lead me away from him. Life is short people. Leave well enough alone. PLEASE. for all of us!
Date: 7/24/2016 2:01:00 PM
You are RIGHT poetry soup, we (I) are focused on the things that make this site bad, gossip, hate, rumors, lies, envy, and fake accounts faving themselves. I will move on from the issue and enjoy the site. I am glad you are still working on it. I enjoy running contest. I'm having fun running premiere contest, it helps me on being a little strict. I also like what Linda is doing in her 101 in a row, giving all those who want a second chance with old poems, one of the most thoughtful contributions of this site. I enjoy when poets say, they dust off old poems and polish each one (place or not.) It's very important to remember why we are here in the first place.
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Date: 7/24/2016 12:24:00 PM
Andrea, Maybe they can add another column with that poets featured poems. There could be a way where we can choose what poems we want featured. Just like the box we check on a newly submitted poem where it will be featured on the home page.
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Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/24/2016 12:44:00 PM
@Tom, reminds me of the game Hullabaloo I play with my youngest daughter...winner take a bow!!
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 7/24/2016 12:31:00 PM
Skat, he is talking about a suggestion i made earlier. That small list would only include our 5-10 most recent "trending" poems!!! Not the old ones that can already be viewed at Best Poems. hope Soup team is listening, Tim. This is a perfect idea!!And we can choose from that list the one we want represented each week or each month as our personal choice of our best work among our favored poems!!
Smith Avatar
Tim Smith
Date: 7/24/2016 12:29:00 PM
lol...There would be a certain limit per Andrea was saying possibly 5.
A  Avatar
Skat A
Date: 7/24/2016 12:27:00 PM
Tim, not a good idea. I'll click on all my poems to be featured
Date: 7/24/2016 9:25:00 AM
Actually I enjoy checking out all the lists... Tho the manipulators are a bummer... I was even a blip on the Best New Poems List once. Yes, there are cliques... But they are unavoidable and actually helpful to many new and older writers... They build the community as much as bother some... The people in the cliques are often reaching out to others... for good or bad reasons... But they help glue us together... I worried that the Premier Contests would encourage too much...more of the cliques... But it didn't happen... So I guess it's a win-win more or less.
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Eastman Avatar
Carol Eastman
Date: 7/24/2016 9:39:00 AM
PS. Team PoetrySoup did fix a problem... but made one too. I ask Hubby to fav one of my poems (to see what you're talking about.) Since he has the same IP address... He couldn't do it. At least he can still comment on my poems when he wants... He never faved anyones poems anyway... and has discovered chat lines on facebook so has kind of abandoned PS. But He has now kept in contact with our son in the military and his ail;in Mom in the Great NorthWest... and he is in contact with all of you thru me. So I guess it is a win-win again.
Date: 7/24/2016 7:57:00 AM
Regarding a comment below, about there being nothing wrong with healthy competition - I agree with that statement, but sadly, it can't happen here. There are obvious cliques here, and a few haters, and a few members who use contest-hosting in order to manipulate the lists. There can be no healthy competition unless the judging could be done by an impartial third party, preferably someone who is an accomplished Poet. Meanwhile, those who want to play the games can play, and the rest of us watch ... and we can choose to get pissed, or we can choose to be amused by it all.
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Mark Avatar
Anthony Mark
Date: 7/25/2016 1:00:00 PM
I will judge everyone contests if need be, as the impartial judge,...and I will judge a single winner, none of this , " gimme,gimme,gimme" crap...but know this amount of pm'ing will change my mind, ..if it's shoit, it's shoit....cmon now..send em to daddy....
Lawless Avatar
John Lawless
Date: 7/24/2016 8:57:00 PM
define accomplished
Teagan Avatar
Becca Teagan
Date: 7/24/2016 3:06:00 PM
Tom are you referring to me as "a certain poet" ? because I don't remember saying that to you lol (but I'm kind of forgetful sometimes) ... and, I don't really think there is anything wrong with wanting to be number one, or high on a list of achievement... but only if it's earned fairly, not by trying to crush the competition with rumors and accusations.
Loo Avatar
Lu Loo
Date: 7/24/2016 11:10:00 AM
Becca, you are right it is sad it can't happen here. The manipulation of the lists is what gets me lately. Haters can hate all they want, but the true poets are here to grow and express ourselves the healthy way. Be blessed lady :)-luloo
Y. Avatar
Alexis Y.
Date: 7/24/2016 9:53:00 AM
Hi Nicola, Understood :-) Alexis
Arnone Avatar
Tom Arnone
Date: 7/24/2016 9:19:00 AM
Professional, third-party judging sounds like a great idea -- but it should be an assortment diverse minds and opinions. As for the current lists, I quote Scrooge, "Bah, humbug!" ;-)
Date: 7/24/2016 1:43:00 AM
I think, to more accurately reflect what it is, "Best" should be changed to "Favorite". Best poems are usually elsewhere.
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Date: 7/24/2016 12:25:00 AM
Awesome change, TPS ! Like Tim said, it's nice to see new names on the list... and maybe it will cut down the competitive spirit here, which will be refreshing.
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Date: 7/23/2016 9:13:00 PM
Does this mean Vacation Time :):):) If so I promise to be on my best behavior. LINDA
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Date: 7/23/2016 8:53:00 PM
I was just perusing the top 100 all time list. It is great to see poems from many different poets. If we want to see their other top poems we can click on best poems by that poet. Kudos TPS I like the change.
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 7/24/2016 8:39:00 AM
Tim, I wish you could click and get the "trending" poems, at least five of them, which is about the number of poems a lot of us used to have on that list. My "trending" or "best" one does not represent my best at all and I would enjoy seeing the most worthy ones represented. Clicking on "best poems" of a poet simply shows you all their old stuff that has been faved.
Date: 7/23/2016 8:37:00 PM
Congrats TPS - this is the BEST change I have seen on soup recently -it is much much fairer to all, giving greater exposure to the work of the poets who are not so active on soup yet still deserve to be on the list - why not make another change and have the title as 'current favourited poems' as the 'best' does not actually reflect on the poem only the fact people have favourited it. thanks again:-) Jan x
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Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/24/2016 10:58:00 AM
I'm just pleased it's one poem per person Andrea and not monopolised by popular poets:-) hugs jan xx
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 7/24/2016 8:41:00 AM
So true, Jan. Also what I just said to Tim above this comment is something I'd like to see.
Date: 7/23/2016 8:34:00 PM
By the way, I love the new list. It might slow down the fake faves ... Young and Restless *SKAT*
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Date: 7/23/2016 8:29:00 PM
Why not built a program, that ignores fake accounts or multiple accounts to fav the same poet, more than once from the same IP address. Linda and Royal still have me on their favorite poet list (not that I'm not their favorite lol) ... we share the same IP address at times.
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A  Avatar
Skat A
Date: 7/24/2016 3:55:00 AM
You are right Team Poetry Soup. You've been working hard for us. I remember a few months back you added a system and got rid of alot of poems on the best new poem list in one day. You are listening after all. Love both the new list
Poetrysoup Avatar
Team Poetrysoup
Date: 7/23/2016 9:27:00 PM
Even though the same ip address may be able to fav a poem, we do not count those in any totals.
Poetrysoup Avatar
Team Poetrysoup
Date: 7/23/2016 9:15:00 PM
We have that built in as we said earlier.
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Poet Destroyer A
Date: 7/23/2016 9:11:00 PM
one step at a Time, sid ~ASK, Jan? I bet TPS is creating another program, that will solve the favorite POET list. over 4oo in a year's top is insane. I can't fav myself Bummer. JK.:) It takes time, look at all the different filters they added to keep US happy They finally got it right. :) Come on TPS, keep up the great work. I love IT TOO....... Always and forever POET DESTROYER
Date: 7/23/2016 8:08:00 PM
Good going TPS... now do something about the popular list. My sister (pd) and I been here almost 7 years. Never have I seen so many foolish accounts. Plus, all the empty accounts created to fav poets. Perhaps you should not allow poets to fav one another from the same or similar ip address during their first month. Give them a month, see if they stay. Perhaps you'll gain more traffic. (i share ip addresses with Linda) if it means I can't fav her so be it. I'm not going to believe I'm more popular than Andrea'...
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Skat A
Date: 7/25/2016 10:42:00 AM
Lol. I guess my I phone doesn't like the word hater. Lol... Double typo on the bottom. HATER & HATER
A  Avatar
Skat A
Date: 7/25/2016 10:16:00 AM
Catie, I like what you said up there about heaters, saying poets are being heaters, yet forget about all the hate they spread hemselves. People talking about spreading rumors, lol...who are they kidding, they are the head hunters of turning poets against one another. A certain poet was caught manipulating the new best poem list, yet acts as if it never happened. LOL. Pulling the wool over those who are in need. Others are not blind.
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Skat A
Date: 7/25/2016 10:10:00 AM
Catie, you don't or have never been fake. You are true and most blunt.
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Skat A
Date: 7/24/2016 12:13:00 PM
I'd rather wear Shades, than a liar
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 7/23/2016 8:39:00 PM
Hopefully the 'fake' account's will diminish now Skat as we can only have one spot on the list not multiple ones - this is the best change on soup in ages I am delighted as it is much fairer :-):-) hugs Jan xx
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Skat A
Date: 7/23/2016 8:32:00 PM
Do you have the system for the fake accounts created to fav poets?
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Skat A
Date: 7/23/2016 8:22:00 PM
I take that back, don't remove my sister (pd) from my favorite poet list, because then you'll remove Her daughter,, Royal's very dear to me. Just work on it, so it will not count.
Poetrysoup Avatar
Team Poetrysoup
Date: 7/23/2016 8:20:00 PM
Even if fake accounts were created to favorite poems, it would not work. We have programs built into the system to ignore those. A few members focus to much on this. Even if there are fake accounts, they do not impact anything or impact it minimally
A  Avatar
Skat A
Date: 7/23/2016 8:15:00 PM
Maybe you should have a rule, "if accounts are made and not active after a month, they should be removed." Makes your list neeeettttoo000.

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