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Why are there... - Team Poetrysoup's Blog

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Kindness is the quality or state of taking an active interest in the welfare of others; friendly and helpful acts or favors.

Why are there...

Blog Posted:4/23/2012 12:08:00 PM
We finally had a chance to look at some of the blogs. However, we are confused. Why are there sqabbles on a Poetry website? It looks like a lot of these are being settled, but it still doesn't make much sense. You read the poetry or poets you like, you write poetry, and you receive or post comments. Seems simple. How do you squabble on a poetry website?



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Date: 4/24/2012 7:10:00 PM
Thanks, that's cool. Hope you didn't take my comment (which I removed) as a complaint. I appreciate too much what you do.
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Date: 4/24/2012 6:41:00 PM
@Charles - we have to recode this page and not use iframes. It may take a while though.
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Date: 4/24/2012 6:31:00 PM
Concerning the word "blog". When I first got on the computer I wondered where the name Blog came from. I searched and found at that time it meant "Bitch log". Over time the acronym was mistaken for the contraction of web log (we blog)and hence a nicer name for the same old thing. With its background as a "bitch log" It is no wonder that when we post private thoughts publicly they are going to get skewed when they are a couple of generations old and that is not good for anyone. Sort of like the old game of "gossip" which demonstrates aptly what happens when person pass on information and do not adequately express themselve, thereby distorting the facts. So, much better for two persons to sort out differences privately, and if they can't because of blocking- - well that's life. Just suck it up and let it go. After all no complaint is life or death. But, with the history of "blog" - - go figure ! If something does go sour.
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Date: 4/24/2012 5:34:00 PM
Thank you Team Poetry Soup for putting both books on the onlinebookstore. :•) Michael
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Date: 4/24/2012 5:11:00 PM
Yes Catie, I emailed exactly what they wanted and they confirmed it was intact. But now it's 6 weeks later and nothing. Today I emailed info for my second book. I don't understand why they don't answer my emails that's why I'm commenting on the blog and yet still no response. I'm confused. Hugs Catie Michael
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Date: 4/24/2012 2:57:00 PM
Well Arild and Catie, good stuff. But I have to wonder why aren't my blog comments answered ??? It's insulting that not one response from an email or blog comment like below is even answered and before anyone asks I tried to do this in private by email. June 1st my prem membership is up and $35 is due, not sure what I will do if I'm not at least acknolleged as a member.
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Date: 4/24/2012 12:37:00 PM
We also see that some people make personal differences public (That's what Soup Mail is for). We are going to be a little more aggressive in removing blogs of this nature. We want people to focus on POETRY.
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Date: 4/24/2012 12:33:00 PM
@Catie - That's always a GREAT approach to take.
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Date: 4/24/2012 12:29:00 PM
@Arid - that's a tough one. This "principal" has 17000+ students (members). :-). I really think it comes from the members; our willingness to treat people they way WE want to be treated. Also, it takes two to tango. A person can't have a squabble with him/herself. Take the high road.
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Date: 4/24/2012 10:40:00 AM
I've argued with some poets here and have always enjoyed the jabbereing back and forth. We've done so I believe with a mutual respect. I'm not always politically correct and hope I never become so. Lately what I see are attacks on people and it is becoming ridiculous. We've never had it on the Soup with the exception of one or two with obvious personal problems and admin has taken care of those. Sarcasm, unthinking remarks and innuendo seem to be the themes through most of this. We've lost a few excellent poets over the last two years. I just hope they weren't chased by what they've seen brewing here.
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Date: 4/24/2012 10:39:00 AM
Which is aggravating to me is how I can't get a response either on this blog or by email. Yet I have praised this site in 3 newspapers in NY and at each of my book signings I have stirred other poets to join. Sorry to vent but it's very frustrating not seeing my books with the rest of the soup poets. Michael
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Date: 4/24/2012 10:04:00 AM
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Date: 4/24/2012 9:55:00 AM
Many hypocrites on this site. Its nice one can join the gang and spew out the cruelty through repulsive hate and still act innocent. Poetry Soup :-) it seems as if you tickled everyone, especially me. nice blog' thank you for the freedom of speech. Not even Mrs. Barrianna removed her account as she left us. Something fishy is going on :-)
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Date: 4/24/2012 7:27:00 AM
Hey Tracie, nice to see those big blue eyes David
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Date: 4/24/2012 4:50:00 AM
You don't squabble on poetry sites but you also don't sit there and let your name be dragged through the mud and be accused of being a thief without saying something back, I think I did the best thing I could do to settle this constant attacking by leaving and letting the dust settle so others can enjoy their soup time, As you have only just had time to read the blogs you would have only read the altered one's not the personal attack that started it. But enough of that depressing shit..I really just wanted to say I have really enjoyed being here on soup and I've loved learning all the new forms I hadn't even heard of before joining..And the people (most) are incredible I have met so many people that I consider to be brilliant friends, people I wouldn't of met if not for soup, So a big thank you from me for that.. Tracie xxx
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Date: 4/24/2012 12:32:00 AM
hey TPS while you are here, can we have more forms of poetry and different catagories, they are quite limited...David
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Date: 4/23/2012 8:03:00 PM
"How do you squabble on a poetry website?" - with no rhyme or reason.
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Date: 4/23/2012 7:23:00 PM
squabbling is a nice way of putting it... Soup, one can only learn from this. You know we are all here for one reason and one reason only. LIFE" as it continues to grow on us. And this right here is the best I have ever added to my life.. "DRAMA OR NOT" But, just like life we fight and act like children and try to prove points always. It does not matter who gets hurt in the process. I can admit when I'm wrong.. And yes, lowering myself to a level of haters is not me. I wish others would take the proper time out of their day and say sorry, to anyone they have hurt or been selfish too for no reason. In a way every poet here has offended one another, one way or another. Many of us just keep the hurt to ourselves. Well I was pushed to the limit, and Writing mean blogs is one way I belittled myself and took care of it.. Just to hurt them poet or poets back.... I confess, I can act like a mule too when others are acting like a mule. I'm just tired of all these secret attacks and rude and senseless blogs and comments in my honor, because I pissed off some soup poets. Earlier today I came with the understanding that we are forever young in out heart. And that is what we should hold precious. And this is the place I love to come to,, and undress it all. I hate being brave all the time. That's why I post all my emotions and ways here on the soup. If one does not like it than they can keep ignoring me and my ways. I don't know, we can all thank the poets here, whom created me. By attacking an account ran by my sister and daughter way back than... You see even than the hating was run by your older community poets and I joined just to help my sis' out after getting attack, when she started out her popularity and now she's the one who needs to come to my rescue.. SHHH! That is a close case,anyways. All blindfolds had been removed. You see that was not worth it. Now, look at how lovely we can cross one another path... I should have never stooped down to that level. And here I am stooping one again.. Well I remove myself from that level. I will let fairy tale creatures rule the night by them selves. ***I love it here and here and I will stay.. Unless I think it is time to go... And unfortunately, I will pack my bags and leave soon...Just not today or tomorrow...I still have unfinished work here.. First, I have to go and post a blog... I will chat and skittles the rainbow later... always PD
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Date: 4/23/2012 7:13:00 PM
Hmm most of the time I don't even KNOW who's squabbling with who? There have been times when folks got upset with me for commenting with an actual critique on the verse? And once because I said as a child I liked a Golden Book which is now seen as racist? BUT what Chris said it RIGHT..when in doubt just write a personal soup mail and straighten it out there!I'm very happy now most folks know me enough to realize I have no intent to harm [and are a bit unsure of what would happen if I did? LOL- which helps to keep me safe?]
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Date: 4/23/2012 6:50:00 PM
Carolyn do you have your soup mail turned off. i do not see a link to it. To post a picture try this. Make sure you have the blog screen up (open). Click the minus(top right han corner of screen) and bring it to the bottom of your computer. Find the picture you want to move. Right click within the body of the photo. A menu comes up to show you what you can do. Left click on copy. Bring the blog screen back up from the bottom and put the curser within the typing area. Right click there and from the menu which comes up left click "paste". The picture should go into the blog area and you can grab the little tabs on the corners and side to change size. But try to keep the change the same up and down as side ways or your picture will get too long or too high.(proportionally) This also works within the post a poem box.
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Date: 4/23/2012 6:05:00 PM
Sometimes I squabble 'cause I'm PMS. Sometimes I squabble because I feel like someone's being bullied and I hate that. Most of the times, tho, when I'm called out for squabbling, I had no intent to cause a ruckus. Go figure...... namaste~N
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Date: 4/23/2012 5:24:00 PM
Nicely said TPS. Michael
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Date: 4/23/2012 5:01:00 PM
@Chris, I think you are closest to the truth. "I don't find it strange, because this site is a micro-cosm of the greater world." We were hoping that The Soup would be a haven from the "world's" social turmoil. Let's keep trying Soupers!!!
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Date: 4/23/2012 3:53:00 PM
See, this is what I call customer service..A big hug to YOU, PS for posting this blog and checking the pulse of your PEEPS...This made my day, as I want to have easy access to purchase books written by my poetry soup friends. I too am having difficulty posting photos like my dear friend Carolyn...Will you let us know what is being done to help in these areas? ...(Can I secretly call you OZ too?) All in good humor! Have a great week! Gwendolen
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Date: 4/23/2012 3:33:00 PM
I try to stay out of the infighting, but I still can't post a photo with a blog. Please send me some specific directions on how to allow photo uploading from my new computer. Carolyn
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Date: 4/23/2012 3:19:00 PM
And PS. if you didn't read my blog or email.. Im still waiting for my book to be ithe PoetrySouponline book store.. Please its been over 5 weeks since I sent all the proper info... ANd I have a 2nd book now out and would love to see them both together fo Soupers to have a chance to purchase..There have been personally 3 articles including the one in my blog where I give praise to Poetry Soup , all hof which circulate throughout NY.. Thank you for your time Michael
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Date: 4/23/2012 3:14:00 PM
TPS I agree with most said below.. For its a place to read and write.. If you read my blog below (and hoped you did)lol.. This place has given me the room to grow in an art I never knew was inside me.. Thank you for the Site!! We are losing some good poets lately but it is there choice to leave or stay... I shall stay and write which is now my passion... Michael
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Date: 4/23/2012 3:00:00 PM
I have not been here much over the past few months. But I can guarantee that every time I come back, there is always a debate of some scale. I agree with Chris, as long as whatever is debated in the right manner. At the end of the day, humans are humans. It's time to live side by side, with harmonious debate, hopefully :)
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Date: 4/23/2012 1:08:00 PM
Oh have you fixed the commenting problem tps thanks I can comment again I hope as regards the question, who the heck know??
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Date: 4/23/2012 1:07:00 PM
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Date: 4/23/2012 1:03:00 PM
Tps:-) every action- comes with a reaction. When it comes 2 creatures it takes 1 ' 2 know 1. I like Cyndi's, comment " forgive and move on. Strange is the world we live in. It takes a bigger person to admit when they're wrong. It takes a bigger person 2 accept any form of apology. one thing my mother always told me, bullies are those who feed and expose negative reaction 2 their own friends, instead of encouraging them with the power influence they have over their own group. They add more salt to the water, when an apology has been handed. I did not agree with an open apology. If that's one of the blogs you are referring 2. I keep telling my sis' not 2 hang here. As U can see, she likes the soup she swims in. I actually enjoyed her fiance calling her weak for the poets on this site. I'm glad I only log on when it's interesting. All this drama, keeps me away. I'm only here for the food & contest. ~Leeann
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Date: 4/23/2012 12:46:00 PM
Why do you squabble at church, at your kid's soccer game, in the grocery line? Squabbles happen at peace demonstrations... I think its called being human. The important thing is to forgive and move forward. Cyndi
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Date: 4/23/2012 12:30:00 PM
Poets are emotional people and sometimes emotions jump onto the wrong track and it takes time and patience to sort out. Hopefully, that has been done.
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Date: 4/23/2012 12:24:00 PM
Good question TPS, heaven knows why there is always drama! And so unneccesary as well ;-)
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Now accepting poems for our next anthology
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Remembering Our Dear Connie Marcum Wong
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PS: It's Still Poetry - An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry from Around the World - The Anthology is Here!
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Anthology Update...Waiting for Legal
Date Posted: 1/2/2022 10:48:00 AM
PoetrySoup is Very Close to Publishing Our Anthology
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RULES: Poem Content and Personal Attacks, Battles, or Cyberbullying and Harassment
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PoetrySoup Anthology Update
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OBITUARY: Carolyn Helen Devonshire
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Have You Invented a Form of Poetry? If so...
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