Below are poems written by United States poet Aram Sarian. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Aram Sarian.
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PONDERING ON THE SCRIPTURES: A symbol of the soul relying upon the Higher Nature which is Within. " The words of The Christ should be considered further in connection with the General Character of the Gospel according to St. John" For the character of that narrative is not Historical, but Spiritual, not Descriptive of the outward forms of the church, but the Inner Life of the Soul Go to Quote / Comment | by Aram Sarian
Footsteps Of Buddha "A symbol of the three higher and four lower planes of the Universe and Soul; The arena of the self's activities"- Unflurried, with the Lotus-Sign in high relief, far-striding, set down with a stamp, Seven such firm footsteps did Buddha take, he was like the Constellation of the Seven Rishis. Go to Quote / Comment | by Aram Sarian
" And like Sapphire Stone also were its manifold hues" - Hymn Of The Soul Go to Quote / Comment | by Aram Sarian
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