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Poems by Sekitto Kisakye

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Below are poems written by Uganda poet Sekitto Kisakye. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Sekitto Kisakye.

Read Poems by Sekitto Kisakye

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
08/08/2009 Nature 1878 Haiku
08/08/2009 My Life 1006 Haiku
08/08/2009 The Fact 754 I do not know?
08/08/2009 The Fireless War 806 Haiku
08/08/2009 The Poor 531 I do not know?
08/06/2009 Life 887 Haiku
08/06/2009 Water 894 Haiku
08/06/2009 My Hair 659 Haiku
08/06/2009 Myself 1762 Haiku
08/04/2009 You Did a Good Job 870 I do not know?
08/04/2009 Thank You 837 Haiku
08/04/2009 Father 764 Haiku
08/03/2009 Today 486 I do not know?
08/03/2009 The Power of My Brain 532 I do not know?
08/03/2009 Why the World Is Crazy 529 ABC
08/02/2009 Uganda Flag. 1837 Haiku
08/02/2009 Change 804 Haiku
08/02/2009 Lineage 517 I do not know?
08/02/2009 Monday and Sunday 486 I do not know?
08/02/2009 The Day I Will Never Forget 2438 I do not know?
08/01/2009 The South African Hero 1089 I do not know?
08/01/2009 The City Tigers 574 I do not know?
08/01/2009 Promise Me Your Love 515 I do not know?
08/01/2009 Obama's Presidential Election 677 I do not know?
07/31/2009 The Truth Behind Men 487 I do not know?
07/30/2009 Day and Night 473 Rhyme
07/30/2009 Why I Laugh 742 I do not know?
07/29/2009 Satan 664 I do not know?
07/28/2009 Heaven 410 I do not know?
07/27/2009 The Four In One 758 Haiku
07/24/2009 Rain At Night 742 Haiku
07/24/2009 Our Grand Parents 499 I do not know?
07/24/2009 The Lost Love 478 ABC
07/22/2009 Your Love 810 Haiku
07/22/2009 Jesus 371 ABC
07/21/2009 College Life 3650 Haiku
07/21/2009 My Daugher 675 Haiku
07/21/2009 The Silent Journey 457 I do not know?
07/20/2009 My Heart 808 Haiku
07/19/2009 God 446 ABC
07/19/2009 Today's World 458 ABC
07/17/2009 A Soldier In the War 566 ABC
07/15/2009 He Knows Our Plans 504 ABC
07/15/2009 Smile 471 ABC
03/23/2007 My Faith 473 ABC
03/12/2007 2007 425 ABC
03/12/2007 Last Night 530 ABC
03/12/2007 Catherine Stella 571 Free verse
03/09/2007 My Heart 429 ABC
03/05/2007 My Days 487 ABC
03/05/2007 We Are the Pillars 397 ABC
03/05/2007 The Lord 385 ABC
03/02/2007 Some One Knows 385 ABC
03/02/2007 My Girl Friend 568 Free verse
03/02/2007 My Wife 399 ABC
03/02/2007 Directly From Home 473 ABC
03/02/2007 Sorry For Them 386 ABC
03/02/2007 The Teachers 428 ABC
03/02/2007 I Love Him 346 ABC
03/02/2007 Like Love 621 ABC
03/02/2007 Listen 353 ABC
03/02/2007 My Enemy 593 ABC
03/02/2007 The Beepers 436 ABC
03/02/2007 My Love 390 ABC
03/02/2007 Jesus 389 ABC
03/02/2007 Children 379 ABC
03/02/2007 The Dog 414 ABC
03/02/2007 They Fly 396 ABC
02/26/2007 The Rain 376 ABC
02/26/2007 The Snake 412 ABC
02/26/2007 Mind Your Self 435 ABC
02/26/2007 The Young Age 396 ABC
02/26/2007 Tomorrow 354 ABC
02/26/2007 Work 382 ABC
02/26/2007 My Wife 487 ABC
02/21/2007 The Night Dancers 350 ABC
02/21/2007 The Earth Quake 334 ABC
02/14/2007 Jealous 396 ABC
02/14/2007 The Funny Man 450 ABC
02/14/2007 My Father 327 ABC
02/14/2007 The Serpent 489 ABC
02/14/2007 The Dream 366 ABC
02/14/2007 The Mango Tree 410 ABC
02/12/2007 Who Is Me 458 ABC
02/12/2007 Wisdom 394 ABC
02/12/2007 Thiery Henry 523 ABC
02/12/2007 Water 381 ABC
02/12/2007 The Eagles 425 ABC
02/09/2007 The Christmas Day 378 ABC
02/09/2007 God Bless Them 541 ABC
02/09/2007 Slavery 483 ABC
02/09/2007 Child Abuse 582 ABC
02/09/2007 Be Careful All 353 ABC
02/09/2007 Prison 391 ABC
02/09/2007 Some One Strong 440 ABC
02/09/2007 What 378 ABC
02/09/2007 Omwana Ow'Essanyu 469 ABC
02/08/2007 Eddembe Ly'Abakyala 2890 ABC
02/07/2007 The Lord 378 ABC
02/07/2007 Sex 442 ABC

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry