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Best Poems Written by Kathleen Kroll

Below are the all-time best Kathleen Kroll poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Lowly Turnip

The lowly turnip
Earthy, fleshy
Roots falling from its eyes
Fed to  livestock
One of God’s root crops
Yet deemed  untasty
By most palates 

Carrots and potatoes
Receive accolades
Carrots in orange party dress
So crunchy and sweet 
Fit in the school child’s lunch box
Potatoes in russet  brown
Mashed, fried and frittered
Prized alongside McDonalds and Kentucky Fried

Do not despair, my friend, 
Not all root crops
Are valued similarly
Said the rutabaga disparagingly

Copyright © Kathleen Kroll | Year Posted 2016

Details | Kathleen Kroll Poem

Peace Slips Lightly

Peace slips lightly
Over my shoulders
Downy in its softness
Its netting of gossamer
Floats downward
As a willow's branches
Might brush fate
And touch the unknown
I stand with beauty
I hug airiness

Fire in distant trees
Burnished red and gold
Drop their leaves
One by one by one
Spaces fill knowingly
Like a precise jigsaw
Designed by eternity
Its pieces culled from heaven
To create nature's quilt
Trembling, I embrace the birthing
I am one with change

A cacaphony of sounds - 
Caw Caw Caw
Raucous, disturbing, quickening
Tear my thoughts like glass shards
Skyrocketing colors
Shake my newfound presence
I am reminded that
Equanimity's gift is fleeting
As a cardinal's trill
Or the flash of a jay's blueness
I yield to what is

Copyright © Kathleen Kroll | Year Posted 2016

Details | Kathleen Kroll Poem

Endless Time, Endless Beauty

Once upon a time
My lady called 
I stood mesmerized 
At ocean’s cusp

Glinting, glimmering, gleaming
Thousands of sparklers 
Dot her sequined dress 
Look at me!
Look at me!

Breathless ripples strew pebbles at shores edge
Cormorants perch on hips of slate
Eyes of diamond reflect starry nets
Starfish mouth warm honeycombs of tide pools
Waves of breast, milky white, feed the minions
Feet of clay glue her honeyed presence 

Roaring, rumbling, ripping
Like the sea serpents
Who call her waters home
She crashes 
Into shore’s stationary sentinels 
Whose feet she laps unceasingly

Capricious as she is
This lady is not fickle
The meditative state
Which hypnotized and paralyzed
Is there 
For your embrace

Copyright © Kathleen Kroll | Year Posted 2017

Details | Kathleen Kroll Poem

Unearthing the Heart's Emotions

Unearthing the heart’s emotions
Is a dangerous task
Down through the layers 
I tunnel
Driven by sadness
Driven by madness

Am I ready to accept 
What lies hidden 
Like mushrooms springing
From the musty, sodden earth
Deep wounds lie festering
In layers of scar tissue
Bathed in dark denial
And washed white by delusion

Inside I spy 
Various gems and stones
I linger with a chosen few
Those I polish and return
Others beg me to stay awhile
But it is no use
The pain of a second glance
Spurs me forward

Occasionally, I glimpse a rose
Mixed with the discards
I pause and inhale its fragrance
Praying it will remain

Later I return
Was it there?
Was it really me?
Too late it’s gone

But the sense 
That I glimpsed it once
Gives renewed hope.
Tomorrow I will 
Better sort the 
Treasure from the trash.

Third or fourth version
Oct 2011 KDK

Copyright © Kathleen Kroll | Year Posted 2016

Details | Kathleen Kroll Poem

Watching Raindrops Drop

It's a beautiful day
For waving leaves to fall
A day for watching 
Raindrops drop

It's a beautiful day
For apples to blush red
A day for plumping 
Pumpkins, large and  orange

It's a beautiful day
For tracking gray squirrels 
A day for bushy tails
And mouths carrying omens

It's a beautiful day 
For lifting thanks
A day for sensing love's
Quiet mantle settle

Copyright © Kathleen Kroll | Year Posted 2017

Details | Kathleen Kroll Poem

Parallel Universes

revelation of revelations!
an ordinary morning til..
discovery of discoveries 
brittle chrysalis
upside down, branching
breathing, pulsing
I pause and
inspect the
pupa’s fortress
tight and hard as 
childhood memories of
milkweed pods 
splaying, splitting, dropping
fragments into the
pungent soil beneath

My birth sac
splits apart
Baptismal waters
run down my legs
he’s going to be a
football player the 
doctor predicts.
one last push
spills my babe
onto linen’s 
glaring whiteness.
oops, he’s a she
and so beautiful.

A parallel universe
repeats, reflects, completes 
an ever changing 
life cycle
sunshine dries
black and orange panes
tiny filaments of gossamer
wings shimmer silky white
against the opaque sun

Dad’s car delivers
mom and babe home
their newborn squalls.
her tiny fingers 
curl in a tight fist.
each digit is a
prayer bead
chanting its presence.

I gaze in amazement 
my mind awhirl
wings and elbows,
antennae and toes
displace space now that
seconds before was
unknown. unclaimed.

Copyright © Kathleen Kroll | Year Posted 2018

Details | Kathleen Kroll Poem

Ode To My Middle Child

Patterns gleam in the sun
Threads lie side by side
Or criss-cross
In intricate patterns
Like individuals intersecting
Within the family
Each dependent yet separate
Blues, reds, greens and yellows complete the rhythm
Any strand pulled from this parade of colors
Reveals a gap in dreams unfulfilled

How I love you,
My middle child,
You are the elegant pendant
Dropping gracefully
From our necklace’s mid-point
Giving meaning to our chain of life

How I love you,	
My middle child,
You are the glue
Within life’s weavings
Irrepressible giggles erupt in play with older sister
Whispered consultations emerge from pillow sessions with younger brother
Bridging, always bridging
Giving, always giving

Know, my middle child,
Those stirring fears
Of being in between
Are fleeting ghosts
Your constant beauty shines
Like the lighthouse globe
Signaling to all 
Your presence

Rejoice in your role,
My middle child,
Imagine a shimmering reflection pool
Whose immutable colors
Expand and multiply
You are vital to a whole
That is greater than its parts
And you are loved deeply

Happy Birthday, Maureen
Love, Mom
September 27, 2014

Copyright © Kathleen Kroll | Year Posted 2016

Details | Kathleen Kroll Poem

Big Sister, Little Brother

Big Sister, 
Little Brother

Big sister
Little brother
At play
First day
Of school
She takes
His hand
Shows him
The way
From home

Big sister
Little brother
Grows up
Passes away
He takes
Her hand
Shows her
The way
To home

Dedicated to
James C Kroll
May 3, 1946 - Jan 28, 2016

Copyright © Kathleen Kroll | Year Posted 2016

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A Litany of Thanksgiving

The highway bridges
Remnants of conversation 
Clothed in ethereal blue.
Variform clouds
Stark white or gray
Bandage my heart.

Brother’s litany
Of thanksgiving
Floats above my head.
Mom and dad were
Good parents.
They worked hard.
Cemetery gates swallow us
Sleek and black
Like a raven
Plucking its prey.
Attendees’ musings are
Wetness on the
Road’s cheeks
Tactile as a 
Cat’s tongue
Freshening the spirit

Words of gratitude
Misty as memory’s yesterday
Rich worked hard
He did very well for himself.
Puzzle pieces fit tightly
Brothers’ faces, Sister’s words
Cathartic like a cloak’s
Feathery embraces.

Drops of rain 
Shower blessings
Prayers of thanksgiving
From another time
Diane is a beautiful girl.
Bill is smart.
How is Maureen?

Is he still here?
How do I know?
Sunshine branching
Apple twigs glimmering
Meanwhile traffic
Normal as a busy
Day’s waking and sleeping

The wrought iron gates open
Spilling family out
Like white markers with
Blank dates

Copyright © Kathleen Kroll | Year Posted 2016

Details | Kathleen Kroll Poem

Meditation On Light

Ethereal, fleeting, incandescent
I grasp loosely at the airiness
So vibrant on the escarpment
X-rays pass through bone and flesh
Leaving no mark
I hold emptiness

Where are the diamonds?
Filling my fingertips?
Brushing my lips?
Tickling my tongue?
Lingering within my heart?
Eternity breaks open
Inverting itself within dark holes
Moons, planets and stars swirl

My amazement blazes anew
When the jewels reappear 
Woodland sprites alive on the bark
Knifing through the trees
Frolicking on the ground
Dancing amongst the foliage 
Daring me to catch them 

Clay vessel opens 
Alas, it is a porous jug
Absorbing but not containing
The warmth of a brief embrace
My skeleton’s soulful journey
Light twinkles
Passes through 
Leaving no pathway

Psyche refuses defeat
What has been will reappear
Eyes to see the invisible

Kathleen D Kroll
March 19, 2016
Inspired by light in Yosemite National Park

Copyright © Kathleen Kroll | Year Posted 2016


Book: Reflection on the Important Things