To the Singing Lark
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Oh! How like you, I long to be a singing lark
Who in the blue firmament like a tiny speck
Remains invisible, drowning the air in music sweet
Rising higher and darting up with movements slick
In our ears, your song falls like peals of chiming bells
In clear crystalline notes on this radiant day so bright
Why do you stay unseen in the far fringes of heaven?
Oh! Come out from the heights that blur you from our sight!
Are you warbling of love in inextricable lays
Or chanting hymns to the God of greater heights
Diving up and down like a mysterious sprite
Are you trilling of the charms of enchanting sights
Soaring and swaying like a flitting dot of light
You ascend higher and higher to dizzier heights
I guess your wings brush against the sailing clouds
As you reel round and round in ecstatic flights
Have you bidden farewell to the verdant groves beneath?
Have you flown for good from your woody nest?
Why do you dwell in the heights, solitary and alone?
Are you cruising into the wide blue yonder to seek a haven for rest?
Hovering over unseen, you pour out melodies sweet
That fills our gloomy hearts with euphoric delight
Sweeping away from weary minds all sullen thoughts
And flaming our souls as blazing beacons of light!
June.14. 2022
Placed Second
Poetry Marathon Mile.1.Poetry Contest
Sponsor- Mark Tony
Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2022
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