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Funny Work Poems

These Funny Work poems are examples of Work poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Work Funny poems written by international poets.

Chaos and Being
Our entire universe is of chaos
endlessly churning away,
So how the  do you expect us apes
To find meaning each day
While we're burning and learning and...

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Categories: work, age, dark, funny, introspection,

Premium Member Scary to Larry
There once was a farmer named Larry
With a hundred cows at his dairy
Larry did his best
Hired help for the rest
Milking that many cows was scary

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© Bill Baker  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: work, farm, funny, humor, life,

Oh me oh my
I work all the time
I honestly just feel like a tiny fly
In this large world full of crime

I wonder what is my...

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© Trash Boat  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: work, addiction, anxiety, career, drink,

Premium Member Over The Waters Blue
"over the waters blue the night winds sigh, the breakers roar" ... Samual Taylor Coleridge

Over the waters blue I love to sail,
many times I get...

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Categories: work, blue, boat, love, sea,

Premium Member Propitiation
I had lunch with Randy, between classes today. It was a perfect day. The sky was an infinite, capri blue, the wind was stirring the...

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Categories: work, friendship, humor, school, student,

Breaking Up Is Tough
They say that breaking up is tough,
now I know that it’s true,
one day we’ll go separate ways,
and all the blame’s on you.

Maybe we shared some...

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Categories: break up, funny, work,

Premium Member Rambling
Quote By Poet "Time is a funny thing. It is here, it is gone.
Never to be found again." 

As l get older,
I find the same...

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Categories: work, baby, day, kid, mom,

The Lion Tamer
Given an impossible task to vigorously chase

Based on something nobody else wanted to face

With no support expectations were delivered coldly

Blindly thrown into the thick of...

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Categories: funny, work,

Premium Member The Day Turns Back Into Night ITQ
I am now up and half asleep, 
quiet I must not make a peep, 
others are still sleeping like sheep, 
need to get dressed and...

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Categories: work, car, sleep, snow, time,

Premium Member The Scarecrow in Yellow
I just met a scarecrow all dressed in yellow.
Seemed quite nice and really quite mellow.
     A crow was sitting on each...

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© Bill Baker  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: work, bird, farm, fun, funny,

Last Organ Grinder
You can always hear the jangling sound,
Of the organ grinder as he makes his way around.

He's out there in the rain or sun,
And everyone looks...

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© Mark West  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: work, age, childhood, culture, farewell,

Premium Member Three Legged Table
As a child, 
I loved to watch Grandpa build. 
His basement workshop, 
was filled with tools. 
Tools hanging on every wall, 
wood neatly stacked in...

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Categories: work, child, fun, grandfather, love,

Graveyard Cook
The short order cook is getting delirious at five in the morning
Beads of sweat showing under his funny hat
As he stares blankly at the eight...

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© Joe Flambo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: drink, longing, work,

Premium Member What Was I Thinking
when I spilled a full vat of maple syrup - more pancake…more butter...

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Categories: funny, work,

Premium Member Beautiful
Quote By Author "Dear Writer, Have a blessed day 
writing away your beautiful writes to all of the readers."

A writer chooses their words with glory,

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Categories: work, books, poems, poets, words,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things