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Wasp Poems - Poems about Wasp

Wasp Poems - Examples of all types of poems about wasp to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for wasp.
The Bug Chronicles - A Field Guide To Creepy Crawlies
the spider he, with cotton in his bottom for the silken manufacture dressing flies he likes to capture in the evening wear for dinner oh the spider, what a spinner the wasp he, with a pin for a sting and the flailing arms...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, animal, fun, funny, humorous,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Sexy Wasp
She is much sexier than the queen The hive was all abuzz This Marilyn Monroe-like wasp Was the woman that never was. The drones almost stopped working When sexy wasp came into the hive I think several of them passed out At...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member The Trapped Wasp Tale
*** The Trapped Wasp’s Tale *** Today I am a wasp in the room Noticed when Sights of light began the sounds Of my tap-smacking Head bangs Trying to get through the glass pane In the wall, for Even I sense there is...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, character, fear, feelings, flying,
Form: Personification

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Wasp Dear
Seldom do we think about you, Wasp, dear, though you're God's creature too; Might be owing your severe sting, And, then, your flash-like sudden fling; We add to our aversion, strong, Who does, hence, dare to hear your song...? Laborers, like...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, creation, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Wasp
gold rays of vengeance fly jet speed betwixt flowers --- venomous sun shine 29 June 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, insect, nature,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member Can of Wasp Spray
I have a can of wasp and hornet spray on my desk It says killer on it. Do I feel guilty? Not a bit. Will I use it? Oh, yes! During the day the wasps hide out in cracks and crevices. But...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, life,
Form: Free verse
Conserving Energy For Punishment
My energy I conserve, Not for the guests seats I have yet to reserve Nor for their paid meat I should carefully preserve… Squarely for the nice treat My boys deserve. Their negligence I’ve grasped And at it gasped And hands of shock...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, anger, character, child abuse,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Wasp Goes After Grandma
Savvy wasp hornet killer spray Feeling good it’s what I bring her. Squirting a stream so far away Grandma watch out for the stinger!...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, 6th grade, 7th grade,
Form: Quatrain
Panic Is a Longing To Live Long
Panic is a longing to live long, Yet, a betraying of one not being strong; All the way leading to a taunting song From persons who panic judge a wrong; Who when others duly panic Unduly continue to picnic, Honestly taking...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, animal, anxiety, character, fear,
Form: Rhyme
Apartment 62 Nosy Neighbour Observations: Part 2: Wasp Guy
Another neighbour in the building I saw him from my balcony. He Twisted up a plastic bag and carefully hid it, under the tree. He went back to his car and waited, Then eventually, drove away. I waited for hours until...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, confusion,
Form: Quatrain
Wasp Nest Under Construction 1
Wasp nest under construction... vacancies for yellow jackets also available alternately titled: eave'n roofs houses nidus If ye dear reader find yourself as an under appreciated busy buddy buzzfeeding bee - hive got just the solution. When me and the misses entered...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, 12th grade, autumn, beautiful,
Form: Free verse
Wasp Nest Under Construction 2
Mine eyes espied a glorious shade tree on a recent brutally hazy, hot and humid July summer day, where below the gnarled roots glazed occipital nerve did not see yellow-jackets minding their own beeswax when derriere i.e. did essay until deux stingers...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, adventure, autumn, beauty, creation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Swollen Eyelid
The sting of a wasp Smacked me hard on the eyelid Can't get rid of itch Swollen, scrape is so awful Wasp drove me nuts; I can't blink Written: August 23, 2021 A Buggy Tanka Contest Poetry Contest Sponsored by: M. L....Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, weather,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member The Angry Wasp
He was an angry wasp, zooming around the kindergarten classroom. Stinging other children with hits, smacks, pops and bites. They were terrified of him within the first hour or so. The teacher was losing her cool, her anger...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, anger, sad love, school,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Wasp Lands On My Hand
I am sitting on my porch thinking about how everything feels muggy; I feel sticky. It is July sauna. Everything outside has stopped moving. Suddenly I jump almost out of my skin. A wasp has...Read the rest...
Categories: wasp, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Haibun

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry