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Vintage Poems - Poems about Vintage

Vintage Poems - Examples of all types of poems about vintage to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for vintage.
Premium Member making a vintage Valentines Day Box
I collect the ingredients to make a fine valentines box lacy white paper doilies, silver gummy stars, vintage valentines a crisp new Sketchers Box in pristine shape Elmer’s glue, a stapler, markers and glitter Let’s make your valentines box,...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, granddaughter,
Form: Free verse
Those white gray hairs Unshaved moustache Aged with wisdom....Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, age, life, perspective, wisdom,
Form: Than-Bauk

Premium Member Paint A Picture
In your vintage gold design you lay in brilliant elegance- a memory of our yesteryear held in the highest esteem; words flew through the air. Image 4 ...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, imagery, tribute,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Vintage is Me
my closet defines my soul . . . ...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, me,
Form: Free verse
A Vintage Sashay
Her hips leaves her loves, Kisses in the wind, As she sashays luminous, As a champagne moon, The vintage shore, Unwinds in the ultra neon lights, As bonfires hymn in the starry nights, Her vintage sashay, Inwardly lit, from the sweetness, that tenderly strides, Its...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, beauty, nature, woman,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Vintage Violet
born into an aura of swirling purples hues of violet and amethyst a flower given a sweet vintage name as written ... a girl steadfast, faithful dependable, reliable, trustworthy dedicated friend with courage no matter the obstacle she loves anything vintage an earth bound energy a soul...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, me,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Vintage Dress Starts a Fiasco
the vintage homecoming dress was donated in the middle of the night. This is a small town, in 1972. There were no security cameras. Sue, the shop owner had asked for vintage dresses for her window display. She...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, mother daughter,
Form: Narrative
Doll Story Ld
Cinnamon, my childhood doll, I barely thought of you at all - of where you went, or how, or when, but I was only little then. Now I'm crying, lost in time: layered under years of grime, you sit quite still upon the...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, child, growing up, nostalgia,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Welcome To Vintage Easter Land
Vintage Easter land is oh so gorgeous and grand Explosive violets in purple throughout the land egg basket in sight with embroidered holiday cloth chicks are dancing their tiny webbed like feet off Vintage Easter land is the place...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, easter,
Form: Rhyme
Chantaclair From the pleasure garden, came the grape to ferment the vintage, loved by pauper poet, saint, or sage. Taste so sweet with just a hint of bite, ...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, drink,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member Heirloom
iridescent pearls rope of beaded memories family heirloom Pixabay image by: Myriam-Fotos...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, family, old,
Form: Haiku
Vintage Love
A bottle of you was not enough, I needed the whole case With every drop and fragrance let, uncorking my embrace To deeply breathe your sweet perfume and drown in nectars dew I try to sip but lose myself —inside your vineyard...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, drink, love, wine,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Vintage Trailer House
I cut off the chicken legs of my dusty house I live in this tin with a little grey mouse Each year on Halloween I put candy out And catch me some kidniks to grind into grout,...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, animal, grandmother, halloween, horror,
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Vintage Faerie On a Swing
Vintage faerie on a swing, do you touch the sky? If my brother pushes me, she said, he is truly fly! Vintage faerie on a swing, how can I be free? You have to set your sights on...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, fairy,
Form: Rhyme
A Vintage Viewing
Images from a cogged apparatus. Fingertips toggle milled brass abreast a concertinaing leather. Tripodal spread, pegged legs. Women paused in pose, a gilded stillness. A plump bosom peek-show. Wide-open lens revealing knee’s, and ankles, silky ribbons; lace decorously draped over a connivance of modesty. A...Read the rest...
Categories: vintage, poetry,
Form: Free verse

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