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Vancouver Poems - Poems about Vancouver

Vancouver Poems - Examples of all types of poems about vancouver to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for vancouver.

To You
To you who hides your face, Sitting on cardboard Asking for change, with your cardboard sign Is it change you want? Or coins? I am frustrated by your lack of motion- Sometimes there is the puppy eye, The sleeping angel, The cardboard...Read the rest...
Categories: vancouver, addiction, dark,
Form: Free verse
A Day In Vancouver
To see a city, you must walk, Each neighborhood inviting And areas, like waterfronts, Give reasons for delighting. To stroll the streets, check out the stores And people watch, together With sampling the local wares Works well in any weather. But...Read the rest...
Categories: vancouver, city,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Swedish Saga
Swesish Saga Gerda left Sweden with an odd liking for turnips. She claimed hard labor ruined her hands. She hated her father. Fritchof walked like an ex-sailor. He had a vein-blue tattoo on his left hand. He once sailed the Red...Read the rest...
Categories: vancouver, bible, christian, death, marriage,
Form: Verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

There Was a Strange Dame In Vancouver
There was a strange dame in Vancouver who insisted on being a hoover. She sucked in much dust till her health went bust and the council had to remove her....Read the rest...
Categories: vancouver, addiction,
Form: Limerick
Losers In Vancouver
Canada, land of good manners, polite people until we lose the Cup and angry crowds of testosterone go wild burn cars and porta-potties hurl bottles, bricks, street signs and threats at lines of riot masks and batons ready for adrenaline...Read the rest...
Categories: vancouver, sports
Form: Free verse

Vancouver Maple's Winter
Morning light comes passing by way too soon then the cold breezes blow and up is the moon. Chilly frost lives through the day, months and years Nocturnal animals at night you hear. But do not fear, thus the...Read the rest...
Categories: vancouver, nature, places, seasons,
Form: Rhyme
Vancouver's a private reference and it's not really about Canada as a whole, just one experience regarding the aforementioned. Shh! Schwein Fleisch vs schweinefleisch. As two distinct words it literally means "pig skin" as one word it means...Read the rest...
Categories: vancouver, history, life, peoplewords, world,
Form: Free verse
February In Vancouver
February 16, 2010 Raindrops glisten on the trees, Sparkling in the morning sun Soft, sweet spring air – Is it truly February? Gentle little Crocuses, purple and pink Awake so early, so brave, so eager! A few towering Daffodils shining...Read the rest...
Categories: vancouver, nature
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Top Brass Go For the Gold (Faster Is Better In Vancouver 2010)
Athlete kabob meat to skewer Olympic games meet the sewer Those ratings too flat Create new dangers that Pander to the TV viewer...Read the rest...
Categories: vancouver, business, death, sports
Form: Limerick
Vancouver the most beautiful city on earth that's where I am from where the beaches stretch out against the backdrop of verdant undulating mountains that seemingly touch the warmth of the gradient coloured skies this is the place I call my...Read the rest...
Categories: vancouver, placeswinter, city, winter,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things