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Poems by Christopher Bowen

Christopher Bowen - LIFETIME Premium Member Christopher Bowen - Premium MemberPremium Member Send Soup Mail  Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by United States poet Christopher Bowen. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Christopher Bowen.

Read Poems by Christopher Bowen

Best Christopher Bowen Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
04/29/2019 Lute 578 Verse
04/29/2019 Guadalcanal 2019 720 Free verse
04/20/2019 Slum 620 Sonnet
04/20/2019 Suburban Pastorale 463 Pastoral
04/13/2019 Does It Matter 594 Sonnet
04/13/2019 A Kind of Winter 569 Verse
04/13/2019 Avoirdupois 491 Light Verse
04/13/2019 Something 332 Free verse
04/13/2019 Losers 373 Light Verse
04/08/2019 International Airport 823 Sonnet
04/08/2019 Equal and Opposite 421 Free verse
04/01/2019 The Fall 510 Prose Poetry
04/01/2019 Swedish Saga 781 Verse
04/01/2019 Flesh 707 Sonnet
04/01/2019 Conversion 691 Haiku
03/31/2019 Jack 465 Light Verse
03/31/2019 Woods 582 Verse
03/29/2019 Then and Now 728 Sonnet
03/29/2019 Ars Longa 661 Light Verse
03/24/2019 Fun 411 Light Verse
03/24/2019 My Words 477 Lyric
03/24/2019 Gift 414 Lyric
03/24/2019 Freudiana 636 Light Verse
03/24/2019 Ethics 636 Light Verse
03/23/2019 My Love 613 Sonnet
03/23/2019 Beach Boys 701 Light Verse
03/23/2019 Descent 489 Light Verse
03/23/2019 London Winter Fantasy 615 Verse
03/22/2019 Mao I 640 Verse
03/22/2019 Pro Patria Mori 825 Verse
03/22/2019 Yucatan, Et Cetera 636 Free verse
03/22/2019 Autumn Song 534 Verse


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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry