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Vaccination Poems - Poems about Vaccination

Vaccination Poems - Examples of all types of poems about vaccination to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for vaccination.
Premium Member A Second Chance
A second chance is always there As God is offering us a second chance Like vaccination,organ transplant And test-tube baby A hope and life is always there Let's thank the scientists and so God For the salvation and contribution For the greatness,devotion...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, devotion, god, hope, life,
Form: Free verse
Forth Vaccination Boosts Acquiescence Toward Mortality Part Uno
I revised a poem written January twenty second last year – two thousand twenty one regarding gratitude for Medicare Insurance to foot the bill concerning ability to heal courtesy immune system undergoing toe till agency or closest approximation thereof...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, america, angel, april, confidence,
Form: Rhyme

Forth Vaccination Boosts Acquiescence Toward Mortality Part Deux
shuttering fright housed inside in one poof annihilating prejudice (white privilege included) and pride reducing to ashes trumpeting self importance, where snide persona grata becomes irrelevant as does living social or vacationing in Telluride. Interestingly enough, I do not entertain notions inflicting self harm nor...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, 12th grade, age, april,
Form: Rhyme
Pandemic Deaths gaining power on a mission to devour, Negative encounters. Chrysanthemum flowers. Deaths dangerous, not slowing but growing, The momentums mind blowing, constantly going. Death is mysterious, hooded, cold blooded. Untrusted, never obstructed, working uninterrupted. Cloak of black, megalomaniac, never looking back insomniac. Death sees...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, bereavement, confusion, death,
Form: Rhyme
Whatever mix of proteins poured With that inoculation draught Drunk by my vein, not thirsted for, But sipped in the subtle rhythms Of pulse beat, of embodiment, Moulds to the clay that forms myself, I know only shameful nothing, And in my...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, destiny, faith, health, hope,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Vaccination
Oh, my brothers and sisters Let us be vaccinated with love So as immune to become Against the evils of this world! © Demetrios Trifiatis 21 November 2021...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, evil, love, world,
Form: Didactic
Vaccination Nation
VACCINATION OF THE NATION Covid time is here. Folks are getting sick with its variants so deadly and people all over the world are being locked down, so very readily. And now we have the vaccinations to free...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, community, culture, health, mythology,
Form: Rhyme
Vaccination Day
Needle pricks my right arm. Sweat drips down the young nurse's nose. Unsafe world now!...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, courage, drug, mental illness,
Form: Senryu
Vaccination Chart 1.BCG at birth dose 0.05ml. 2.Hep B at birth dose 0.5ml. 3.OPV at birth dose 2 drops. ---------------------------- 4.06 weeks baby Hep B dose 0.5ml. 5.06 weeks baby DTP dose 0.5ml. 6.06 weeks baby IPV dose 0.5ml. 7.06 weeks baby HIB...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, 1st grade, 2nd grade,
Form: List
Our Local Vaccination Centre People
What does one say, To those who save the day, Every day, Even when the weather is far from OK. What can one say, To those who help keep Covid at bay, Instead of at home to stay, So we...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, abuse, age, allusion, anger,
Form: Didactic
Premium Member Covid
Close contact, contagious, critical care Opinions divided, gasping for air. Virus, mutations vaccination your choice Infections spread like a conspiracist voice. Death of many, after effects can be long .....Whatever your views covid doesn't belong. ...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, conflict, sick,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member The Infamous Vaccination
Of the truth of the vaccine one must no longer speak! King Biden will toss you in jail, if one negative word you, on social media do tweak. For truth is now a physical threat, Don’t you fully...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, america, anger, freedom, health,
Form: Rhyme
Vaccination I have had my second shot of the vaccine but with some trepidation, it appears many professional people refuse to be vaccinated. Many say it is out of principle or a religious reason our cleaner, who is in...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, addiction, betrayal, bible, blessing,
Form: Blank verse
Constant Vaccination
Constant vaccination I miss you all the time You are not around Me Thank God for hard times Sometimes life bless one When you are so down And you were my blessings You are a gift...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, africa, dedication, feelings, for
Form: Epic
Premium Member Conjugation Advised
Anne Bressington Lord Christopher Monkton Rashid Buttar dr Vernon Coleman dr Sherri Tenpenny Dr Peter McCullough Dr Ben Tapper, nurse Kate Semrani nurse Shelly Tasker Deborah Conrad Jane Mikovits Del Matthew Bigtree Christine Ronald...Read the rest...
Categories: vaccination, anxiety, body, care, discrimination,
Form: Epic

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