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Unsuccessful Poems - Poems about Unsuccessful

Unsuccessful Poems - Examples of all types of poems about unsuccessful to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for unsuccessful.

Rejection Song
Those publishers sent their reply an email rejection slip I took my time to read each line while I bit my bottom lip. They said the imagery was strong with elements of cliché the punctuation was all wrong repeatedly. They’re “sorry” they won’t...Read the rest...
Categories: unsuccessful, 10th grade, books, freedom,
Form: Rhyme
unsuccessful humanness The forest he traveled had many narrow paths, there was always something new to see, like the white tree that once wanted to be the biggest to dominate the forest but hubris had gotten it, and...Read the rest...
Categories: unsuccessful, anti bullying, christian, color,
Form: Blank verse

Reginald laughed, Entering the bar boldly. "Just another day in paradise"… Escaping the cold, Clasping the big envelope To his chest, not letting go. "each to their own", he said, Dejectedly....Read the rest...
Categories: unsuccessful, courage, endurance, introspection, writing,
Form: Acrostic
Mood In the Blues
Discouragement besieges my certainty like clear blue skies swallowing up the noonday sun. Anxiety trespasses with spears aimed to unguarded thoughts like water rising on deck from an unruly blue sea. My syncopated language scat of failure like a...Read the rest...
Categories: unsuccessful, sad,
Form: Free verse
Unsuccessful Love Journey
In my humble world Only if you never appeared Tears I couldn’t shed Why did we have to reach this day? That you have left me in dismay Our hearts once held in a strong bond Burning inside, you left my...Read the rest...
Categories: unsuccessful, break up, heartbroken, lost
Form: Lyric

Premium Member Unsuccessful
A lot of folks love these appetizers that are deep fried. I attempted to make my own. I certainly tried. For a viable recipe, a long time I hunted. However, they didn’t turn out the way I...Read the rest...
Categories: unsuccessful, food,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Unsuccessful
Failure is an opportunity to try again Luck teaches nothing and is no special friend Failure teaches us to search from with in Believing in luck is the worst kind of sin For failure, Murphy's Law is a tool Teaching...Read the rest...
Categories: unsuccessful, inspirational,
Form: Blank verse
A Brief and Mildly Poetic Exploration Into My Unsuccessful Relationship With Love
Love, You awoke me in Winter's playground, 2006, Four wind-chapped cheeks brewing with embarrassment, And twenty fraying fingernail beds. Reece. He kissed me under mistletoe And I cried to my Mummy When he couldn't find you like you found me. It wasn't long before...Read the rest...
Categories: unsuccessful, romanceme, me,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things