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Triceratops Poems - Poems about Triceratops

Triceratops Poems - Examples of all types of poems about triceratops to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for triceratops.
Premium Member Continuum - Part Two
...Climbing from the sands, velociraptors turn as one Triceratops and stegosaurs arise to share the fun And then they march en masse toward that briny maelstrom And Adam Adams yells, “They’re heading......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, future, humanity, time,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Rum n Raisin 11 - One Hundred Million Years BC
...Sneaking into the museum to avoid the sudden rain Raisin said, “I don’t want to get soaked right through again, It was bad enough when that truck through that puddle dashed And you and me - but ma......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, adventure, cat, fantasy, time,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Match Made In Heaven
...Roses are dead, triceratops is blue Vampires would gag at the taste of old you We are stuck together, both chubby toward totally fat You are my soul mate; what do you say to that? Your skin is ......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, age,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Quandary
...Quandary I bought a zoo - a magic place With extinct animals - maybe lost in space Now in a quandary - what to do I have an ailing Jurassic Zoo! My Stegosaur snores with loud zings My Ptero......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, animal,
Form: Free verse
Let Me Bee An Agent of Chaos
...Your a child i heard at my death honed my palate on ironed brews maleficent was hot even pre angels lean theres me talking to myself behind my back Losing distance in a musical haze If only h......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Whispers
...Do you hear the whispers? They are all around for those who listen. I prefer to ignore the noise, For out of darkness the voices are risen. He did this, and she did that; If it needs to be spoke......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, feelings, heartbreak, judgement, perspective,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Dreaming of Dinosaurs
...Mummy took us to the zoo she hoped it wouldn’t bore us In truth I think that mummy knew we’d see a Brontosaurus I stroked a small Triceratops it had a tiny pink horn I fed him all......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, animal, fantasy, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Dinotopia
...Tyrannosaurus have come to bore us till the next Jurassic Park movie’s nigh Archaeopteryx’s feathers look more like sticks who believes this lizard could fly? Triceratops were dutiful pops sti......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, children, nonsense,
Form: Rhyme
...Miss Lily wishes happy holidays Little kiddos dancing to draw in the sunny days Johnny, Tiny, Minnie, Stella, Jimmy in glee to colour the Dinos in their books with glitter, rainbow, many craz......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, 3rd grade, 4th grade,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Extinct
...Extinct I drew it right here. I need some answers. Who took it?....and why? It was red and blue… right here……red and blue. It was a Triceratops. “Extinct!” -- “It didn’t stinked” “It was......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, children, imagination, rain,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Jurrasic Lark
...Foreword... Of two commonly used pronunciations, this poem uses Dippla-doe-cous. Originally written as a singy songy thingy to the tune of Supercalifragilistcexpealidocious. ......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, history, humor,
Form: Rhyme
Bullied As a Kid
...among the countless thugs that teased and taunted myself as a boy who exhibited blatant characteristics of being painfully shy and coy attempting to remain like a statue as a decoy which t......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Lyric
...I was talking to a Triceratops, About the age-old, meaning of life. He said, he didn’t have the answer, But, would go and ask his wife. Moments later he returned, Disappointment, etched over ......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, funny, humorous,
Form: Rhyme
...A Cyclops was chatting briefly to a triceratops on the A9. Travelling to a cooked conference. The deepening road arched in anticipation of wheels. Wow. The heightened awareness of ninety million snai......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, bible, cinco de mayo,
Form: I do not know?
The Passing Parade
...Equanimity is like that— great for day by day. Triceratops comes out to play among the smilers, scoffing at his claimed reality; the screams are left there, hanging for......Read the rest...
Categories: triceratops, allegory,
Form: Free verse

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