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Art Tanka Poems

These Art Tanka poems are examples of Tanka poems about Art. These are the best examples of Tanka Art poems written by international poets.

Premium Member A TANKA PROSE afterword
I walk through the glade
colour enlightens me-
 in my mind's eye
abstractions rainbow
my persoective

The soft yellow streaked the terra cotta,shadowing the speckled sallow saffron 
a bluish...

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Categories: tanka, art, nature, word play,

Silent One cool art
International poet
Lasting very tall
Elegant writes and poems
Northerly very bright star

Original kind
Nimble night so shining star
Enjoyable man

Acrostic Tanka & Senryu, in Andrea Dietrich...

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Categories: nice, poetry, poets,

Autumnal fervor
radiates majestic art
Green, red, gold, brown blends
Magnify nature’s beauty
God* marvelously designed.

*Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

November 18, 2023

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Categories: appreciation, autumn, blessing, christian,

Premium Member Encounter With the Wild
stains and paints a deer
after distressing the wood -
husband’s a hunter
her encounter with the wild
finds a buckshot in deer’s chest...

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Categories: animal, art, imagery,

Watercolor Nightmare
Pardon for fingers
Body painting my fixed face—
Marking up a scene
Of raw phantasms that look
Like they're falling for my tears....

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© Paige Hind  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: angst, art, feelings, introspection,

Premium Member Windowshopping
Metals I adore
Shiniest gemstones galore.
Staring into store
Windows filled with those jewels,
Filled with beautiful colors....

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Categories: art, beautiful, beauty, imagery,

Premium Member Unique
The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places...

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Categories: allegory, confidence, devotion, dream,

Premium Member Frozen Moments
Green and red apples
flowers in a ruby vase
Hues shout in stillness
and sweetest blooms, richest red
capture the laziest eye.

Vibrant explosions
in the hushed art museum
where the colors...

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Categories: art, beauty, color, green,

A 'Dancing Machine'
Quickly getting 'Off the Wall'
       For a big 'Thriller'

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Categories: appreciation, art, celebration, celebrity,

Premium Member Treasured African Sculptures
the catastrophe 
lazy chair upstart
banged the curio panel
upheaval of heavy art


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Categories: angst, art,

Premium Member Star Prism Box of Artisan Beads
Bits of what we had
Became unstrung, life then spun
Out of my control.
Then saw goodness of your soul...
Sadly cannot find them all....

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Categories: allusion, angst, art, extended

Premium Member Writer's Block Dismay
Another writer's block hour
Seems as I'm  lost in the power
Shook up and dismayed 
Locked in the jaws even a cage
I will fight with might...

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Categories: art, blue, love, writing,

Premium Member Page 6
I now have page six 
Nothing short of amazing 
I will boast loudly 
I should be rewarded with 
Eternal  blue rose gardens...

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Categories: angst, anxiety, art, blue,

For Ishikawa Takuboku
No tanka author
Grips the reigns of emotions
Like Takuboku
I, my face so streaked with tears,
blithely read about his crabs...

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© C.W. Bryan  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: animal, appreciation, art, heart,

Megaliths of Africa
The Nabta Playa
Stonehedges of the old age
Migrants of passage
Brave pilgrims of the unknown
Lost paradigms of the blown...

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Categories: africa, art,

Book: Shattered Sighs