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Funny Strength Poems

These Funny Strength poems are examples of Strength poems about Funny. These are the best examples of Strength Funny poems written by international poets.

Tea With A Handshake
Crossroads in the desert sands swirls,
an orb whirls around as clouds gather,
lightning bolt violet violently twirls,
roads crack with shotgun thunder.

Visage a pearl cascades as she...

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Categories: strength, art, conflict, crazy, dark,

Will I ever be strong enough
They say I'm so happy, they cry about their stuff
But every word of theirs affects me
Will I ever be strong enough?

I always apologize, even when...

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Categories: strength, 11th grade, betrayal, confusion,

Don't Eat The Cocktail Sauce In The Refridgerator
Sweat pricks my eyes shut
Flaming punches strike my gut
Yet I boldly dance...

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Categories: strength, confidence, endurance, food, funny,

If you're not a well-paid saboteur
You should look into the job
List me as a reference on your resume
And on the day I get the call

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Categories: strength, anger, betrayal, boyfriend, break

Generational Chains
A light flickers to start the chain & a spark is born
that grows to flame
It was conceived to break the chains that plague
the line &...

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Categories: strength, family, perspective, philosophy, spiritual,

Live with Hope and Faith
This is for all those who are trying to survive whatever traumas they've been put through. Please take care and be gentle with yourself. Healing...

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Categories: strength, blessing, courage, faith, heartbreak,

Premium Member FBI ALL ABOARD
We'd opened ourselves up to fascist beliefs 
we'd catered to the raw findings of mental angst 
an yet we knew going under cover would somehow...

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Categories: strength, america, anxiety, my child,

A reflection is a funny thing.
No matter how you look at it, it will always look back at you the same.
No matter how much you...

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Categories: strength, destiny, identity, love, me,

Premium Member Invincible
        exult, newlyweds 

     you're truly invincible ~

   aaarrrgghh! toilet seat's wet...

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Categories: funny, marriage, relationship, strength,

That One Guy
Hey, that's me
Man, I was cute as I could be
If only I was a girl with my blue eyes and curly curls
Maybe that could've been...

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Categories: strength, absence, change, depression, emotions,

Premium Member Enchanted
Like all who write, I'm enchanted by words.
their musical sounds falling on each page.
a gentle caress, or slashing of swords,
Words of upstarts or elegantly aged.


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© Ann Peck  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: poetry, strength, words, writing,

His clothes were tattered, in vivid shades of red blue & yellow
he wore leatherette shoes blackly polished and gleaming with shine
Red fiery hair that ...

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Categories: analogy, people, strength,

Thank You
Jan 3 2022

new year
new time
isn’t it funny how we request old lives?
soon it’ll be not a new me
an old me craving grey
again I find
looking glass...

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© Ada Daveed  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: appreciation, goodbye, solitude, strength,

O' dark thing behind me
So close, yes, so near I can see

Wherever I go, there you are
Not allowing me to get very far

Stupidly, I pretend...

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Categories: strength, butterfly, change, courage, growth,

A Life Hit
A Life Hit

ThIt was a life hit,
A one after the other:
For first, there was the coma,
And just the idea of it
To struggle with, but then,

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Categories: strength, art, dog, endurance, health,

Book: Shattered Sighs