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Stepmother Poems - Poems about Stepmother

Stepmother Poems - Examples of all types of poems about stepmother to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for stepmother.

Premium Member Ode To My Stepmother
I was robbed! She said Every brain in my head! They came in the night Stole my gray matter bright I had nothing to add as she is quite mad a woman big and bad who married my dad...Read the rest...
Categories: stepmother, humorous, relationship,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member I Died
I died when my mom died, too young to know, my dear nanny's sweet love sustained me then For three short years, she was my dearest friend She was an angel, helping me to grow One day,...Read the rest...
Categories: stepmother, child, death, friend, life,
Form: Sonnet

Stepmother Hell
Why do I care so much about health? Why is it when I see negativity I melt? I can't ever be seen or understood. I'm just told this and that is what I should. What I should do, regardless...Read the rest...
Categories: stepmother, anger, emotions, voice, mental
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

My Evil Stepmother and I
My evil stepmother and I became lovers and we killed my dad. We did it so that we could get all of the money that he had. We were greedy and we made sure that Dad would...Read the rest...
Categories: stepmother, dark, death, father son,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Tricky Situation
A combined family. A tricky situation. One I have managed to avoid and gladly I have no idea how they do it. Each thinking the other one’s children are spoiled. Keeping their mouths shut or worse, taking over too soon. A tricky situation. One...Read the rest...
Categories: stepmother, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Stepmother Mars
The eagle landed and proudly placed a feather. Into the cool, silent lunar sand. Man hasn't been back in a long time. It's a difficult and expensive journey. People become bored with repetition. Funding slips-star ships explode. governments get sidetracked...Read the rest...
Categories: stepmother, earth,
Form: Free verse
Pain Letter To My Stepmother
Pain letter to my stepmother All was well before you came into my life, Here you came like lion in sheep skin, Pretending to care while you are not, I was wrong to think you are right replacement of...Read the rest...
Categories: stepmother, abuse, addiction, conflict, death,
Form: Sonnet
I am a women that loves with all of her heart, although not the true mother they have been mine from the start. I look in their eyes and do not see me, but when I...Read the rest...
Categories: stepmother, family, mother, me, love,
Form: Blank verse
The Opera Stepmother
She was there for me when I came of age, but when, for a girl of unlocked doors and a missing father. in flight down the stairs, an intruder pursuing, no dagger in the chamber of non-connubial...Read the rest...
Categories: stepmother, childhoodchild,
Form: Free verse
For You, Stepmother
You Entered My Life So Many Years Ago. Another Woman Was Found In My Father’s Heart. Many Struggles Were Ahead So Scared Was I, Uncertain Were you. The Greatest Friend I Never Knew I Needed. The Strength You Possess, That You Willingly...Read the rest...
Categories: stepmother, mother
Form: Free verse
The Young Stepmother
The young stepmother Nonstop, All day and all night Her deafening concert...Read the rest...
Categories: stepmother, family, health, life, mother,
Form: Senryu

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry