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Stabilizer Poems - Poems about Stabilizer

Stabilizer Poems - Examples of all types of poems about stabilizer to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for stabilizer.

Premium Member Uplifting
...“If you keep only healthy food in your cupboard and fridge, you will eat good food.” – Errick McAdams “You need a steroid to fix your ills. Now vaccination to ward off winter chills. Take an ant......Read the rest...
Categories: stabilizer, health,
Form: Rhyme
Bones Ache Yet Heart Sings
...To be the structure of a person To be a shield to the very essence of someone's existence To be a 206 piece puzzle  To be an enforcer, protector and stabilizer Is to be a skeleton To not be th......Read the rest...
Categories: stabilizer, analogy, body, heart, lost
Form: Free verse

Things of Allure Can Lure
...The gloss of Great Things of allure A young heart continues to lure But poor efforts bar through failure, Hardworking farmers no manure, Not a lot of The Tried secure; From them distanced fe......Read the rest...
Categories: stabilizer, analogy, care, religion, wisdom,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Twelve Swear To Not Again Money Lend
...A praised righteousness is made to end, Twelve swear to not again money lend, The First, to often penury pretend, The Second, to always for himself fend, The Third, not even his next of kin tend,......Read the rest...
Categories: stabilizer, character, evil, money, relationship,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Furious Chemistry
...Time disorder is common in a concert meant for those who rush one organized by adrenaline and moderated by passion a boomerang transaction, where the receiver and giver are the same in a speedy in......Read the rest...
Categories: stabilizer, love, lust, romance, romantic,
Form: Romanticism

Premium Member Diagnose Me
...So they want a pretty poem Well those, I do not know them I see things in a different view If you've read mine, you already knew Have a tendency to see things dark My life, has left it's mar......Read the rest...
Categories: stabilizer, introspection,
Form: Couplet
...The whirlwind inside is mean and awful, Telling me I’m bad and will always be. It takes away faith, Won’t let me believe I can be happy, and Reminds me of every mistake I ever make. It likes......Read the rest...
Categories: stabilizer, mental illness,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Just A Woman
...I ask you: is there ever a time; when a woman is just a woman? She is a mother, sister, lover, giver of life and the Queen of hearts. She's the Yin that gives rise to the Yang, a partn......Read the rest...
Categories: stabilizer, angel, beauty, emotions, feelings,
Form: Ode
A Is For Antenna 1
...A is for Antenna A is for Antenna, the two-in-one, receiving in and transmitting away. B is for Broadband, to fire away on the high speed digital highway. C is for Current, what a beauty, i......Read the rest...
Categories: stabilizer, science,
Form: ABC
...The mood stabilizer, and Crushed air. The hurt of thoughts, for Our songs of care. But, I’m so happy, because Today, I found my friends, They’re in my head. And I’m not gonna crack. ......Read the rest...
Categories: stabilizer, allegory
Form: I do not know?
The Id Pro Quo
...Mysterious mime or calculating creature Misanthropic recluse or doting benefactor Shallow Charlatan or discerning teacher Obstinate hauteur or modest beseecher Erudite miser or innovative vizie......Read the rest...
Categories: stabilizer, introspection
Form: Quatrain
Premium Member Space Ship
...Substrate channeling, now wading through cellular river Patches, by God, the sight! The sight! In-diving dream stabilizer Atrophying now in the nebula; Pilfering the idea controls; the singular va......Read the rest...
Categories: stabilizer, science, science fiction, space
Form: Acrostic

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry