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Dog Sonnet Poems

These Dog Sonnet poems are examples of Sonnet poems about Dog. These are the best examples of Sonnet Dog poems written by international poets.

Traitorous tinges were seen in Levi. Did he love Rome?
Could patriots ever bear their disloyal citizens?
As a tax collector, he's a stranger to his own...

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Categories: life, people,

When in touch with my soul
Not far, but when in touch I’m with the soul,  
Should my inner vision slowly arise,
I see God in souls struggling to rise, 

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Categories: god, spiritual,

Premium Member I Love Her Goatee
I met her for the first time nearly twelve years ago, 
I never knew how much joy she would bring to me 
There's one thing...

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Categories: dog,

Premium Member Ramble
Dog Roses ramble in high summertime
Their favourite place along green hedgerow
August has arrived they are in their prime
Perfect pink beauty with marvellous glow.

Along motorway Dog...

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Categories: nature, rose,

Premium Member One
"One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
Two can be as bad as one, its the loneliest number since the number one" Beginning lines...

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Categories: life,

Premium Member You Wake Up Too Early Was All of It Just Bad Sad Game
You Wake Up Too Early Was All Of It Just Bad Sad Game

When your feet have crushed the grass at the cemetery gate
You forget youthful...

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Categories: depression, dream, fantasy, hope,

Premium Member I Played My Cards, Some For Far More Than Their Worth
I Played My Cards, Some For Far More Than Their Worth

Jasmine perfume and her long hair done up as well
She a princess beauty, with pride...

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Categories: loss, passion, romance, romantic,

The Long View
the long view

We, humans, live to kill;  we murder something every day
Take breakfast.
 we eat birds’ embryos by the millions
And eat the milk the...

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: abuse, america, animal, beach,

Premium Member Kittenish
Some girls with the guys act like a kitten.
They know instinctively just what to do.
Soon enough, the guy will be quite smitten.
This method even now...

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Categories: men, women,

Premium Member Dog
We had a dog that was so dear to us.
He died in April of the year before.
He was so faithful and he did not fuss

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Categories: dog,

Premium Member The Fiddler and the Frog
There was a fiddler. How he loved to play!
He had two sons. In wooden shoes they’d clog
while he would fiddle, and his little dog
would prance...

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Categories: sonnet, humor,

Premium Member Our Soul's the Key
What sets a human apart from a dog;
we are both alive, and we both draw breath.
But dogs, unlike humans, live in a fog;
they're entirely oblivious...

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Categories: animal, death, dog, faith,

Premium Member Sonnet Oz1
Beagles’ breath I love now as I awake.
Your wet tongue keenly laps my chin and brow.
I know your love is true and full, not fake.

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Categories: appreciation, caregiving, devotion, dog,

A New Day
A New Day

I have seen flies shake wings on top of a cistern’s lid
I have broken gossamer looking like angelic mist
and millions of costly pearls...

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© Jan Hansen  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: absence, creation, devotion,

Premium Member Pillar of Light
A vertical tube closed at either end,
within which is soul, wishing to ascend
but all that surrounds is organic form,
brought forth to life by a divine...

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Categories: spiritual,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things