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Skill Poems - Poems about Skill

Skill Poems - Examples of all types of poems about skill to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for skill.
September 14 Praises to God Bible Meditations Based on Daniel 1-3 Key Verse – Daniel 1:17 …God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom… PRAISE BE TO GOD FOR GIVING US KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL Praise...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, bible, blessing, christian, faith,
Form: Alliteration
Premium Member The Arcane Skill
The resolute mind indomitable, the feisty surfer on the waves of life of curled crests with strewn fractured moon and dark troughs of sunken stars, recedes with the ebb of time, looks out for the shore of the...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, analogy, fantasy, hope, life,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Feathers of Pride and Humility
In twilight's realm where... moonbeams entwine. There are two owls engaged... in a contrast of minds: A Great Horned Owl so proud and strong! And a Great Gray Owl whis is cunning and long. Amidst the trees their feathers shone, "Who is...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, allegory, education, humanity, philosophy,
Form: Didactic
Do Not Underestimate the Skill To Sort
If you want clarity of thought, Then sorting is a skill you should give some thought. If you want to increase your chances of becoming rich, Then sorting is a skill you should give some thought. If you want...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, age, analogy, appreciation, art,
Form: Grook
Extreme Behaviors
We are extremely trained in our failures and tremendously incompetent in our successes......Read the rest...
Categories: skill, allusion, analogy, appreciation, extended
Form: Light Verse

There is an. ...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, 1st grade,
Form: Verse
Usage of Skill Helps One Manage
In case you use not your skill One day you may even lose it Constant practice is a must As it will polish our skill finely Whatever may be your power By not repeating a talent You make yourself very weak And...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, repetition, success,
Form: Blank verse
Premium Member A Skill
No need for satin sheet soliloquies, I want you uninhibited and raw; Pull my hair lose all the sweet nothings, with feather soft lace I will outdraw; Intoxication I won’t tire, trap me do whatever you will; Fill me...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, emotions, feelings, passion, romance,
Form: Free verse
High Hotel Bill
Ten straight hours of planned drills From which they had superb thrills, All later eating their fill, Enough strength to climb a hill... But soon surfaced a fat bill And Lil sought to Steward kill; Ten minutes spent ranting still: "Ten...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, absence, analogy, cry, money,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member A Player's Skill Set
experience is experience of a skill set to tell of a experience is to tell of a skill set to tell a tale of a experience is to tell a tale of a skill set a tale of...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, philosophy, time,
Form: Free verse
Faking Interest Is a Skill
Faking interest in one is a skill, But first and foremost a punished sin, The deceived could just go for a kill, Who would not hurt unfailingly thin. If it were one's last action: To Hell, No likelihood of glimpsing...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, character, corruption, image, people,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Miracles of Modern Medicine
Miracles of modern medicine disguise mysteries I have seen incredible advancement over years, Hospital stays are not extended following surgeries Success and survival statistics now allay most fears. Doctors are up on the latest surgical technology Focusing on their particular...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, people, recovery from, sick,
Form: Quatrain
The Biggest Sale For My Company
I was working for this South African company, For its Lesotho registered segment. I wasn't of the long serving ones But a relative new comer. Here we were in this industry: Sales for an insurance company. I had something of a...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, africa, business, courage, cute,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Skill and the Will
Where are our young people now Why are they not storming the gates Perhaps they are being taught that Ukraine's fight is not linked to their fate Where are the defenders of freedom Why...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, people, success, usa, war,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Boost Your Skill
It is way too soon for me to assist you, However, I'm more inclined to side with you, Without a doubt, be your source of comfort, Within the gloomy crevices and nooks, Mastery of a skill requires patience and...Read the rest...
Categories: skill, analogy, courage, encouraging, inspirational,
Form: Free verse

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