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Short Study Poems

Short Study Poems. Below are examples of the most popular short poems about Study by PoetrySoup poets. Search short poems about Study by length and keyword.

Premium Member You Will Study In Due Time
All have their time

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Categories: study, faith,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Dissertations
in thinking-
outside of the

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Categories: study, on writing and words,
Form: Epigram
Teen Love

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Categories: study, teen love, teenage,
Form: Couplet
The study of stars,
planets, and other celes-
Tial bodies....

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Categories: study, education, school, science
Form: Senryu
Premium Member History Repeats Often
safely avoid
repeating old mistakes

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Categories: study, history, wisdom,
Form: Cinqku

A Cell Phone Study
a cell phone study:
increased brain activity--
radiation lurks....

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Categories: study, computer-internet, education, health, introspection, social
Form: Haiku
The study of life.
A very interesting sub-
Ject. I just love it....

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Categories: study, education, life, love, school, science
Form: Senryu
Winners and Losers
Winners plan and perform,losers study and rethink and do nothing.....

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Categories: study, allegory, allusion, analogy, appreciation,
Form: Monoku
Study of matter,
And energy in space and time,
With relationships....

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Categories: study, education, school, science
Form: Senryu
Silence and Word
Silence is profound study of life
 the word is its greatest creation...

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Categories: study, allusion, appreciation, birth, creation, silence, words,
Form: Couplet
Reading the Bible, Human Doubts
The most we study and read the bible,  the further doubts assaults us...

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Categories: study, allusion, bible, confidence, metaphor, philosophy, spiritual,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member Working In the Cold
working like a dog
bundled up like it's winter
making study cash flow...

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Categories: study, work,
Form: Haiku
Hot Blooded Sky
hot blooded sky heats
the sea and land, leaves a scar
for us to study...

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Categories: study, life, nature, sea, seasons, time,
Form: Haiku
The study of earth.
Topics are plate tectonics,
Rock types and rivers....

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Categories: study, education, science
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Study Shows - Life Begins At Forty
New study shows: The teen-aged brain is not fully formed 'til thirty-nine...

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Categories: study, giggle, life, youth,
Form: Monoku
Again Brazil
intricate country
      as I study and reflect
      I understand  less !...

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Categories: study, allusion, analogy, appreciation, confusion,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Sleep Study
Is more less... Is less more...
    It all depends ~ how loud you snore...

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Categories: study, perspective, sleep,
Form: Epigram
Sleeping Body
Loosing to everything 
money,materials even study 
but sleeping body...

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Categories: study, sleep,
Form: Free verse
Afternoon Senryu
A day at the college
Students study for their tests 
Knowledge is their goal...

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Categories: study, school,
Form: Senryu
Homo Sapiens
books study humans
encyclopedias mute ~
A boring subject

19 December 2021...

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Categories: study, irony,
Form: Haiku
Mapping You
map your geography,
        rewrite your cartography
          course and horizon...

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Categories: study, adventure, allegory, allusion, analogy, metaphor, poetry, tribute,
Form: Senryu
Premium Member Kindness Moves Me
a hailstorm of roofers loud in her study room- her peaceful appeal


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Categories: study, character,
Form: Monoku
you study the silences
         I survey all  THE words
          each with their craft......

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Categories: study, allegory, allusion, appreciation, extended metaphor,
Form: Light Verse
Premium Member Worry Not
I will have you done in no time
Study and everything
Never be worried
I come first

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Categories: study, faith,
Form: Free verse
Boy Is She Smart {ekphrasis}
mind body soul
from her small
bible study

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Categories: study, adventure, daughter, dedication, education, faith, family, children,
Form: Ekphrasis

Book: Shattered Sighs