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Love Senryu Poems

These Love Senryu poems are examples of Senryu poems about Love. These are the best examples of Senryu Love poems written by international poets.

Love One Another
If only humans
Could love one another here
There could be no war....

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Categories: humanity, love, peace, perspective,

Envy means a bad
Person; you always hate what
Others think they love....

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Categories: character, engagement, jealousy, perspective,

I love the feeling
Of being alone; truly
Solitude bring peace....

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Categories: engagement, peace, perspective, solitude,

Remain To Be Human
It's nice to remain
Human; geared to help any
Circumstance there is....

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Categories: engagement, humanity, love, perspective,

Premium Member The game
I wait for your call 
I wait for you to come home
but you never do

You have me waiting 
but for what -lost promises  

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Categories: depression, lost love,

True Love Sees It All
Understand deeply
Our service to Him; true love
Sees it all throughout....

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Categories: faith, gospel, love, perspective,

Smile To Everyone
We give our smile
To everyone; it's our job;
It's our love to God....

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Categories: faith, gospel, jobs, perspective,

What If
When love one get sick
It's sigh of fear and regret
What if something hap....

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Categories: discrimination, fear, perspective, sick,

Premium Member Everyone i love
Everyone I love 
leaves at one point in time 
that's how the books written...

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Categories: death, death of a

High Tech Courtship
Before, love letter
Now, through chat box or texting
So high tech courtship....

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Categories: creation, perspective, relationship, technology,

Premium Member What I love
Cool breeze on hot day 
pen and paper in my lap 
random thoughts jolting...

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Categories: writing,

so smoothly lovely
I have welcomed the neat signs 
of her nice fall-spring

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Categories: love, romance,

The church is not cold
It's warm, it's hot, it's alive
It's love to others....

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Categories: body, faith, gospel, perspective,

First Love
First love is thrilling
First love is spontaneous
No one can teach you....

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Categories: devotion, engagement, love, perspective,

Relationship is
Not out of duty; it is 
Out of love for Him....

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Categories: faith, gospel, perspective, relationship,

Book: Shattered Sighs