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Selena Poems - Poems about Selena

Selena Poems - Examples of all types of poems about selena to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for selena.

Premium Member Starman
* Streaming dust specks of his aura left as evidence A celestial being formed of stardust * To adorn him any less of his scintillating charm, his signature star walk, or shimmering trails, * I’d need to...Read the rest...
Categories: selena, earth, fantasy, moon, planet,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Selena
The crescendo peak of a swan. The curtain of stardom’s been drawn. She’s dreaming of you in heavenly blue... Asleep! No more! Selena’s gone! 8/20/2018 One of Selena’s hit songs - Dreaming Of You...Read the rest...
Categories: selena, sad,
Form: Limerick

The Lighthouse of Selena
May time never forget, The fire that burned so bright, As to be seen by sailors, On glimmering nights. In the darkness, Her light can be seen, Throughout time, She shall always gleam. From our hearts, From...Read the rest...
Categories: selena, adventure,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Selena Gomez
Sensational Easygoing Laid back Entertaining Natural Admirable Genuine Original Marvelous Electrified Zealous...Read the rest...
Categories: selena, art,
Form: ABC
Premium Member Selena
My dear Selena Fifty-eight years of Heaven Best is yet to come Robert L. Hinshaw, CMSgt, USAF, Retired © All Rights Reserved Placed No. 4...Read the rest...
Categories: selena, wife
Form: Senryu

Forever Selena
A life cut to soon; Like a flower blooming at noon. I listen to your songs everyday; A voice so sweet, I have to say. You were only 23; But you mean't the world to me. Even though you are gone; I...Read the rest...
Categories: selena, inspirational, loss, sympathy,
Form: Rhyme
(Dedicated to Selena Quintanilla Perez who died March 31, 1995.) You were murdered in cold blood in 1995. While you lived, your music career thrived. It was sad because you died at the age of twenty-three. We were both...Read the rest...
Categories: selena, death, loss, music, age,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things