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Top 25 Results (Member Poems)

You searched All Keyword(s): leopard cat in category: All and form: All with 10 minimum and 5000 maximum characters.


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The Wild Kingdom

Brown Bear
King Snake
X-ray Fish

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If I Can Just Get To That Tree

A spotted leopard in a banyan tree,
Kept his yellow carnivore-ic eyes on me.
I knew better than to move fast or try to flee.
Big cats love a chase like Simon Legree.
His eyes narrowed, but I refused to see.
How fast that cat was chasing after me.
If I can just get to that tall tall….
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Cat Food

"Cat Food"

It was five in the morning,
My cat was crying for food.
Put on my new slippers.
Headed for my kitchen.
Her greenish eyes flashing.
Tail, thumping with joy.
Cut my hand when opening a can.
She didn't care at all!
I gave her food in her leopard bowl,
Ravenous she, bloody me!

June 28, 2020
6am PST
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More Animal Footles-Just For Fun

These are just for fun...I am trying my hand at them!

 camel enamel

  stony pony

  dingo lingo

  drunk skunk

  pig gig

  peppered leopard

  cat hat

awesome possum
Details | Dramatic Monologue |

Teasing Move

Teasing move 

Like the duck swim 
In a lake Like the swan 
Fly in a air like the  water 
Plain like the lazy Sea leopard 
Eat like the cat fight like the 
Fish jump like the bat live in a 
Cave like the way you tease without a word 

I die daily to see your face of 
Teasing move with a cup of tea 

With love all 
Jagdish bajantri

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Feline Top Ten

Lion the mighty king
Stood shaking his mighty mane
The tiger patiently slept
Guarding his extreme right
Elusive Amazonian jaguar
Licked his paws in salute
The leopard kneeled in front
Smiling a sly smile
Black panther flashed his teeth
Glaring at the top spot
The cheetah huffed and puffed
Ready to resume the charge
The predatory gleam rose
In the caracal’s eyes
The ocelot ate its meal
Unaware of the completion
The puma jumped forth
Ready for the next round
But the best ever title
Went to my cat Prittle
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when waking
i hear the sound
as if an insect has
taken over our pond c'mon
it ain't no junebug playing his legs

nor a
for sure can't
play no hoe down
dance with legs only

my ear
to the wind
ahhh honey twill
sound again and then

a loner
moaning over
what's heard and
begins again pause

he's trying
again and again
to try to win no second
place he's just a leopard

in wolfe's
clothing but
always a cat trying

a mate he
might be able
to make out with
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on the prowl,
           a big cat;
       hunger pangs.

        oh, the thrill 
         of the hunt!

         sitting duck 
           of a prey,

          from afar, 
       sneaking up;
 creep, creep, creep. 

      leopard stalks.

          lies in wait; 
         pounces on 
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Felid curious


      my sneak 'round the barn


             mine hind limbz
             thrust mine rest 
             into your maple

        your pretty still cauzez
                mine frantic

                  you shout
 there'z a cheetah in our Maple tree"

             "i'm the Jaguar

               Jaguar girlie"


*Felid; Felidae, iz uv the big 5 cat family
  the jaguar, leopard and cheetah look alike
  but are different  ;)

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I've read legendary tales that convey
an emerald eyed panther stalks its prey.
Hunger tells him it's meat he must crave
He consumes his kill within his dark cave.

He feasts and then peacefully slumbers
for three days before he again encumbers
the need to hunt for a deer or boar,
luring them with a treacly ambrosial roar.

In graceful motion, this wild cat slinks,
more luxuriously than a leopard or lynx.
Dragons have no fear of being his quarry,
but such a clash would make a great story.

October 9, 2020
Panther (Legendary Creature)
Sponsored by: Julia Ward
Details | Quatrain |



The big cat stalks the shadows,
Searching for his prey.
He's quick and strong this predator,
And patience his mainstay.

Now he lurks inside the fence,
He's got into the house,
And I can tell you this big cat,
Searches for no mouse.

Much bigger prey is needed here,
His appetite enormous,
And as he stalks his fettered prey,
He finds it all quite humorous.

What fools to leave a lazy lout,
To guard their precious chattel.
He'll bring them all down one by one,
Devouring all their cattle.

Foolish leopard that he is,
He hasn't got a clue,
That when the fatted calf is gone,
He will be gone too.

                                                   Judy Ball

'Nuff Said
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Stir Crazy

The weather is warmer and snow turns to rain,
outside for us freedom awaits,
no clearing a path down the driveway again
and no drifts piling up by the gate.
The cat ventures out with a wave of her tail
eight days of confinement now end,
I've tried everything to keep her entertained
but she's driven me right round the bend.
We played with some string and a white plastic ring
Catnip mouse and a ball of tinfoil,
tried to teach her pontoon she just sat on the cards
while my patience went right off the boil.
When one day I need to find some other pet
there is one thing for sure, and it's that
a Snow Leopard will be the creature I'll get
and not some young hard to please cat.
Details | Classicism |

Welcome Home

Wondering in loneliness,
Things couldn't work well,
Made top up of happiness,
Had a new soldier to repel,
From an axis of reluctance,
Marked with a leopard blood,
You meant a lot not to reminisce, 
The future holds no black cat,
Only when a little bed demand a prize,
I revered back to a slavery song,
Till your shadow gets cast on ground,
Millions attest of a great fall,
Voice of memory,...that's all I redraw, 
Voice of memory,...brings you right here,
Forget true ignominy I wear,
You're no more furtive,
Your presence made me sensitive, 
A knock on a door, 
Who might hesitate to respond?
Finally when you came in,my faith rolled, 
Anytime you're welcome at home,
The past never broke.
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Letter Q

letter Q the leopard lives alone amongst the shelter
that to him he calls a home but to us the jungles grown
we are children for the wonder and what thus dwells we cannot ponder
possibility in tact, rabid beast and wild cat
cataclysmic compositions come to mind in bloody visions
leave to mind what is to wonder letter q's a second longer
Eyes the constellations in the jungles patient waiting
lingering what's to be sought in these fields that Q does plot
seeds were sown in feudal tones, not know by it before us
Letter Q the farmers fued between the teeth they show us
A sickle beast the turnip theif and slaughter house subduer
sanctify the burning bibles, what is man if not to idle
under rays of burning idols made of letter q's disciples
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A pin cushion throw is neither a shred or a woven sleigh. It is merely the peeping of a tom cat that would inspire wisdom in a suburban elevation. But an elevator is not wise. Not to be trusted. And not very chatty either. To wound a knit with a woolen coat is to place a hoop on a mission to the leopard island where threads tell great yarns. And a talon us a fantastic needle. So to the circumference of a circus accompanied by an electric cactus. Weaving display. Great. Fortune-telling fishy fragrance. And a salty seahorse on a break between filming. Now eat a wart burger. Whilst spinning in a currant. Curtain call. 1 2 3 attempting the radius of a word. Transactions temperate transactions. Washing machine and a little man waving to a shark. Great. Interpretation x
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A Lullaby Poem For Pd

(sing to tune of Hush Little Baby)

Hush, little PD, don't say a word.
Nathan's gonna buy you a mocking bird.

If that bird makes fun of you....
that's what that bird is supposed to do!

Take that bird and trade it in.
Buy yourself a coat made of leopard skin.

Take great care to not go out
anywhere that PETA might be about.

You could get hit in the head.
PETA activists can sure see red.

If a new coat you don't need,
how about a new cat, Persian breed?

If that cat sheds too much hair,
have Nathan take you out to a fair.

Fairs are fun. You can't go wrong.
Are you fast asleep yet from this dumb song?

If you're not, I have to say....
your insomnia is here to STAY.

Written by Andrea on Oct. 22, 2012
For Send me to sleep....... Poetry Contest
Happy ZZZZZZZZs to you, PD
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Auntie Gets Herself a Retail Cat

I am getting myself a retail therapy cat said my aunt.
I met one once, and I am telling you that you simply can’t!
She had made up her mind and brought home Mrs. T.
A well-dressed cat that was persnickety, stuck-up and snooty.

She won’t speak to me and she puts on airs, said my Aunt Lee.
I told you not to bring one home I said, laughing a bit with know-it-all-glee.
Mrs. T was outfitted in round dark shades with white rims.
Her leopard cape was elegant without any kind of extra flair or trims.

She was carrying a black patent leather purse when out popped a mouse.
The creature was wearing a mink pillbox hat that outclassed our house.
A mouse too! Said my aunt. What on earth was I thinking?
The mouse ran up into a wall and died there, so now things are stinking.
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Motionless the big cat waits
deep in the scrub shadows
sun starting to set, night draws in
fading light makes her invisible

Only the odd flick of an ear
gives her positition away
suddenly she tenses and coils
a spurt of speed and its done

She and her cubs will eat tonight
softly the mother leopard calls
with a few rustles of undergrowth
they tumble into the moonlight

Furry balls of fun without a care
they belly up to the deer carcass
a few more weeks learning the ropes
then a solitary life awaits them all 

Of the four she now has with her
maybe one will make it through
struggling with the strife of living 
whilst fighting to rear her own cubs

For now they are safe and well tended
with a soft cry she takes them back
to her well hidden clifftop cave
they are all safe for yet another day

written 08/06/2013
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Never discuss moves with snakes,
talk sluggish with snail,
eat cheese with rat,
talk true-flight with bats
and neatness with cat.

Never talk bread with birds,
maize with hen,
prides with lion
and change with chameleon.

Never discuss poison with dart frog.
Drag bones with dogs,
talk street with tugs
and venue with vultures.

Never discuss agility with leopard ,
aggression with crocodile,
potency with tiger
and race with cheetah.

Never discuss sight with eagles,
milk with cows,
talk ugly to blob
and claim smart with crows.

Never discuss honey with bees,
banana with monkeys,
talk flightless to ostriches,
talk small to bumble bee,
and intelligence to dolphins.

Never discuss detriment with blackmamba,
Never stand tall with giraffe,
talk dirty with pigs
and treasures to man.

#sammy kyle
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There came a Leopard in a form of cat
And pur Zeus did as the Dali pet that
Cute kitten, Cassiopeia said at last
While Cepheus questioned 
what the dear had in mind…
Ruchbah rode with her gleaming knows
Seeking peace in the LapLand groves
But there, what she came to find
Was a change of name for the same of her kind.
Counting sheep and milking cow
She turned to the Ram wondering how
The Pleiades could have left her out…
Taurus came and to him she ran
The reindeer games where no longer fun
She was about to come around Orion 
When she saw the club that struck the Lion… 
so she rolled to shadow
and she LepTus on by, 
turning to the right, and up the Gemini…
.… that was close. Custos almost
thought but not quite, made a mess I say…
Then Messier came to save the play.
Guardian of the Harvest.
Plate 2
Details | Prose Poetry |

Devotion Poem, Cat Steps

Devotion Poem,  Cat Steps

(Written for Jim Eslinger

Carefully I near him. He is curled up...sleek.  Eyes 
closed, perhaps not asleep.  He sees.  He will run.

He blends into hallway shadows. The light plays over 
his outline. He steps within silence, outside hearing.

His devotion is fully committed to the circle he has 
drawn around me: my lap his bed; my heart  his

domain, entering whenever with  assumption — 
which I embrace as true.  This dear cat, my leopard

when poised so....Aloof, yet overseeing everything,
 including outside, where he travels by looking

through windowpanes.   Too, I have caught how he 
wears dreams of short escape, his eyes fix on spaces

of voids across the room.   He pauses to listen 
through doors.  He sees around corners.  When,

if ever he decides to go off for some while, I hope he 
lets me follow.  My sight stills on his glowing spots.

(c) sally Young eslinger 2/2021
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Leopold a Most Comfortable Tom

Leopold was the most comfortable tom cat in the world of soul,
So relaxed, that others often begged him to know,
What can we do to be as cool and awesome as you?
They came to watch him slumber in his leopard shoe.

It was a stiletto with a curvy curve to die for. 
Leopold lazed right down, and soon was in full snore.
One small kitten asked a question and was quickly escorted out.
Her mother was prissy about it, leaving with a tiny pout.

The rest of the observers watched, in awe, at this relaxed cat.
He was as confident as Top Dog, Garfield, and Baby King Louie Fat.
Slumbering away, as the gawkers watched him from this dismal alley.
We should move him to a safer space one said. She was removed from the galley.

Leopold opened one eye and told them lessons he would give.
For he knew how to relax, slumber, nap, be sloth like and live.
Some paid him up front, others went on a payment plan.
Your first step is to find a leopard shoe he said. He truly was the man!
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Wild and Mean Rusty

I wouldn't take in any cats that scratch and fret, 
even if they gave me them for free and begged;
wild and mean Rusty was my first and only cat:
I hated when his flaming red hair started to shed.

Man crazy things he did when he was left unattended,
he scratched my couch and torn my leopard pillows;
he made me scream, but he looked at me and meowed
in self-pity and tried to climb my leg with his paws.

The worst thing he has ever done that really made me go mad:
was when he knocked down my pretty Christmas Tree and started to run;
all the golden baubles and musical bells fell off its branches and shattered,
I caught him with swift hands and held him until he calmed down.

The carpet was the scene of a mess, shattered glass on the wrapped toys,
he stood on his legs shaking and quietly stared at me with very soft eyes: 
apoligizing for his bad behavior, for the first time he seemed a different cat;
I picked him up with immense tenderness forgetting he had been such a brat.
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Tiger King Meow and His Wives

Leopard Kitty had the pool to herself.
She sat on the edge, on the cat-loving shelf.
Others saw her there, and tiptoed quickly away.
She looked to be in a vile ugly mood this fine day.

Oh, let’s go on down, Tiger King Meow said.
He was in the mood to swim, in trunks of swim red.
Tigress Cat was unsure, so she feigned a head ache.
She had seen Leopard Kitty’s other side, for goodness sake!

Tiger King Meow and Leopard Kitty got along well.
They swam laps, danced a watusi and told others to go to…..
Made it a daily thing, this little te’te’te of two.
What was the Tigress Cat to do?

She finally joined them, and realized Leopard Kitty was not bad.
She had listened to silly rumors from her mom and granddad.
They were all fast friends now, and there were kittens galore.
They watched each other’s kits while Tiger King shopped at the store.

He brought home the bacon, the salmon and the kibble.
Kept women, which gave the neighbors something to nibble.
But neither cared, for they were living the life they wanted now.
Both dancing the watusi with their husband, Tiger King Meow.
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Off to Kaduna my mind flies,
Off to Zaria my soul first alighted,
Gently ! Gently !! Gently !!!
Echoes the man behind the wheel.
He trudges on day-dreaming
Concerned not about our hues over cries 
His pace was like that of a snoring bush pig.

We yawned , jawed but move up 
Our  faces full of displeasure
The Lagos lady banker took him up
As Alhaja and Alfas added flavour
Can he ever gear up even without bump?
Nothing changes his old leopard nature
I tried spice it up when I woke up
But to the face of him I met no favour
As he shrug off, and belt up
He returned to his snail-crawling seizure.

At the abysmal of his mind
He must be feigning fulfillment
Cat-walking at a speedometer of a tortoise
Fast like an archaic “Loko” train.
To the driver whose forehead reads . . .
And whose lips echoes endlessly
“Its better to be late than to be a late”
For a Life is duplicated not
Nothing is as sweet as cat walking
Snail-pacing in all sojourns.

Alayande Stephen. T
21st ,July, 2006.

En-route my way to an NCP meeting in
Kaduna, the luxurious Marcopolo boarded
Merely cat walked all thorough.

Book: Shattered Sighs