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Rhea Poems - Poems about Rhea

Rhea Poems - Examples of all types of poems about rhea to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for rhea.
Corinna Translations
...CORINNA I come to sing of heroes' and heroines' courageous deeds.—Corinna translation by Michael R. Burch Mount Helicon, father of fair offspring, friend of the wayfarer, beloved of the Muses!—......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, father, friend, hero, rose,
Form: Free verse
The Rhea Family
...There once was a fam’ly named Rhea And no one would say, ”Glad to see ya’” Dear Sebor and Pyor, Ghonor and Diar I surely would not like to be ya’ If one of the......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, family, humor, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Three Cheers To Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis
...Three Cheers To Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis Momma mia man date comb the second Sunday during month of May can be traced back to ancient Greeks and Romans devotional festivals held to honor mot......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, absence, anniversary, appreciation, bereavement,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Deep Speak To Deep
...I stand on top of the big board chair looking at you muttering something privately to yourself over there. I couldn’t figure out what you were saying, I could only read the message on your lips r......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, confidence, conflict, confusion, courage,
Form: Narrative
Inevitable Death Defines Afterlife Trois
...Inevitable death defines afterlife - trois So all I ask, would be inviting, offering, and ushering me to top secret cygnet committee to give this average sized chapped sticky man spinning t......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, absence, allah, analogy, angel,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Dandylion
... "Dandylion" The guy was a Dandylion there was no denying it full of promises and making wishes residing over this new world poetically speaking, he shone ......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, dream, humor, muse, word
Form: Narrative
Botched and Bungled Interpersonal Opportunities Viewed
...Botched and bungled interpersonal opportunities viewed... tonight October 25th, 2022 terrifically summarily requoting poetic outdated iteration, I share the following lines echoing in the......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Three Cheers To Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis
...Momma mia man date comb the second Sunday during month of May can be traced back to ancient Greeks and Romans devotional festivals held to honor mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele setting prec......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, absence, anniversary, beautiful, celebration,
Form: Rhyme
...All shall sing of Attis As the moon of Rhea And not with bells’ thunder And not with a wind flute All shall sing, all shall sing As shepherd of the stars As heaven’s crescent moon Date: ......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, literature, moon, mythology, song,
Form: Pleiades
Premium Member Promise Forgotten
...a few years ago, my brother was visiting me - we don’t live in the same country, so we don't see each other very often. He was so amazed with some of my artwork, and was looking at each and every pie......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, art, i miss you,
Form: Haibun
Three Cheers To Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis
...Momma mia man date comb the second Sunday during month of May can be traced back to ancient Greeks and Romans festivals held to honor mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele setting precedent for Mothe......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, america, appreciation, august, blessing,
Form: Rhyme
The Cure
...Have a great birthday, dear Rhea, The world truly needs God's support; The plague caused mass hysteria, The cure carries joy and comfort. Topic: Birthday of Rhea Nota (March 31)......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, birthday,
Form: Quatrain
...R-abidity's H-orrible E-pidemic A-pplies A-trocity's N-asty G-rime U-sing L-ethal O-utbreak Topic: Birthday of Rhea Angulo (June 17) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Required Hygiene
...R-equired H-ygiene E-rases A-trocious A-ilment N-eatly D-efeating R-abid E-pidemic's S-pread Topic: Birthday of Rhea L. Andres (May 13) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Remarkable Inspiration
...R-egards H-appily E-xpress A-uthor's R-emarkable I-nspiration O-bliterating D-ifficult E-xperience A-nd N-egative D-evelopment Topic: Birthday of Rhea Rio Deang (March 19) Form: V......Read the rest...
Categories: rhea, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

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