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Religions Poems - Poems about Religions

Religions Poems - Examples of all types of poems about religions to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for religions.
Premium Member Easter poem Jesus Lived
Jesus lived, and Jesus died, Jesus laughed, and Jesus cried. Jesus loved, and Jesus felt, Jesus stood, and Jesus knelt. Jesus heard, and Jesus thought, Jesus prayed, and Jesus taught. Jesus healed, and Jesus fed, Jesus preached, and Jesus led. Jesus lived, and Jesus died, Jesus is risen, and He is alive. ...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, christian, christmas, easter, faith,
Form: Rhyme
Give respect, take respect is a saying ...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, 8th grade, high school,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The World Religions
Realization & The World Religions Christianity Petro—Peter means stone Jesus made a pun: Upon this stone I build my church Unto you I give the keys to the Kingdom Hence Peter—The First Pope Jesus “He is my Rock and Salvation” Judaism The Mitzvah—God blesses...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, religious, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Religions Are Like the Oceans
Religions are but oceans and seas. They separate us and yet connect us. Beneath the waters there is land. The land is the throne for all living beings....Read the rest...
Categories: religions, religion, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Who Is Happier
Different generations Different life styles From deficiency to abundance From neglect to care From basic education to higher education From man monopolization to women arising From single income bearers to both parents working From self-raising babies to baby sisters to nurseries Different...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, education, god, happiness, pollution,
Form: Free verse

Fights On Religions
waiting for their turn for the verdict of their gods ~ birds and blossoms laugh 14 January 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, irony, religion,
Form: Haiku
Beyond Religions
Muslims build temples Hindus build mosques for Muslims ~ this is India 14 January 2022...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, life, love, religion,
Form: Haiku
Premium Member Nonpatriarchal Religions
Dogmatic supremacy, loyalty to divinely-inspired causes of a nation or denomination or religion or tribe chosen to be blessed above all others, dismissed and denied full Love Matters significance, Is rather like evangelical capitalism, an anti-ecological colonization, pushing win/lose us or them strategies in which runaway economic competition is right, righteous, sacred...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, earth, health, integrity, patriotic,
Form: Political Verse
Religions and Politics
Politicians preaching now religions Religious souls practicing now politics Politicians in critic of ones in religions Religious in critic of ones in politics In silence innocent masses in between...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, political, religion,
Form: Free verse
All Religions of Same God
Madness is human nature and it’s mixed in the wonderful human system with no one in exemption,it’s scale and magnitude person to person varies,a clue is available just to identify who’s a madman,to say he’s...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, god, religion,
Form: Free verse
Religions To Respect
Some people say Cremations Out of their religion Some people say Cremations In their religion All I have to say Every religion to respect other religions...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, relationship, religion,
Form: Free verse
Religions God Ways
Smoking is an act of prohibition In many religions For many reasons It’s a suicide,Waste,harmful Pollution and so bad Religions are God’s ways Prohibitions to keep away Heaven is a prohibition All violating prohibitions...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, evil, god,
Form: Free verse
The Religions That I See
Religion are words that have never ending meaning, every word is taken and twisted. Every form is taken and used for a human’s advantage. Religion must be known as beauty and haven, but known as force and confusion. Who are...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, allah, creation, education, inspirational,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Gesundheit
I learned acceptance early in life as my household was a little odd My father was German Jewish…my mother Irish Catholic… which meant they prayed to different gods. I was exposed to both religions and the more and...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, god, religion,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Religions of Habit
Religions of habit.. The simplicity Of the Teaching Amazes and brings Skepticism.. is asked Was this not found many eons ago..? A legitimate query From our habitual Reference.. Yet..each of us Might set our habitual Religion aside At any time or place And recognize Under our habits What we...Read the rest...
Categories: religions, encouraging, inspirational, simple,
Form: Blitz

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