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Love Prose Poems

These Love Prose poems are examples of Prose poems about Love. These are the best examples of Prose Love poems written by international poets.

Shadows II
Sitting here in the shadows while trying to contemplate what you are to me is a challenge
More so, whether I am pontificating what I am...

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Categories: absence, grief, judgement,

Silent Suffering
In an invisible body of glass,
Where the brain feels it should strike.
The eyes have its frequent eye wash.
The mouth obliged to keep silent. 
The heart...

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Categories: prose, feelings, pain,

Dying Lights
Every light in me is slowly dying.

I still appreciate warm lights and cobblestone streets, and would love to wander once more in the streets of...

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Categories: death, happiness, light, stress,

Premium Member Poi-Emma
To my sweetest Emma. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore my feelings 
       for you.
I enjoy the polite...

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Categories: heartbreak, longing, romantic, sad

Premium Member Goodbye Nadine
Goodbye Nadine                       ...

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Categories: feelings, girlfriend, goodbye, love

Premium Member By The Stream Ichorous
Even though it was a stolen kiss
You have the most kissable lips
Soft and receptive
And I’m easily verklempt
And though it was only once
All these years this...

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Categories: prose, for her, love hurts,

Premium Member Today’s My Birthday-Oct 7
What shall I tell you about…books piled high, watery eyes, a day burned up, my birthday coming up. Shall I tell you, I have one...

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Categories: age, birthday, books, memory,

Greatest Perpetrator
These past few years, I've tried to find your whereabouts, wishing you would return to my loving arms. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way....

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Categories: feelings, loss, love, missing,

The music was lively.
The young dancer, unable to restrain
herself, stood and shuffled slowly to
the dance floor.  His eyes followed her – 
hopeful, but with...

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© BJ Brewer  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: prose, love, memory, romance, smile,

Crimson Lips
The lights come on at night, and I find myself in the library with others. Each one is doing their objective, and I see you...

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Categories: anxiety, appreciation, emotions, friendship,

Perche Sono Me IV Fire Part 2
Part II.
Aspect one is to treat her right even when she is mistreating you; do not let her change you to be the ******* she...

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Categories: anxiety,

Fire is My Soul
It has been a long time since we have truly embraced. The last embrace we had was two years before our reconnecting. In the past,...

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Categories: anxiety,


Our poetry writing,
Is very therapeutic—
Healing all shared souls:-

Yes, poetry is God’s self-healing therapy;
Penning away depression with inspiration,
Fueled by our poetic words...

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Categories: prose, allegory, analogy, caregiving, devotion,



Loud bombs explode—
It’s war!

Feed war each day;				
Death smiles:-

Pooped bombs,
Swell graves’ bellies;
Death farts:-

In war,
Only death wins;
Peace can’t:-

Love peace,
War is evil—
Crave life:-

The war—					
Fought to get peace;
Lost it:-				

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Categories: allegory, death, extended metaphor,

Timeless destiny
The leaves expose their arteries, 
Through which all summer, only one life has elapsed.
The thirsty Earth penetrates all the stories of their last breath.
it would...

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Categories: prose, adventure, age, autumn, deep,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things