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In Motion Poetry Poems

These In Motion Poetry poems are examples of poetry about In Motion Poetry. These are the best examples of Poetry In Motion poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Haiku in Motion
The speaker of the poetry verse…

tra-la-la happy
or spinning on bicycle
endlessly seething

the poet’s plotting
the speaker’s demise or life
without permission


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Categories: humor, muse, poetry,

Premium Member Posing questions to poetry
A conversation that ends as you sweep through the door
I didn't quite hear, my position unsure
So I'll make idle chit chat on your return
Test the...

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Categories: poetry, anxiety, fun,

abstracted blur
in flashbacks
  in a daydream

  of childhood
filled swathes
of painterly
A  private
in slow motion
  in space

OPEN VERSE using spaces&breaks/no grammatical symbols /relying on 'the...

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Categories: poetry, word play,

Premium Member From a Passionate Swain a Straightforward Declaration of Love Is Made
I love women who gracefully dance
And sweetly sing; and women who 
Avidly read and who brilliantly think;
I love women who love to love—

And who despise...

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Categories: poetry, for her, grandmother, inspiration,

Premium Member Breeze Poetry
Written: April 19, 2024

A whirl in motion.
In a...

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© Sotto Poet  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: analogy, poetry, wind,

The sharp knife of simplicity 
cut a transverse incision through my scalp.
The hands of hope gutted out my psyche,
deconstructed my mind,
and organized it into a...

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Categories: poetry, 12th grade, how i

Ever beating heart
Stones in motion
A valley trembling
I see the notion
An ever ending
Has there been rest
It is still pending
When it arrived
I stopped pretending

I take a breath
The sun is...

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Categories: poetry,

The Song
I hear it on cold clear nights -
the singing.

A vast distance vibrating,
as if violin strings were being stretched,
to reach inside my head,

and there they play...

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Categories: poetry,

Elusive Rambling

Bullets fall silent
against words 
well chosen

Their caliber
— the target on fire

(Villanova University: March, 2024)

Stuck In Gear

not an absolute
The world
is never still

tries to write the law

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Categories: poetry,

The Vessel pt 2 - Leviaethan
The Vessel pt. 2 - Leviæthan

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Categories: poetry, anger, betrayal, dark, dream,

In The End
Awakened by song of long distant voice,
a beam of light cuts the abyss.
Serenades calling, the lost and the falling,
sneaking into lives gone far amiss.

The sound...

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Categories: inspiration, poetry, poets, riddle,

Premium Member Imagination
My mind sets in motion, 
words that will come alive.  
Creativity needs to be added, 
then mix imagination with creativity. 

Coming alive within...

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Categories: poetry, adventure, age, emotions, feelings,

Premium Member In the silence of my thought, the world slides by - a holy library of signs
In the silence of my thought, the world slides by - a holy library of signs,
Each book, a life, each page, a destiny woven in...

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© Dan Enache  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: poetry,

Premium Member Christmas Curtains

It was like smooth operating tools
of a well-oiled machine that was 
providentially placed in motion.

Like the birthing of a one-act play,
The curtains of God opened...

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Categories: poetry, christmas,

Premium Member Minichu
Love is an emotion
An inspiration like no other heart's beating 
In motion 

That’s too fast for
The healer to stop the bleeding 
And more

Joy fills
Moments fleeting...

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© MB Farookh  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: poetry, allusion, emotions, fantasy, happiness,

Book: Shattered Sighs